Transit Saturn Conjunct Uranus 29 Degrees Means?


Well-known member
What happens when Transit Saturn Conjunct Uranus 29 Degrees Means for me as far as an possible situation?

I know Uranus is not only my chart ruler but also I have natal Saturn and Moon conjunct natal Uranus, Opposite natal Mercury, Venus and Chiron.

So it'll be interesting to get some prospective on this transit to discuss and learn about :smile:

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Well-known member
Hello! :smile:

Not at the moment, I don't plan on moving until later 2018 probably around my birthday but I haven't put anything into motion yet
It doesn't matter whether you have put anything into motion yet or not, but you already have it at the back of your mind, and know around when you will move. This aspect quite clearly shows that something in that direction could happen with the planets Uranus aspects in the natal chart.


Well-known member
It doesn't matter whether you have put anything into motion yet or not, but you already have it at the back of your mind, and know around when you will move. This aspect quite clearly shows that something in that direction could happen with the planets Uranus aspects in the natal chart.

That's definitely interesting because I was thinking maybe an love interest would pop up out of nowhere or me losing myself mentally lol but yeah moving is on my mind 2 hours away from my current location