Will we live together this year?!


Well-known member
Hello people!!
Well I made this chart yesterday, and I was a little restrictive in posting here on the forum ... because I have managed to be more in touch with my inner world ... and somehow I know how things will be formed ... and although things are happening quickly outside ... internally I still need some structure to make things manifest.
Anyway ...
The reason for this question, was because my girlfriend has been pressuring me to rent an apartment so that she can move out of her mother's house (because of conflicts that she has had with her mother) ... but she is unable to do it this alone and much less to help me financially to make this change that she wants for us ... I am sympathizing with this idea, because in my work I work as a freelancer, so I can work in any city that I want, but moreover I need some financial basis to be able to do this, I also live 300 km away, I will need to continue meeting my demand in my work here in the interior of the state ... so it would be a kind of "living together" but partially since this rent would have to be in her city and not mine ... but now my path is still confusing for me (mercury is also in a weak position, right ?!) ... so I feel excited to make this change with her, it would be a big step for us (even though I always wanted that kind of commitment, now I need to assume that I feel a chill in my belly that makes me scared of things going well), and I feel internally that I need to throughout the year to plan better the situation since I will need to be responsible for financially providing all this big change and everything that includes expenses, because I know that it would not be just a change but all the bills under my responsibility.
And of course I'm concerned about the neptune there in the descendant and chiron too.
also the moon is in a weak position too, right !?
I would like to know if I am really consistent with my insides on this question .. because I feel that this change can happen, but it would not be as fast as we would like it to be...
What do you see additional ?!


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Well-known member
You are mercury who has just moved into its fall, your GF is also in her fall and yes as you've pointed out there is Neptune there on the Descendant. Moon is also applying to conjunct the dragon's tail, which is most unfortunate. So far I'm seeing no clear thoughts regarding doing this living together, it looks like your GF will be hyping the situation up more, which will have you a feeling of being backed into a corner.

The most problematic planet here is mars, Mars rules your GF 2nd house of finances, yes mars is exalted, I see this as your GF pushing her lack of finances to be able to do this alone, on to you.

Having the dragons tail in the 4th house with the moon is not positive, this would be some kind of sacrifice, something you lose, so even if you did move in together it would be a bittersweet situation. If we look at what the moon rules it's your 11th house of network and friends, so you could be jeopardizing friendships and also any kind of network you have, which could be to do with your work, to do this move for your GF.


Well-known member
Geez, thank you very much!!
Yes, some things happened already, currently she is a little upset with me ... since last Friday, the day she pressed me and I spoke the truth about the situation !!
She wants me to rent the apartment and keep all expenses without her help ... she doesn't think about the responsibility of making a change like this ... I had to impose myself in the situation and she didn't like it of my attitude ... because she wants me to do it for her, without thinking that I have my own responsibilities .... and I made it clear to her that without security in doing this, I will not do it ... it generated a discussion and she put the situation as if I didn’t want to help her. I pointed out all my responsibilities and even more the economic moment in the world when nobody knows what is really going to happen. We ended the discussion with her by stating that she will do it alone .... and that worries me, because I know she is impulsive and will put herself in a situation that I will need to "save her" because she will not be able to do it this alone ... and if she can do that, she will come and ask me for help.
She isn't a rational person ... and I have serious factual assumptions that she may have some mental disorder ... she is like a child when she wants something, throws a tantrum and takes her way ... without thinking about the consequences ... In our discussion, she pointed out that there are people who could give me a guarantee to rent the apartment ... but what she doesn't understand is that this is definitely not the time to do that. I cannot accept people to approve me to complete the rent, since I don't know what my financial future will be like and knowing that I don't have the security necessary to take this step now. I pointed out and argued all the responsibilities that I would have, I said that I am not prepared to do that now, I pointed out all the consequences that we would have, but she doesn't understand my point.
I feel that she can put me in a difficult situation, if she takes her own path alone, she will not be able to stand alone .... and like you said, she can put me in a position that I will feel being backed up into a corner.
I am asking spirituality to make her aware, so that she doesn't do stupid things and puts her at risk ... and gives her wisdom to endure difficult times and wait for the opportune moment to make changes.
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