Do you have a strong Moon?


Well-known member
I always hear people say "if the Moon is strong.." and I'm just wondering what does that even mean? All trines? Moon in cancer? Don't squares build character? I'm confused.

So, how's your Moon?


Well-known member
I have an Aquarius moon conjunct sun (Feb 15, 1980) with a Cancer rising, the moon's ruling sign. This should give me a strong lunar influence in my chart.


Staff member
The more strengthening factors a planet has, the stronger it is. Strengthening factors include:

- Rules the ascendant. So if Cancer is the rising sign, that give strength to Moon.

- Is angular--that is, conjunct the AC or MC, or the DC or IC, or in one of the angular houses (first, fourth, seventh, or tenth)

- Aspects the sun or moon. If we're talking about Moon, it doesn't aspect itself, so Sun. Can be any kind of aspect, although trines are especially strengthening for this purpose.

- Is in its sign of domicile or exaltation. Moon is strengthened when in Cancer (domicile) or Taurus (exaltation).

- Is in its house of joy. For Moon, that's the third.

- Is a singleton. If Moon is the only planet in its quadrant of the chart, or the only one on the right side or the left side, or the only one above or the only one below the horizon, it's a singleton. It's strong then because it's managing that entire section of the chart, even if it doesn't have any of the other placements listed above.

- Is the focal planet of an aspect pattern. If Moon is the squaring planet in a t-square, the head of a kite, or the apex of a grand sextile, it's a commanding force among the planets in that aspect.

- Is part of a stellium.

You see, there are lots of ways someone's Moon could be strong. The more of those ways it is strong, the stronger we consider it.

But even without those factors, Moon is one of the most important pieces of the chart. In that light, everyone has a strong Moon.

Personally, I don't have much in the way of those strengthening factors, except that my Moon is part of a grand trine that also includes my Sun. So in that way, it's strong.