Personal planets in 12th and 1st House


Active member
What could be made of these aspects?
Also, what could be a good career for me?


Well-known member
Well, we cannot ignore that Mercury, sitting on the Aries Ascendant—he will be prominent in your career path. You are highly intelligent, quick, perceptive and people see that about you immediately.

That type of mercurial energy, and the ability to think quickly on your feet, speak extemporaneously, and have data at your fingertips will be an asset in most occupations.You excel at communication.

The sextile to Saturn in Aquarius, exalted and at home in the 11th is another positive mental attribute. You would be welcome in a non profit charity organisation and excel in a humanitarian organisation or as a community organiser.

The question is, how will that square to the 1oth house conjunction of Uranus/Neptune play out? It is in Cap and in the 10th, so it seems like you feel pulled in opposite directions in terms of career choices. It may be very hard for you to focus on one thing and make that commitment. Uranus can be fickle, and changes course quickly with so many new opportunities which arise. And Neptune can add some confusion and make it hard to decide which way to go.

You could be very successful at any job you commit to. But making that final commitment might be the hardest task?

You may lose interest quickly and make some impulsive decisions, which is exciting but sets you back sometimes?