Moods and emotions

What placements would indicate a person would be very moody. I am thinking it would be mostly water signs. I have a lot of water in my chart and the Moon is Conjunct my Asc ruler Mercury. Both are in Pisces. I can have very changeable moods through out the day.

Or maybe strong afflictions to the Moon which would affect your emotions. I can be a bit of sulker when things don't go my way, but it very rarely lasts long probably because I have forgotten what I was sulking about (heavy Pisces :D )

I have some articles I collected on the Moon I will have to go and read them as I haven't read them through yet. I will post any interesting articles/information here.


Well-known member
Hello Shining Ray!

I'm very interesting about knowing what planetary positions and aspects would cause a person to be moody,cause I consider myself a very moody person as well;I change my mood all the time for no specific reason.But your theory about water signs fails with me-I only have to planets in water,which are the Sun in26ºPisces and Pluto in20ºScorpio.But my Moon in 5ºAries conjuncts my Mercury(9ºAries),both squaring Uranus in13ºCapricorn and my Ascedant/Descendant(my ascendant is 4ºCapricorn).My Jupiter in3ºLeo also opposes my Saturn in3ºAquarius.Maybe that's where all the moodiness comes from(well,I'm not sure).

I'll be waiting for your next posts in order to know more about the subject ;)

All the best


Well-known member
I take it as a pisceans need to be in a state of grace. we absorb other's and our own woes and we also have efficient methods of dissolving the woes so they don't weigh us down, pull us under.
i am finding a lot of support to this: where there is apparent weakness, there is actually incredible strength and vice versa, where there is apparent strength, there is actual weakness.
Hi Lissa,

It could well be your Moon square Uranus for changes (Uranus) in Mood (Moon). The Moon in Aries would probably react very quickly to emotions/upsets hurts. If you leave your chart details or post your chart I would be interested to see it. I will read up on your placement and get back to you.

Hi 2rainbows yes pisceans absorb emotions, so it is not good for us to be around too many negative people unless we can build a strong barrier around ourselves.

I was thinking about this subject when I was thinking about my siblings. I have a Pisces Moon the sensitive over emotional one of the family who had a lot of troubles (emotional dramas) my sister is an Aries Moon she had a terrible temper. My other brother had a Scorpio Moon he was secretive and stayed in his room all day he only showed up at meal times. My oldest brother has a Libra Moon and he was probably the most balanced but he hides a lot also he has a Pluto/Moon aspect if I remember right. So I guess to get a full picture of your emotions you would have to blend sign/house and aspects.

P.S I looked for all my Moon articles and they have vanished. I have good descriptions for the house positions of the Moon so I will post them later. Hopefully I will find the stuff I saved.


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You don't know how much thankfull I am for your help!Thanks a LOT.I've always wanted to know what really causes my moodiness.
So,here's my chart:


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Though close in age, I have a sister and an older and younger brother. i do not get into all their sign placements, intuition is enough for me.


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When you say"synchronicities",what exacly do you mean?
I'm not sure if your post was for me so,if it wasn't,simply ignore this:p .

All the best

Arian Maverick

Well-known member
When you say"synchronicities",what exacly do you mean?

My Virgo South Node cannot help but offer a textbook definition for this one! :p


Synchronicity is a word coined by the Swiss psychologist Carl Jung to describe the "temporally coincident occurrences of acausal events." Jung spoke of synchronicity as an "acausal connecting principle" (i.e. a pattern of connection that cannot be explained by direct causality). Cause-and-effect, in Jung's mind, seemed to have nothing to do with it.

Plainly put, it is the experience of two or more occurrences (beyond coincidentally) in a manner that is logically meaningful- but inexplicable- to the person or persons experiencing them. Such events would also have to suggest an underlying pattern in order to satisfy the definition of synchronicity as developed by Jung.

It differs from mere coincidence in that synchronicity implies not just a happenstance, but an underlying pattern or dynamic that is being expressed through meaningful relationships or events.

It was a principle that Jung felt encompassed his concepts of archetypes and the collective unconscious , in that it was descriptive of a governing dynamic that underlay the whole of human experience and history — social, emotional, psychological, and spiritual.

Jung believed that many experiences perceived as coincidence were due not merely to chance, but instead, suggested the manifestation of parallel events or circumstances reflecting this governing dynamic.

One of Jung's favourite quotes on Synchronicity was from Through the Looking-Glass by Lewis Carroll, in which the White Queen says to Alice: "It's a poor sort of memory that only works backwards".

Arian Maverick

Arian Maverick

Well-known member
I do not know much about karmic astrology, but I believe your Cancer South Node conjunct Chiron in Cancer may indicate deep emotional wounds in your psyche from your relationships with other people (seventh house). I believe the Sabian symbol for the degree of your South Node also supports this idea:

A FURIOUS STORM RAGES THROUGH A RESIDENTIAL CANYON Intensification of elements necessary to arouse latent possibilities. Rising to the occasion. A descent of cosmic power.
___*When positive, the degree is an enlistment of every resource in life for a heightened expression of self, and when negative, fatuous enjoyment of turmoil.

I believe I also read in another post that you also have difficulty being around friends, which may be symbolized by Pluto in Scorpio conjunct your eleventh house cusp--also the modern ruler of your eleventh house cusp.

Although some astrologers would not consider Venus in Aries to be the apex of a T-square formed by an opposition between first house Saturn in Aquarius and seventh house Jupiter in Leo due to the fact that Aquarius and Leo are fixed signs and Aries is a cardinal sign, I believe the disassociate squares Venus (weak by sign) receives from these two planets is significant, as Venus is conjunct your Nadir (the traditional house of Cancer if you follow the zodiacal alphabet). Like me, you have a mutual reception between Mercury in Aries and Mars in Gemini. I find it very interesting that Mars rules your Nadir, yet the planet Venus is tightly conjunct this angle. This seems to indicate some instability of sort, perhaps one that is caused by such unlike energies being grouped together.

I apologize for these random observations, which may or may not have anything to do with your original question...

Arian Maverick
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Hi Lissa,

With the Moon in Aries - You have a very strong need to be independent, what you want is all important to you. Your emotions can be turbulent. You have learned to be a person who can assert herself. Your needs are powerful and can be demanding.

Your Moon is stressed by Uranus so there is a drive for expression of emotional needs. You need to learn to become more cool and detached about your needs and feelings. You can be prone to violent mood swings and this is caused by you being wrapped up in your emotions one moment, and then being aloof the next. You can go between extremes of needing and then not needing. You may feel stressed trying to maintain emotional stability.

You have a need to be independent within your routine activities and your intellectual endeavors but with the stressed aspect from Uranus in Capricorn 1st your unique individuality needs structure within the personality.

Also off topic ;) Workwise: The Moon in the 3rd can have interests in counselling, to being a shopkeeper, writer. Moon Conjunct Mercury can be interested in psychology (I have this aspect and I am interested in Psychology also :) )

You come across as very unique with Uranus in the 1st this is a good placement also for an interest in psychology, astrology, Science and technology because you can be a very inventive personality. A lot of your self expression comes through intellectual pursuits as you have your luminaries in the 3rd with Mercury with trines to Jupiter in Leo.

You have Chiron in Cancer in the 7th so you may be wounded emotionally. Healing can come through emotional detachment and nurturing yourself looking after your own needs. Your Venus in 4th is squaring the south node Cancer/chiron. You really have to try and express this energy positively and focus on healing your pain. One of your lessons maybe learning to evolve through relationships and if there are negative relationship patterns this can hold back your evoloutionary growth.(you are still young so relationship issues may not matter to you yet.)

You have your Sun in the sensitive sign of Pisces so you need to learn boundaries to protect yourself.

Saturn in Aquarius you may feel like a bit of an outsider in society you need to learn to find contact with humanity at a deeper level.

Learn to carry your tasks out with competence and confidence and try to control excessive emotionality (SN Cancer) you have to learn to live for yourself.

You need to develop the self unselfishly and develop inner and outer authority you are moving into the world of self sufficiency and achievement once you find a secure place in the world you will develop spiritual strength.


Well-known member
I can't help but saying that moodiness is a bit a prominent trait of ppl who are adolescent, puber or young
With eldering, your mood or mood swings stabilize...
I will gladly accept it, cause well... My mood swings like a tornado from time to time

I have 5 planets in water and a South Node (Sun, Mars & Mercury in Cancer, Pluto, Saturn and SN in Scorpio)

I can see the highest mountain and the deepest valley in one hour... But i learnt to accept it as a part of me, and as by wonder, my extreme moodiness passed over... I still have moments, but that's me

Cause i have a Virgo Rising and Moon, it can be controlled and hidden from others... It's all in me, i don't out it much...


Well-known member
Hi there everyone!
I'm never at the computer at night,so I only read all your responses now(it's about2PM).Actually,Shining Ray and Arian Maverick said some really interesting things and I really apreciated your help.Anyway,I was wondering if a Grand Trine with Sun(26ºPisces),Pluto(20ºScorpio)and South Node(26ºCancer)/Chiron(24ºCancer,I believe)wouldn't help soften things a little bit?(Is it even possible for the South Node to be a Grand Trine? :S)

Thanks a lot! :D

Have a great2007!
Hey it's not all doom and gloom we all have stresses in our charts, I emphasised the stressed parts in your chart because you wanted to see why your emotions were changeable. (you want to see my chart stressed on Neptune mostly.) Trines do offer ease from the more stressed aspects. I am not moody or stressed all the time there is the same amount of happiness as there is sad times. I think we would all crack up if we had no relief from our stress.

Aspects are just aspects at the end of the day, It all depends on how you are using the energy.

P.S I have Neptune in a T.Square with my Nodes and I count it as a T.square although there are others on the forum who will differ from this view.


Well-known member
Hey everyone,

This post is getting kinda old but i thought i would contribute my 2 cents since i am a very moody person as well. My chart does have alot of water, even though my neptune/venus are in earth signs the mars trine neptune very close gives me emotional intensity.

Also afflictions from moon to uranus can cause erratic emotions

It seems a good amount of unrealized psychic/intiutional potential can cause people confusion with thier physical and emotional reactions to things that you cannot see as i have experienced. Sometimes i have emotions that i cant decribe and have no logical reason to be occuring considering my life, and then i go home and feel fine. Heavy pisces (especially moon/mercury) can make you a psychic sponge absorbing, unconciously, the emotional energies of others and maybe even lost spirits. Especially with alot of aspects to neptune as well. The main thing with being moody is uranus afflicting emotional planets.

Us pisces, and other water signs, have to learn to discriminate between our own emotions and those of others (something i really need to work on lol).


Well-known member
Pisces are Moody, I agree, sun here at 24 degrees and a grand water trine.

Plus the moon square Uranus.

Cancer is moody as well. Have known many cancer moons. so, I am speaking from knowing them. Pisces moons are a different moody. Scorpios have a even different mood. More darker.

It seems that moodiness can be described in many different ways. Grouchy, irritable, sad, meloncholoy. Some people like the state of meloncholy, which is different than hopeless depression.

Then the chatty chirping mood.
Many Many moods, let me count the ways I love them all.

Soul Friend

Well-known member
Too, keep an eye on the Mutable planets and houses as well as where mutable signs overlay specific houses. This can attract fluctuations of mood as well.


Well-known member
Definately moodiness is connected to the MOON!
I am thinking any connection between moon & mars or moon in aries or mars in cancer.