I have hiv?


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I've used the Lot of disease for this. This is posited @ Libra 16, ruler Venus. Venus is strong on the MC and square Neptune strong on the DC. So yes id say you do have some kind of disease.

Venus in Libra and Moon is in Scorpio, i think shows this could be an STD, but I'm not an expert in medical astrology so i wouldn't like to say. Especially to go as extreme as saying you could have HIV.

Do you think you've been exposed to someone with an STD?


Well-known member

So firstly, if there is even the slightest suspicion that you could have contracted something, please do not 'indulge' in any kind of intimate activity with anyone. You should try and get test done as soon as you are able to. If you develop any kind of rash, inflammation/redness, fever or swelling in any part of your body, please go to the doctor and tell them what you suspect and the signs you are facing.

This is an Astrology reading and in no way compensates for proper medical advice. The Moon, luckily is not in its detriment or fall, which is a good sign. However, it's last aspect was an opposition to Venus in the 8th, which is not good. The Moon translates from Venus in the 8th (diseases) to Mars (your significator and that of the 6th house). However, the aspect from Moon to Mars is a sextile and Mars is about to change sign in 3 units, so I am thinking in 3 weeks/months time, you should be able to do much better. What I do not like is that Mars is in a fixed sign, which shows something might still linger inside you. Hence I would advise all necessary precautions going forward like protected sex only and more self control. Good luck


Well-known member

I will look at your natal carefully.

Can you take 15 mins and carefully think back as to what happened in Nov-Dec 2014 and then also Dec 2015?


Well-known member

I asked about the specific months of Nov-Dec in these two specific years, not because you might had had or not had relationships, but because I am trying to look at the periods you might have had infections and already felt those.

In 2014, I was depressed and with mood problems, I didn't take care of myself in any way, in short, a depression was consuming me, probably between December and November, I was also in the same vibe.

I didn't have sex during that time.
The weak natal Moon was inflicted by Saturn and had in turn activated all the 12th house planets by a square. 12th house is hospital treatment.

In 2015, the depression continued, but I started treatment. During that time, I had problems with vaginal infection again. The doctor said it was just a bacterium, which healed quickly. But I'm not sure if it was next December.

In 2015, I spent half the year in hospitals, both in mental health and in physical problems, those things.

I have few memories of 2014 and 2015. But I remember that it was one of the worst years.
Saturn sat on the Midheaven point and from there activated natal Saturn (Sat-Sat opposition) and natal Mars and Venus. Venus rules your 8th house of infectious diseases.

I would suggest you try to kindly go for a blood and urine test as soon as you can get that done. Also, try to avoid eating meat altogether. Stick to vegetable, fruit and nuts.

You have a weak Moon, in Sco, so your private parts are susceptible to certain infections, especially as Venus of 8th house, in the 12th is squared by Moon. Neptune on the Sun or Asc. ruler further weakens the physical constitution.