Is the wound infected?


Well-known member
I`ve had a minor surgery involving subcutenous tissue on my trunk.
The surgery was performed on July 19th. And YES, I was aware of the eclipse season, but I had no other choice, e.g. outside circumstances and people caused serious delays . The goal of the surgery was removal of an issue I`ve been trying to deal with for almost three years and without success. Right after the surgery it seemed that everything was going to be alright and I finally would reach my goal.
Unfortunately, after the removal of the stiches the incision had opened by itself and the surgeon refused to take care of it again, when I came to him again on Friday, July 27th (just hours before the lunar eclipse in my location).

The wound doesn`t heal and yesterday the whole area got seriously swollen, painful and the skin over it looks inflamed (red and hot).

I asked if the wound was infected. I know, that it might get worse and possibly cause serious health complications, including generalized infection:pinched:. But I`m not sure about seeking medical help today, because of overflooding of the hospitals in the weekends etc. :unsure:.

My signif. is Mars, retrograde and peregrine = weak and helpless. Mars is also 6th ruler annd signifies health problem = recurring and difficult to address (?:unsure:).
Mars is receiving out-of-sign trine from Venus, ruler of 7th and 12th houses. Venus is a benefic, but in currently in fall and a received trine from her being 12th ruler doesn`t make me hopeful.

Moon is exalted on DC and applying unreceived opposition to Jupiter, while separating from trine to Saturn. Right after perfecting oppossition to Jupiter Moon is about to square Sun. No reception here, either.
I`m not sure what Jupiter on AC signifies (if anything) in given context. Yet, Saturn here wouldn`t make me too optimistic.

Healing is MC ruler, Sun, very strong essentially and dignified in his sign and house of joy.
Yet, Mars isn`t going to aspect Sun anytime soon and currently is in the sign of Sun`s detriment.

My intuition is that I really need to take care of the issue asap, but I`m reluctant, anyway.

Could anybody help me with this, please?


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Well-known member
Well, Mars rules inflammations and infections. So there you go.
Thank you. The situation has got worse within just hours and the pain is hardly bearable right now. I also have a temperature, so I`m pretty sure it`s an infection.

Mars is going to enter Capricorn soon, does it mean that the infection is going to get worse? or better?


Well-known member
Thank you. The situation has got worse within just hours and the pain is hardly bearable right now. I also have a temperature, so I`m pretty sure it`s an infection.

Mars is going to enter Capricorn soon, does it mean that the infection is going to get worse? or better?
Well, then you better have that taken care of again.

Mars would gain essential dignity but accidental dignity would remain the same, i.e. Mars still retrograde and actually slowing down and approaching 2nd station. Which would indicate a worsening of your situation.

Also, from a psychosomatic perspective, Mars relates to natural aggression. Natural aggression not properly expressed can show up as inflammation or infections in the body where it is then expressed in improper ways. Does that maybe ring a bell?


Well-known member
You were right - my health deteriorated. I had breast abscess. The wound I asked about didn`t play any role in the development of the infalmmation and the abscess. I was just confused because of it .
Yeah, Mercury was retrograde in my 12th house, and Mars (ruler of 3rd+8th) rx in my 6th, so I expected something unpleasant concerning my health, but not this! I guess both Solar eclipse on 11th (exactly opposite my 6th hs Moon) and South Node (transiting my 6th) just powered these transits with their energy.

I had to be admitted to a hospital on 9th and released on 20th. I had two sugeries under general anesthesia.
During my hospital stay I received two intravenous antibiotics and an antifungal drug three times a day. I was very, very sick, but lucky, because I could have lost my breast, because the inflammation caused necrosis and some of the necrotic tissues had to be removed during the second surgery.


Well-known member
Thanks for your update. I'm glad to hear you are doing better. Yes, 2nd station is the most serious. Once you're past that it can only get better. Breasts are ruled by the Moon. And interestingly, the Moon is in your 6th house and was just passing over Uranus.


Well-known member
Thank you.
Yes, indeed, Mars rertograde periods are really terrible sometimes.

Last time Mars retrograded while ttransiting my 4th house along with Saturn and hitting my natal Mars.

Within just hours from my 2nd Mars Return (retrograde return) in 2016 my beloved child died.

Interestingly, I was infected by the very same bacterial strain (Staphyloccocus Aureus) that killed my son :devil: