Military Service


When should my brother apply and to what military branch should he apply to in order to do his mandatory military service?
This is the exact question that I asked when I drew the chart.

Here is my take.
The ruler of the 3rd house (sibling, Sagittarius) is Jupiter, which is in the first house. This means that matters related to my brother are on the querent(my)'s mind. Jupiter is sextile with most of the planets. I think this means different military branches that are available.

The reason I ask this question is because my brother was rejected to the military branches he applied to, and he doesn't have many options or time left. He wants air force or mandatory police.

I also notice that Saturn is sextiling Jupiter (the graph shows inaccurately because of lack of space), and Moon and Venus are combust.

Should I take 10th house(job) for military service? Or some other house? It is mandatory, you are confined within the troop and cannot get out, which is why maybe I should consider prison, but I don't know which house stands for prison.

If I take 10th house for military service, then 10th from 3rd is 12th house (my brother's military service), which is signified by Venus. Venus is combust, so my brother will not have an easy time going to the military branch he wants. However, there are still doors open, shown by the many sextiles Jupiter forms. The question is "When," and this is where my horary skills are not accurate enough.

1. What house should signify air force?
2. What house should signify police force?

Also, is it possible to see whether my brother will be okay and not get hurt during the military service from this chart, or is this a completely new chart?

Thanks for reading a long post, appreciate any input.


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