Astrological Talismans


Well-known member
Anyone have any experience with these objects?

Do they work?

dr. farr

Well-known member
Yes to both questions, from my experience, but I won't go more into than that (sorry)
The site Renaissance Astrology has a great deal of information regarding this subject as well as having books available for further study, and I can endorse most of the information and instructions on that site.


Well-known member
Yes, that's the site I'm looking at buying the talismans from, and I have Picatrix sitting right here. The talismans match up, I'm not worried about the authenticity of his work.

What I'm worried about is whether or not they actually work. Thanks for the reply, dr. farr.

I'm really thinking about getting one, just to see how it works. I mean, heck, I believe in astrology as it is, why not believe in magical pieces of silver? XD

dr. farr

Well-known member
Remember this: YOU YOURSELF MUST CHARGE the talisman, for it to be effective; yes, the talisman might have been made at the proper astrological hours, proper timing, of the proper symbolism, even with proper accompanying actions during its manufacture, but unless you yourself created it, it will NOT "work" for you (in your field) UNLESS you charge it ("consecrate" it) YOURSELF for YOU, at the appropriate astrological time.

Unless PERSONALIZED, even properly made talismans are merely "good luck" pieces at best...


Well-known member
Personally, I would make (and have made) my own. Israel Regardie put out a short book in 1972 called "How To Make and Use Talismans," which also covers charging them. Chapter 7 of Robin Skelton's 1985 book "Talismanic Magic" discusses simple atrological talismans, Chapter 8 covers more complex "kabbalistic" versions, and Chapter 9 addresses consecration of talismans. The materials are simple, and it isn't difficult - following the guidance - to come up with a set of planetary talismans, one for each day of the week for your personal use (I don't see anything beyond the classical seven planets, but then I haven't looked).

dr. farr

Well-known member
I certainly can agree about the value of the Regardie book recommended above; I heartily recommend Nick Farrell's book, ""Making Talismans: Living Entities of Power", and I would also suggest a study of Nigel Jackson's "Celestial Magic: Principles and Practices of the Talismanic Art".
(All of these books are readily available from Amazon Books)
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