Natal Moon Cycle



I've never really heard this being discussed very often, but the topic entered my mind this morning. The moon and it's cycles has been particularly prominent in my thoughts due to the new moon in Aries taking place over the weekend.

Anyway, a lot of attention is often paid to the placement of the moon at birth and the phase of the moon at birth; crescent, first quarter, full and so forth. But what about "Natal Moon Cycle?" I believe that there's a significant difference between being, for example, an Aries born during a Pisces moon cycle and an Aries born during an Aries moon cycle.

What moon cycle were you born under and how do you feel it affects you?

At the point of your birth what was the most recent new moon? Was that new moon the in the same sign as your sun placement?

I was born during a Capricorn moon cycle and I also have a natal Capricorn moon which is balsamic in my chart, as it was just prior to the new moon in Aquarius.