will I get share in my Dads property


Well-known member
Will I get share in my father’s property? He passed away on nov 20, 06.
I have a younger brother and sister who are the other heirs. My brother lived with my father. I lived away all my life due to my work and life. I donot have a mother. Most likely there is a will which I donot have any details for.

Date of the question November 27, 2006
Time is 20.03
Place of question is Ahmedabad India 23N03 72E40
GMT +6 ½ ( winter time)

The Chart below is according to Indian Vedic Chart system. from what I am reading around on these pages, there must be difference of -23 degrees.

Gemini ascendant 13.13 degrees
Leo Saturn 1 d and south node 28D
Libra Mercury 21.38 D
Scorpio Mars 0 / sun 11.15 / Jupiter 7 D / venus 18.57
Aquarius Moon 2.41 /Rahu 28D

I feel as if it will have hurdles since all good planets are placed in the 6th. Only positive sign I feel is Mercury is in the 5th and moon is also in trine to the ascendant(will the south node enhance the luck factor?)
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Well-known member

You have found your post in the 'Recycle Bin' because you need to provide more background information as to the circumstances surrounding the question. It is most helpful for any interpreter to know how likely it is that you will inherit a share in the property, as this may have a significant bearing in the interpretation.

The more background detail you provide as to the circumstances surrounding this situation, the more information any interpreter is likely to be able to extract from the chart.

For example, why may you obtain or not obtain a share in this property? Who else would the property be shared with? Is a will involved? What other information could you add that is relevant to the situation?

The more detail you can elucidate upon, the more fulfilling a horary this will be for yourself, those who interpret and those who read the thread.

If you amend the post, I will put it back into it's appropriate place.


Well-known member
Thanks. believe me this is all I know about my father's will. It is difficult to believe this, but that shows you what I know about my family.
I always was called to spend money and go to visit, go when he was hosptalised etc, but now that the time has come to get the goodies-I dont know.
Tell me if I will get anything at all.