Why was this customer hostile to me?


Well-known member

My signifier mars in Virgo in sixth showing me to be at work, cosignifier moon in second making money, both disposed of by mercury in detriment in ninth his third, he was mad over a phone call with me, came in aggressive. His signifiers Venus in 11th quincux mars, Saturn in exaltation in his 1 st, he is older than me, disposed of by Venus, he's strong? Venus in Aquarius, mutual reception as saturn rules aq in hoary, Venus in his fifth, having fun with me? Any more interpretation ?

I'm sorry, my moon in Taurus disposed of by Venus. On another site it was Gemini moon but I put the same time in. I wonder if I am using the correct time selection on astro
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Well-known member
The Moon oppose Mercury and the Moon also in the third and a detrimented Mercury ruling the third. A severe breakdown in communication. The customer did not understand you and you were unable to communicate clearly to him for whatever reason. In any case, there was a lack of clarity and rapport going on.

Also, Saturn in the 7th house of the customer, an older person who expected more or a lot and was very particular with things but also a person who though a great deal of themselves and possibly because they are well-heeled they expected better treatment.

I hope you feel better now that all that has past.

Best Wishes,
