Synergizing the Energies of the North and South Nodes into Career/Life Success


Well-known member
First, I should make a distinction that success in bringing these energies together doesn't necessarily have to come through Career, and people's definitions of success varies. But, I've been thinking about my own nodal placements very seriously recently, and I've been obsessively thinking about how they interplay in my life--I feel they've caused some issues to rise to the surface and my neglect in retreating back to my daydreaming, passive South Node (in Pisces) ways has begun to cause detriment to actualizing any creative potential in a productive manner (see N. Node in Virgo). I'm aware that there other aspects in my chart that speak to these struggles (see combust Saturn in Aries influenced by singleton Mars in Taurus, in close degree square Neptune).

While this is a general thread in discussing this topic, I'm also curious if anyone has any further insight on my own career/vocational potential and how I can reconcile my desire to pursue the Piscean domain (music, writing, all other creative things but especially music), and my purpose in striving for organization, being methodical, and productive (these things don't come as naturally but I feel most rewarded when I work on this part of my life). I'm 19, and I've felt aimless about direction, until recently when I realized that I must pursue my creative inclination in some way otherwise I feel very dissatisfied. I also see my creative pursuits as a sort of escape from my mundane life, but they very quickly have become some of the only things I want to do, so I can't tell if my creative desires are in line with what I SHOULD be doing, or if they're just me wanting make my escapism a part of my life. I want to strive for the Virgoan energy that'll bring the fulfillment and positivity I need, but the S. Node tugs and tugs...

I mention the arts specifically because I've felt a strong pull to pursue my desire to create/compose music (which I think balances the technical/creative aspects of my nodal placements) as well as pursue seriosuly writing and submitting pieces to publications, and potentially starting my own magazine/publishing/ some sort of creative company (very distant dream I've only recently starting considering), but I've neglected these desires for so long (was very serious about them when I was 13-15) because I've been discouraged--now, I've started to realize again my love and inclination toward these things and want to CREATE the stuff that's been jumping around in my head recently (despite my hesitation and my fear of failure).

I write this with particular exigency, as I'm in my 2nd year of college, and feeling very doubtful about direction (currently prospectively majoring in Anthropology, but want to incorporate music somehow) , despite constantly obsessing over career and prospects of success in my life, even though I'm not doing as well in school as I once have and been more apathetic/depressed in general. I have an extreme desire to do very well in what I set out to do, so I try to pick my battles wisely, which makes me seem that I'm not so productive ( singleton Mars in Taurus square Neptune?). I am an all or nothing person in many ways, and I need some validation that what my desires in creating music/writing are deserve to be very seriously focused on to actualize my chart potential. I should mention also that my hesitations come from a place fear to live up to the expectation that others (my parents) have of my doing more practical, academic work that'll be more guarantee of money making.

I ask this with openness and flexibility-- I'm open to hearing others' career suggestions and want some more perspective. If both music/writing aren't my calling (though I've noticed a talent and constant desire to create and obsess over it since a young age) to succeed in life, so be it--but I desire to know so I can decide my major/focus and chase my dreams ruthlessly. I also know that I want to do varied things in my career, and I want to pursue something that'll give me the space to be creative, experience life and engage/help others in someway, but also enable me to be innovative in some capacity on my own terms, and be recognized for it. I've vacillated between going to law school and pursuing some form of academia but I feel I'll get bored if I'm not carving my own path to an extent--I know that I want to start my own company/institution, and simultaneously create and pursue my passions while enabling others to do the same.

To sum up: my question is, Given what I've shared about myself thus far, how would my talents (from my natal chart and my nodal placements) be best utilized to gain the success and recognition that I so intensely desire and where/what realm of work would they best be expressed in, and can I align my desire to compose music/write stories with success in a field, or should I look to a different career?




Transits Chart:
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Well-known member
This is an annoyingly long post, but I've just iterated some things that have been on my mind for weeks now, so sorry for people having to witness my thought process/ me ramble on.

I also should note that my interest in writing isn't necessarily solely fiction! I've been a part of some racial justice activism in my college, and have gained a lot in writing about these issues, but I also find a lot of joy in writing fictional stories/poetry/personal essays and prose (I have neglected to do this seriously the past few years but the desire has resurfaced, same with composing).

Also, I have other (quite a few) interests in Academia, government work, etc., but I feel really excited and feel the fulfillment of transcendence and beauty when I engage with my creativity (music/writing).
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Hi Surreal,
your horoscope picture has expired,
if you let me know your accurate birth time and place, I'll do your vocational reading; private message is fine, too.


Well-known member
Didn't realize that, sorry!
Thanks so much for the response.


If the image I tried to attatch doesn't upload, my birth info is as follows:

3:00 am (I highly suspect this is not exact, but I identify with my ascendant, at least, though my actual degrees might vary)
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
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