Help with my Solar Return


Well-known member
I am not too familiar with solar return interpretations, but I'd love to hear and simultaneously learn about mine. Any interesting or significant (positive/negative) solar returns for me happening in my chart? I guess I'd like to see if there's going to be anything good happening in my relationship front, but not limited to that obviously. If you see anything good or bad about my progressions too, please let me know! Id like to get an overall feel of what is happening to me and what's coming up. I need changes in life majorly )) Thank you.



Well-known member
Anyone knows how to read solar arcs please? I'd really love to not only learn how to interpret the basics, but also find out anything extraordinary from my current/upcoming arcs?


Well-known member
I am not too familiar with solar return interpretations, but I'd love to hear and simultaneously learn about mine. Any interesting or significant (positive/negative) solar returns for me happening in my chart? I guess I'd like to see if there's going to be anything good happening in my relationship front, but not limited to that obviously. If you see anything good or bad about my progressions too, please let me know! Id like to get an overall feel of what is happening to me and what's coming up. I need changes in life majorly )) Thank you.

Our EDUCATION BOARD article by Starlink

by Starlink

A Solar Return chart is a chart made for only one year in the life.
It is a very personal way to see how transits will relate to your natal chart
and especially the personal planets give an important insight in how they work out this year.

Once you understand the basics of your birth chart interpretation, you can use the same technique on your Solar Return chart.
The Solar Return chart is a chart drawn up for the exact time when your Sun makes its yearly return to the position it was on at your birth.
So you have a different Solar Return chart every year, but the Sun is always at the same sign and degree.
Solar Return charts can be created at under "Free Horoscopes" "Extended Chart Selection". (excerpt from Wilscontc)

A Solar Return chart should always be looked at in connection with your natal chart
because we want to see what our natal planets are doing this year
and looking at their positions in the SR chart is one way doing that.


You can also view the Solar Return as a chart on its own
but it wont tell you as much as when you compare with the natal chart

It is not easy to interpret a Solar Return chart because very often what we see in there, reflects the hopes and wishes of the individual
and not necessary what will happen to him/her.
That is also why we have to look at the birth potential.
If the Solar Return shows a fantastic career move,
but in the natal chart it is clearly seen that any career attempt is going to be non existent
(when the woman is a mother rather than a career type)
or when there is no fire present, nor any ambition to be seen (Cardinal mode)
then we have to be careful. It could be a wish, not a reality.