What challenges/rewards await me in my new Massage Therapy career?


Well-known member
I've recently completed education and on my way to receiving my license to practice massage therapy here in Florida and I am quite excited to begin this new journey of healing and spiritual growth.

I've always been "all over the place" with interests and passions but I've never settled on anything and/or completed anything after beginning a new project/path.

This is the first time I actually saw something through and I feel a great sense of accomplishment which has definitely aided in the repair of low self-esteem.

I'm seeking assistance from any of you willing to share your interpretations of my chart. Any blessing, advice and asssitance with my questions are deeply appreciated.

My horary question is this: What challenges and rewards await me as I begin this new journey? Will people receive my energy in a healthy way? Will I enjoy or dislike the changes that will come from this new career path?

Also...Is there something I've not yet tried that maybe I should in order to enhance my abilities during this lifetime?

Thank you in advance.


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