Even one minute in birth time is a big difference in relocation


Well-known member
Hello, I was checking my astro lines for relocation on on AstroClick Travel and I've noticed that even just a minute in your birth time makes quite the difference when it comes to AstroCartoGraphy lines (especially the minor and neutral ones).

My original time of birth according to my mom is 9:15. However we all know clocks can show the wrong time by a few minutes if not set or working properly. The differences are minor, but I've discovered even minor astro planetary lines play a complex role in how a place feels.

Example: There is a minor Mars quincux Ascendant line that according to my original birth time passes trough Vienna, but if I turn the minutes back from to 9:14 or 9:13 Vienna is more affected by a minor Sun semisextile Ascendant line and my experience there has been very positive in real life, every time I've been there. People act nicer around me, the place feels accomodating. :cool:

Meanwhile (also at 9:14 or 9:13 a.m.), the mars q. As line has moved to the east, closer to Bratislava, affecting it more (the sun q As line doesn't affect it). My experience in Bratislava has been of competitive people, antagonism at work, workaholism on my side, anger issues in me and others, too high thirst for sex, feels like burning passion etc. Especially lots of males have been very competitive around me here, but also some females. On the other hand I found some male mentors and positive role models here and slowed down my workaholic ways lately although it's hard as I have an excess of energy. Sounds more like a Mars line, no? The larger Moon IC line affects BOTH Viena and Bratislava so maybe those tiny suposedly neutral lines explain the big difference?

If my 9:15 is correct then the mars quincx As line passes trough Vienna and Bratislava is only affected by the Moon IC line. But even with a Scorpio moon the competitiveness, the anxiety, the fast pace of the people I epxerienced there seems more Mars-like, not so much Moon IC line-related to me. What is your opinion on this example and in general? Do I have to start using the new time according to the experiences? And to all - maybe it will be good to check your AstoClick Travel reports with plus/minus 1-2 minutes and minor/neutral lines to see what is your correct birth time based on previous traveling experiences of cities.
Relocation cannot alter the natal promise of the natal chart :smile:
I am agree that birth information should be accurate for any astrological predictions and positions or planets changes per second. And if birth information is provided wrong prediction will be done based on astrology which can effect your life in future.