please help, things are very intense


Sorry if I seem to be a complainer, but the numbers in the aspect tables are fairly out of focus, so please let me know if I'm misreading them. There are a lot of asteroids that also clutter up the charts.
Things are in fact moving quickly in this relationship with sun conjunct Uranus. It's sparkling and exciting and sudden. The problem is, it can blow over just as quickly if it isn't backed up by other positive and stabilising aspects.
Moon trine mars is very attractive and magnetic, and goes a long way towards smoothing out energies. As does mars trine mercury.
He has a Venus/moon opposition that is squared by your pluto, magnetic sexual attraction, but also emotional turmoil.
Your natal Venus/moon opposition reflects his similar configuration, although yours has an easy aspect with pluto, but squares Uranus. You tend to have sudden love contacts that are intensely unexpected and electrifying but they tend to end just as suddenly.
Pluto square moon is also mesmerising but will transform itself into an attempt to overpower and control the emotions of the partner. In this case you are the pluto controller, and he can feel that you are too controlling, too powerful.
A very positive aspect is the ascendent/descendent flipped conjunction, each of you is drawn towards a reflection of yourself. This is very difficult to play down, it is instinctive and binding. The two rulers involved here are mercury and Jupiter, and these planets are mutually squared each other, so connecting but with a bit of tension. Still it is energy that binds you together.
In the composite you can see the erotic attraction in Venus conjunct eros.
And the joyful feeling you have together, with Jupiter conjunct moon and amor. This is lovely.
The sun/neptune sextile romanticises and idealises the partner.
The sun and moon are out of sync, so you aren't always looking for the same things in the relationship.
What happens when the Saturn/uranus conjunction is felt depends on your maturity and experience in human relations, and square Deianira will lead you towards a martyr-like behaviour. One wants reliability and continuity and traditions, while the other wants excitement and freedom, and you will tend to feel sacrificed to each other.
Whether or not this relationship lasts long range is up to the maturity of each of you, but it will leave its mark on your soul one way or the other. At the least it offers an experience that will be hard to pass by and will enrich both of you. Lots of learning to be had, how to live and let live, how to build for now and for the future, and lots of love to be shared.
Mercury ascendent wants to comunicate and mercury descendent wants a partner who communicates. Talk it out and follow your instincts.

Thank you so much Elena! I appreciate your time and effort to bring in some clarity! The feelings have been overwhelming, for me at least :)
The good thing is that this connection forced me to deal with some relationship patterns (possessiveness, jealously - my first boyfriend had a very negative impact on me and my idea of a relationship) and had major breakthroughs, I’m very grateful for that. Also trying to take things slow, I’m a bit impulsive and impatient lol
He’s younger than me but honestly seems to be a bit more mature :) I feel like he doesn’t really want to show his feelings 100% but when we were together he couldn’t hide it. Instant intimacy, attraction is off the charts, overall a lovely mix between deep emotions, affection, passion and dare I say love :)
I have good feelings about this but only time will tell :)