My sister's birth chart,give a read plz.


Well-known member

Interesting to know for..

- Career/Job prospects (she is a teacher,not appointed yet)
- Marriage prospects near future
- If will change house/city soon
- General overview of birth chart

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Well-known member
Career aspects: North Node Gemini /10th house – teaching is a strong potential; also Venus/Mercury joined in Virgo. Academia is supported by Jupiter trine Mars. Generating income: may prosper better in innovative teaching scenarios rather than standardized institutional educational systems that are already beginning to fail in the western world. Marriage prospects: I see the potential for growth in career considerations, however nothing overt regarding marriage, at least in the next year. Monetary issues: there are apt to be significant changes as a result of emotional upheavals in the coming year, which may be focused through personal relationships; harmony may be disrupted by unexpected turns of events and imbalances that need to be checked. If inheritance or insurance policies are involved this could be disruptive. She is best served by using innovation, independence and faith in overcoming such obstacles, and avoid involvements with rebellious, non-conforming actions.
General overview:
Dominant fire [motivation and ambition] and air [socialization and mental connections], with a dearth of emotional input. She may be bit a bit forceful in working to manifest her ambitions, and overly direct or combative in communications. May need to increase her sensitivity and receptivity to others. A rather extroverted type, who may need to engage in more self-reflection.
Overt personality: attention to details,practical, organized, perfectionistic, in search of mental connections with others. Potential criticality or judgmental of others, or self, for that matter. Virgo rising is more monetarily inclined, and may at times appear rather reticent on the surface, especially with Venus afflicted in the 12th house. Sun in Leo – [fire] On the surface, her methodology of interacting with the world shows that she is desirous of exemplifying sincerity, trust and affection in personal relationships: Self-expressive, a positive interaction with children, romantic but can be demanding of affection. She has the ability to shine in areas of creativity and drama. Moon in Libra-[air] In contrast, her inner self is more about creating harmony in socialization and needs to connect with others on the mental level in the search for equality. She relies on her Virgo persona in an attempt to balance her own yin-yang energies, but there can be inner conflicts between her need to be accepted by others and her desire for individualistic self-expression.
Dominant challenges: afflictions between Venus, Jupiter and Uranus. Saturn square Mars in detriment -often implies bad timing of actions, and need for balancing of action versus holding back.
Path of destiny: balancing between the lower mind of instinct and conditioned reaction, with higher awareness and the ability to grasp higher truths and see the bigger picture in life. Just a few notes that jump out from this chart.​


Well-known member
Too generic review i suppose,the future of her job?,whats the possibilities for an appointment?,will leave for another country or city soon? will be married next 3-4 years? I mean,she is searching for clear answers.:unsure:


Well-known member
sorry that my overview was not detailed enough for your purposes; that would require a large investment in time to plot out all of the upcoming transits, which goes beyond the scope of this forum. All that we have to work with here are potentialities, and to provide defined predictions is not always wise; there are too many variables involved which will be determined by the actions of the individual. In life we may be given the parameters of our individual potentials, but not always the direct answer. sorry I could not be of more help to you.


Well-known member
Nevermind,maybe another time. I will wait if someone else give a try for a reading.
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Well-known member

I think Kimbermoon has given an excellent reading. But maybe you could do a more precise job of it. Please know that this is a 'free' astrology forum mainly to learn from eachother. We can thank those that invest their time to read charts, but can't expect that of others. Maybe you would also like to have a go at reading your sis' chart. We will surely jump in and correct if need be, in case you are not yet that adept at Astrology.

From my side I will add: your sister's career will be important to her (ruler of 10th in the 1st house). She may do well as a teacher (Gem in Virgo) and with Gem on Midheaven may do well in anything related to sales/communication. With Ura on her IC, she may move home often; and with Ura opp her Midheaven, may even change jobs often.

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Well-known member

I think Kimbermoon has given an excellent reading. But maybe you could do a more precise job of it. Please know that this is a 'free' astrology forum mainly to learn from eachother. We can thank those that invest their time to read charts, but can't expect that of others. Maybe you would also like to have a go at reading your sis' chart. We will surely jump in and correct if need be, in case you are not yet that adept at Astrology.

From my side I will add: your sister's career will be important to her (ruler of 10th in the 1st house). She may do well as a teacher (Gem in Virgo) and with Gem on Midheaven may do well in anything related to sales/communication. With Ura on her IC, she may move home often; and with Ura opp her Midheaven, may even change jobs often.


I don't disagree for Kimbermoon's reading,i just think that our questions for her chart didn't receive so exact answers.Kimbermoon did a reading that describes more a general profile of my sister's chart than giving directions for the future.(will leave city/house/country?,will appoint her as a teacher? etc.)
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Well-known member
I don't disagree for Kimbermoon's reading,i just think that our questions for her chart didn't receive so exact answers.Kimbermoon did a reading that describes more a general profile of my sister's chart than giving directions for the future.(will leave city/house/country?,will appoint her as a teacher? etc.)

Well, you did ask for a general overview of your sister's chart in your original post. On that count, Kimbermoon graciously more than delivered for you and your sister. Your sister may wish to consult a professional astrologer's services for the answers that she seeks, as it may be beyond the expertise of the folks here who are willing to analyze your sister's chart.


Well-known member
Well, you did ask for a general overview of your sister's chart in your original post. On that count, Kimbermoon graciously more than delivered for you and your sister.

You didn't understand well my friend..

This part of questions are the specific part.

Interesting to know for..

- Career/Job prospects (she is a teacher,not appointed yet)
- Marriage prospects near future
- If will change house/city soon
- General overview of birth chart
This part is the general overview,thats right.

Where is the problem i can't see it.mad_at_pc.gif If Kimbermoon believes that there is something wrong here,lets say what is it.I don't see anything wrong,just a birth chart as many others have posted in this forum.


Well-known member
First post.

Okay i had a look and this is what I have seen.

The horoscope is basically good, there is just a period of uncertainty which may last uptil the ages of 34-35 and then the going is good.

But mostly always when the money starts flowing , so does the expenses. there are a lot of ups and downs where her finances are concerned.

She will develop frugality in her late years.

I should think that she should be able to find herself a job from 1st july 2012 till the 30th of june 2013.

She will slowly settle down after marriage and will continue working.

Her home life will be dynamic and will keep on continuously changing. Any major change in home life will remain fixed for only upto a maximum of 5 years only.

Her sarsati will be starting and during that period she will be married (if not early).

Mode detail maybe later as I am pressed for time, and I don't have much time on my hand nowadays.


Well-known member
Anyone to reply in this thread? Just we want to know the aspects for job career(when will they appoint her?),relationship/mariage prospects,if will she go to live in another city or house sometime soon.


Well-known member
9th house rules foreign living(if I recall correctly). Venus (ruling Taurus) conjunct the ascendant would indicate to me someone who "belongs" on foreign lands, possibly due to philosophical purposes. Venus will want a beautiful scenery or another sensory driven reason to leave. Chiron in the 10th house indicates a teacher. Where Chiron is placed we have a natural "limp" in that area of life. The 10th house is our public world and the development of Chiron's teachings puts us in positions of student/teacher relationships. This is also conjunct the midheaven which, if I remember right, is how we relate to the public.
As scattered as it may be I hope it helps...would love feedback by other astrologers that have corrections possibly...