Dual Mars in 7th House Solar Returns


New member

My fiancé and I are both looking at very interesting Solar Return Charts for 2018. His birthday is June 13, 1986 and I am July 2, 1985. We both will have Mars in the 7th house, squaring Jupiter in the 4th and squaring Uranus in the 10th. I will have Mars opposite Mercury, and he will have Mars opposite Venus.

All of this is making me sick to my stomach. My instant interpretation is a lot of arguing between us, likely due to upsets in our careers and possibly buying a house with a lot of issues.

We recently moved here to Portland, Oregon and have been undecided about whether we want to stay here. We're also not totally in love with our jobs - or career paths at all for that matter. So maybe the next year will be fueled in those areas. I'm just really nervous that it's going to lead to us sitting in anger against the other. The Gemini/Cancer dynamic is a bit difficult, but his Virgo moon and my Capricorn moon usually aides us in approaching life in a rational way, with a lot of loyalty between us.

We're getting married in September and I really don't want our first year to be full of aggression.

Is there any other way one would interpret this? I'd love to know.