Sun glasses lost


Well-known member
Dear Members

My grand daughter lost her Sun glasses yesterday and wanted me to find out whether it can be recovered. I erected a chart (attached) in Chennai and my observations are as under

Grand daughter is represented by 9th house (owner Mars) and the lost item by Venus. Venus in sextile aspect with Moon , the secondary significater. Venus in Air sign . Search for the lost item in upper cup board and other high places is suggested. Venus aspects 9th house and Saturn . Look for it in University buildings and library. In any case I find delay in recovery as Venus is placed in common sign and also aspected by Saturn.

Further inputs from members will be appreciated



  • astro_w2gw_02_sunglasses_lost.42230.22833.gif
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Well-known member
Glasses can be in an upstairs bedroom, hallway, stairway, study, trunk, chest, desk, briefcase, luggage, a room where books are kept, bookshelves, a place where reading or studying is done, a drawer where she keeps pens and pencils and office supplies, filing cabinet, in a magazine rack, in the vestibule or entrance to a home, place where important papers or records are kept (i.e. birth certificates, contracts, cancelled checks, legal documents, tax documents, etc.), an area near the computer, telephone, TV or radio.
If glasses are outside it might be at bookstore, bus station, service station, library, railroad station, subway, school, and other place of learning, post office, storehouse, and office building.

POf is in Vi so glasses can be in a clothes and food closet, pantry, bookcase, desk, study, exercise room, filing cabinet, servant's quarters, room where pets are kept, room used as an office in the home, rented room in the home, sick person's room, storeroom study room. It can be near some medicine or near some cleaning stuff.
If glasses are outside it might be a doctor's office, health spa, veterinarian's office, nursing home, dry cleaners, grocery store, accountant's office, pharmacy, zoo, police station, nursery, tenant place.


Well-known member
Dear Members

My grand daughter lost her Sun glasses yesterday and wanted me to find out whether it can be recovered. I erected a chart (attached) in Chennai and my observations are as under

Grand daughter is represented by 9th house (owner Mars) and the lost item by Venus. Venus in sextile aspect with Moon , the secondary significater. Venus in Air sign . Search for the lost item in upper cup board and other high places is suggested. Venus aspects 9th house and Saturn . Look for it in University buildings and library. In any case I find delay in recovery as Venus is placed in common sign and also aspected by Saturn.

Further inputs from members will be appreciated

OR, If we take the simplest way and work without the derivative houses, it seems that it will find them immediately. Your Granddaughter= Sun and Mercury= glasses.
Mercury in the 1st house and the Moon will soon find him.
Let see how it works out - iam curious
let us know


Well-known member
OR, If we take the simplest way and work without the derivative houses, it seems that it will find them immediately. Your Granddaughter= Sun and Mercury= glasses.
Mercury in the 1st house and the Moon will soon find him.
Let see how it works out - iam curious
let us know

Fency and Sunrise

My grand daughter informs glasses are not traceable even after intensive search in all locations. She now feels it might have been stolen from her car where she remembers to have left the glass in the seat next to her

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