the node and reality


Well-known member
Ive not noticed this thread before, until now. Im only on page 1 so far, but finding it really interesting, so thanks rahu.

Strangely enough too, like ive just said "ive not noticed this thread before, until now" TR NN is presently conjunct my sun/moon midpoint.

Referring to your 1st post where you mention a square to venus could be when you fall in love. When me and my current bf first met in person last summer, NN was indeed square my venus. And the node was making this square from my 7th house.
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PM interpretation

what really sticks out i that the sun is venus/cere and opposed to pluto and square to juno ,psyche and the vertex.

so you are totally on. the vertex adds,exactly, that paranormal or other worldly element here. the sun/pluto aspect indicates a selfishness and extreme competitive energy between you but it seems to be complicated by a extreme attraction. so if this is a man , he has "dreams " of you and not reciprocating these innuendos irritates him. if it is a woman then it is most likely pure jealous professional envy.(if it is a female ,you might look at sappho)
with moon sextile to Saturn,one would expect a degree of compatibility but the moon/Saturn midpoint is conjunct he vertex , the altered reality energy may being distorting the real life interactions .

in addition chiron is opposed to Uranus and these are square to the Lilith/ pallas opposition. this aspect is most likley the irritating feelings because Uranus/chiron are very argumentative and chiron particularly tries to get into the intimate thoughts,responses and feelings of others. as pallas is square this opposition you are reacting to them trying to pry into your emotions and subconscious because Lilith is a sub subconscious element(LOL). this person entreaties are irking the base of your emotional feelings ,yet subconsciously.pallas suggest that this person tends to make you feel undermined or incorrectly criticized.

mercury is sextile to the node and the sun is trine to Saturn so again one would expect a good mental rapport.
i think that this might be past live energies bringing the negative feelings.

with juno/psyche/venus/pallas /ceres involve,i think this is a female so likely Sappho would be placed strongly and there might be a large degree of emotional attraction involved here.

the eros/psyche midpoint is conjunct the node,so there is definitely a emotional/sexual attractive element here.

they are a male, and there is an extreme sexual attraction between us that I feel is mutual. I adore this person, but yes, there is a competitive energy between us in the sense that neither one of us will ever give in to the other person. There is always this air of plausible deniability between us and it's enraging. When one person makes a romantic overture, the other person will back away, and vice versa.

You mentioned dreams - this person actually invades my dreamscape A LOT, I even dream of his sisters and their lives with their husbands, even if he does not feature in the dream. Sometimes I'll hear something like the voice of God, telling me about this man, like God is playing a chess match between this person and I and he feels that he should at least tell me his next move. It's really kind of maddening.

After years of this it does tend to annoy me now, whereas for a long time it was utterly thrilling. But now I just feel burnt out. I want it to get to the next level, but it feels like there's this cosmic flyswatter that always prevents this from happening in some way... it makes me feel like I'm going nuts.

I do absolutely feel incorrectly criticized by him sometimes, though it's always quickly forgiven (perhaps vice versa as well).

We have a lot of REALLY WEIRD things in common, like the synchronicities between us truly are bizarre and makes me think there's some higher purpose to our meeting. But like I was saying earlier, nothing ever materializes so I bat it from my mind and just occupy myself in other ways. Truly a bizarre interpersonal relationship


am i doomed to be forever alone?
Hi fox4evr

As you have mentioned the relationship with you father has colored your relationships to men.
Saturn is biquintile to orcus, which is an aspect of abuse. Here the midpoint is conjunct your named asteroid Ashley. So his influences has certainly affected you directly . ash is opposed to Jupiter and square to the venus/sun conjunction. This pattern gives you a very loving and happy exterior. As Jupiter rule marriage, it is clear tht a committed relationship/marriage has always been your dream and hope. This is also indicated as your sun/moon midpoint issquare to juno,again, this indicates that a devoted relationship has always been central your sense of completion . the eris/eros conjunction is trine to juno which shows devoted relationship brings out you loving and sexually side. This might be a partial reason you have been duped, because when you feel a strong emotional/sexual energy ,your subconscious feels this relationship is one of devotion.your underlying”need”of the love of a committed relationship/marriage is also shown by the Jupiter/juno midpoint being opposed to psyche.loyalty and devotion are part and parcel of you experience of love
The Saturn/orcus midpoint does qualify your feelings toward relationships his influence has made you likely to hold back when you feel strong attraction.
Your chart gets a bit complicate so bear with me.
Your mars/venus midpoint is the moon ,mercury,ceres and chiron. This shows that you are, again, very loving and emotional, in addition you are intelligent and quite funny and humorous. ceres shows the devotional feeling that you have when in love. This is also indicative of you need of committed relationship, so you can express your deep sincere loyalty to your partner. this is ,as is the venus/sun/Jupiter pattern ,a very attractive pattern and like the former pattern you have aspects of emotional reticence.
Here the moon/Saturn midpoint is square to ceres/mercury/chiron. this strengthen you devotional nature/loyalty and steadfastness to your partner is a basic characteristic of your personality. But Saturn/moon midpoint is lso associated with feelings of insecurity. coupled with your Saturn/orcus midpoint, you another aspect that tempers you emotional expectations because of your father’s negative influence.

Another complicating aspects(whew) is your mars conjunct to the node. This aspect is very attractive to others,but in a womans charts is very often associated with abuse.this aspect shows you sexual vibrations are very strong,but you were born with a strong sexual vibration. So your sexual nature did not develop at puberty but has been strong since your birth. this is a factor of why you were abused.
More importantly, this aspect also give you a strong “aura”. You have a other worldly ambiences about you. Your presence affects others. This can draw others to you even if they don’t understand your affect on them. this gives a potential of psychic abilities and here because you mercury is trine to Uranus your abiities include a very good intuition and can show ability to read others thoughts. With Uranus involved you have likely had astral dreams that were prophetic as well as flying Uranus is exactly square the node, astral/vivid dreams are very important as this shows that you can solve problems of reality on the you seem to have some blocks. I would think that you have been subject to out of the body experiences and likely have episodes of sleep paralysis, which is waking up but not being to move for a minute or Neptune is also square to the node, you might also have visions or you might think hallucination. These visions can come with dreams but also can continue into your waking is possible to have visions in waking states to begin with. Though, with so much paranormal energy, you might have had periods when other thought you were going mad or you might have yourself questioned you sanity
Mars with the node is also a aspect of “luck”. It means that if you follow your first impressions, you are often successful. With this aspect sometimes even when plans don’t go as you wanted, you might end up with a unexpected outcome.. but it still turns out to be for your advantage.
but if you become to ego centered or let gross desire and possessiveness guide you actions, then you have fallen off your path and the results can bring greedy and malicious people around you.
So you must always stay in a positive light, as you path will always open up for regardless of “errors” on your part as long as your actions are true to your spirit.
I probably don’t have to say this because you have eros sextile to psyche with the midpoint conjunct to Sedna at midheaven. This shows you are exceptionally idealistic, spiritual and romantic especially in relationships(which is also a partial reason you have been used so much, you expect the other to be true and loving as you are but this is not always the case). With Sedna at midheaven,you re devoted to are truth seeker and a truth teller. This shows that you are noted among your friends as a person is always truthful and dependable. Though this is most exalted spiritual characteristic, paradoxically, you sometimes find that malicious people try to harm you when you speak the truth. So you must learn when to keep your knowledge to yourself and not speak the truth at inappropriate times or to people who can’t accept the truth..
Back to the mars/node conjunction.. mars/node is square to Uranus and Neptune. This “again, is extremely sexual and mystic LOL, you can both seem to be radical o rebellious or at other times seems to be recessive and pliable. This is a major aspect of why you have been used, because this vibration attract guys who are edgy and very emotional and sexual. But these type of guys are truly looking for a good time and to exploit you sexually. If your nature was just as licentious as theirs then you might have many exciting but briefcounters. But you nature is devoted, so you will feel “betrayed” when the intensity of the electric encounters fades out and he fades out just as quickly as he arrived.
This aspect also shows that though you have a expansive nature, sometimes you attempt things that you can’t finish. Sometimes external influences change around you and plans are altered. This can lead to a feeling that you are star crossed as even with good intentions there seem to influences working against.
Bit regardless, with neptune square to mars, you ,again,have a “spiritual “affect on others. You have an ephemeral/etheric energy about you which others are drawn to.
Your mercury/chiron/moon stellium shows you are exceptionally intelligent. You have amazingly analytical and incisive mind and you always read people and situations correctly. Usually this placement gives one a eidetic memory/photographic memory. But with the moon/Saturn midpoint square to this stellium. your lack of confidence may obscure you abilities from yourself. It may be that your memory only operates withinsome subjects but you do have a exceptional memory whatever we may call it.
(Just a note, you are so exceptional, that with the abusive experience of your father, you might not acknowledge or realize how gifted you are. So I have to temper my accolades of you as you might think I am too high. But I don’t. as you mature you will have more access to aspects of your abilities that you have blocked out in youth youth. These insights are shown by the pluto/mercury and pluto/moon midpoints being conjunct toy our node. This suggest that you have repressed or blocked recollections that hide you brilliance from yourself.)).
Mercury and chiron are trine to Uranus. This,again. heightens your innate intelligence. This gives you farsightedness as well as exceptional mathematical and deductive abilities. Uranus shows science and astrology to be nature fields of study you excel at.
Mercury/chiron are also sextile to pluto and Neptune. This adds a profundity to your intellectual pursuits .along with chiron, you desire to know seminal causal dynamics of any situation. Neptune adds a rare creativity and shows that your intuitions often lead you to the correct, deductive and logical meaning of problems you are working with. You are blessed with both logical genius and intuition genius.
To complicate you life further ,you are subject to otherworldly, altered realities or paranormal sensations and experiences.
Your vertex axis is conjunct your lilth axis.the vertex is an energy plane that brings in the totality of the consciousness of the solar system, so to is closely related to the psychic energy of the node, but it is not limited to energy that solely applies to one’s particular destinyor”karma. As consequence when one has a strong in flow of the vertex, ones life can have unusual, strange and synchronistic experiences or sensations. The very can be very confusing because it can add “information” that does not relate to one’s life. Hence the energy/images from the vertex can very confusing and disorienting.
Lilth is the a axis of energy that symbolizes one’s deepest emotional sensitivity. The lilith is the source of the energy of all emotional and rhythmic patterns in ones live. But it is below even the subconscious, so the aspects to Lilith just seem to arise into the person consciousness spontaneously. One might characterize Lilith feelings as from the “heart” though this is a technically a misnomer .
Here you have ceres/chiron/mercury and loosely the moon. This shows that your logical and deductive thoughts come to your spontaneously. You just know that certain ideas or thought are true or appropriate to the situation. Chiron and mercury are very analytical and judgmental to a degree. Chiron particular looks for the logical casual connection between elements. With in relationships chiron desires to understand the “other”, to know every feeling , to know how the “other” thinks and why. This can add t a relationship as it gives an unsurpassed intimacy. But if the relationship occurs, then the most destructive arguments cd recriminations can arise, because both know the strengths and weakness of each other. So the criticisms cut to the quick of their psyches.
These characteristics make mercury/chiron conjunctions the mark of experimental scientist and gives a person who seeks the truth of any matter. Chiron is a true friend but if someone betrays Chiron they become formidable enemy and will cut of the offender, sometimes forever, even if they are a friend.
With mercury/chiron square the vertex energy, you might have had experiences that totally confused you. Unusual sensations or visions. Feeling of other worldly realities or entities. The inlying sensation is that you is experiencing states of reality that are so different that “normality” that no one would ever be to understand what occurred. So in addition to the usually complicate emotional and mental conditions of your life, you also are subject to realties that are not readily understoodby our accepted parameters of reality.

to start, rahu, thank you endlessly for your hard work. you are so kind to provide this reading!!!! it was so insightful. and i'm almost in tears at the amount of detail, focus, attention, and devotion you gave to this post. you are a wonderful person.

you are correct in the assumption that i really do feel i will be incomplete without a committed, loving relationship in the future. i dont want to be alone forever. i crave intimacy. and want to give my love to someone.

The Saturn/orcus midpoint does qualify your feelings toward relationships his influence has made you likely to hold back when you feel strong attraction.
this is very true. im extremely reserved when it comes to relationships, mostly due to my trauma from previous experiences. i dont move or open up at all.

But Saturn/moon midpoint is lso associated with feelings of insecurity. coupled with your Saturn/orcus midpoint, you another aspect that tempers you emotional expectations because of your father’s negative influence.
this is very true as well. im highly insecure, and have self esteem issues. i compare myself to everyone and everything possible.

this gives a potential of psychic abilities and here because you mercury is trine to Uranus your abiities include a very good intuition and can show ability to read others thoughts. With Uranus involved you have likely had astral dreams that were prophetic as well as flying Uranus is exactly square the node, astral/vivid dreams are very important as this shows that you can solve problems of reality on the you seem to have some blocks. I would think that you have been subject to out of the body experiences and likely have episodes of sleep paralysis, which is waking up but not being to move for a minute or Neptune is also square to the node, you might also have visions or you might think hallucination. These visions can come with dreams but also can continue into your waking is possible to have visions in waking states to begin with. Though, with so much paranormal energy, you might have had periods when other thought you were going mad or you might have yourself questioned you sanity
Mars with the node is also a aspect of “luck”.
To complicate you life further ,you are subject to otherworldly, altered realities or paranormal sensations and experiences.
i wonder if you know how I may develop these psychic abilities further? i have always felt i have a stronger intuition and can sense things from others. i have also dreamed of things happening before they happened, and had dreams where i saw people in my room, then woke up and they were still there with me. i am curious how to further these abilities!
it is usually because of this that i, as you mention, feel mad. i feel that im far too connected to things i cant escape from sometimes. like im too aware while others aren't as aware? if that makes sense. im hyper aware and sensitive to my surroundings.

first off, as you get older ,you will naturally have access to more of your "blocked potentialities. Saturn is strongly and difficultly placed in your chart. as a young person these obstruction seem intolerable. but with the amazing abilities you have, Saturn is serving an important purpose, which is to make you go slowly through your youth. Saturn is giving many blocks but you must internalize these"blocks" as these are steps that you must take prepare yourself or when in later life you will need to manifest your abilities. with you abilities, as a youth ,you could make irrevocable mistakes out of youthful ignorance. but Saturn is making you go slow ,so that you will not advance blindly but consolidate your knowledge and must see every obstruction as a necessary step that you might have ignored in your life without external obstruction.
you really have a unusual combination of wild, youthful wanton desires and profound intellectual and psychic instead of potentially "wasting" or misspending your youth, Saturn is making you reflect, albeit painfully, on your life and future .you are wise beyond you age because of the reflection you have made. Saturn can feel like a weight on you neck when young, but as your reach your 30's, all the frustrations of Saturn will be shown to have been lessons that make your life advance quickly as you want.

But these type of guys are truly looking for a good time and to exploit you sexually. If your nature was just as licentious as theirs then you might have many exciting but briefcounters. But you nature is devoted, so you will feel “betrayed” when the intensity of the electric encounters fades out and he fades out just as quickly as he arrived.
basically sums up every single one of the men in my life who have tried to pursue me.

This aspect also shows that though you have a expansive nature, sometimes you attempt things that you can’t finish. Sometimes external influences change around you and plans are altered. This can lead to a feeling that you are star crossed as even with good intentions there seem to influences working against.
yes. i CONSTANTLY feel like i start something and im so happy, and then life just punches me in the gut and makes me stop. i always get so excited because i love life and want to try new things, but everytime i do, something happens to ruin it or stop it, etc. it hurts sometimes.

Usually this placement gives one a eidetic memory/photographic memory.
100% accurate. i excel in school due to this. i can memorize an entire page of notes into my memory and always wondered why exams were so easy.

Just a note, you are so exceptional, that with the abusive experience of your father, you might not acknowledge or realize how gifted you are. So I have to temper my accolades of you as you might think I am too high. But I don’t. as you mature you will have more access to aspects of your abilities that you have blocked out in youth.
i really appreciate all these compliments haha. i dont know if i deserve them from the chart, but it's nice to hear. i really dont feel as exceptional as my achievements make me look. i never feel good enough, and no matter what anyone tells me, i still dont feel gifted. as you said, i may improve in the future as i get older? is this a possibility? how should i open myself up to lead this life and mature in this way?

you have this reticence about acknowledging your remarkable abilities because your father negated every occurrence and appearance for you abilities. so as a child the self esteem your father programmed you with does not allow you to see you powers or as you say :
i really dont feel as exceptional as my achievements make me look. i never feel good enough, and no matter what anyone tells me, i still dont feel gifted.

you need to realize that it is lmsot impossible to override these psychological progrms without opening up. that is you need to find a group where you can talk these feeling out. it really does work that speaking you frustratins and fear to someone else loosen the the "program". you might your look a 12 step based group on abuse or self esteem issues. you can erase these programs butitis so very difficult to do this alone

This gives you farsightedness as well as exceptional mathematical and deductive abilities. Uranus shows science and astrology to be nature fields of study you excel at.
rahu if i may ask, what career avenues do you think i would excel in? would it be science? what sciences? :) if this is unknown, please don't worry. i am always curious about the career directions that charts reveal.

As consequence when one has a strong in flow of the vertex, ones life can have unusual, strange and synchronistic experiences or sensations. The very can be very confusing because it can add “information” that does not relate to one’s life. Hence the energy/images from the vertex can very confusing and disorienting.

With mercury/chiron square the vertex energy, you might have had experiences that totally confused you. Unusual sensations or visions. Feeling of other worldly realities or entities. The inlying sensation is that you is experiencing states of reality that are so different that “normality” that no one would ever be to understand what occurred. So in addition to the usually complicate emotional and mental conditions of your life, you also are subject to realties that are not readily understoodby our accepted parameters of reality.
yes, this is another aspect that always makes me feel lost very often. i very often have periods of complete confusion and loss as things in my head start to not make sense and i begin thinking of things i don't have to be focusing on. it's very difficult. how can i deal with this aspect?

This can add t a relationship as it gives an unsurpassed intimacy. But if the relationship occurs, then the most destructive arguments cd recriminations can arise, because both know the strengths and weakness of each other. So the criticisms cut to the quick of their psyches.
will all my potential relationships be plagued by this aspect?

Chiron is a true friend but if someone betrays Chiron they become formidable enemy and will cut of the offender, sometimes forever, even if they are a friend.
i have done this a lot to the people in my life. i am scorned and hurt a lot it is true. but i am also ruthless in my forgiveness. i tend to completely cut off those who hurt me, once i realize i am being taken advantage of. it has left me very lonely as i have had to cut many people out. __________________

first off, as you get older ,you will naturally have access to more of your "blocked potentialities. Saturn is strongly and difficultly placed in your chart. as a young person these obstruction seem intolerable. but with the amazing abilities you have, Saturn is serving an important purpose, which is to make you go slowly through your youth. Saturn is giving many blocks but you must internalize these"blocks" as these are steps that you must take prepare yourself or when in later life you will need to manifest your abilities. with you abilities, as a youth ,you could make irrevocable mistakes out of youthful ignorance. but Saturn is making you go slow ,so that you will not advance blindly but consolidate your knowledge and must see every obstruction as a necessary step that you might have ignored in your life without external obstruction.

you really have a unusual combination of wild, youthful wanton desires and profound intellectual and psychic instead of potentially "wasting" or misspending your youth, Saturn is making you reflect, albeit painfully, on your life and future .you are wise beyond you age because of the reflection you have made. Saturn can feel like a weight on you neck when young, but as your reach your 30's, all the frustrations of Saturn will be shown to have been lessons that make your life advance quickly as you want.

the psychic/astral phenomena are inherent in you so all you have to do is trust these experience and realize the complicated nature of your experiences and abilities.
the more you listen and look for then the stronger you will become. a safe way is to keep a dream journal.every morning before you do anything else,try to remember any dreams you had and right them down. at first you might remember your dreams, but we all dream every night,it is just that if you don't awake with a few minutes of a dream it is very difficult to recall the dream.. though during the day sometimes ,though rarely ,something will occur that makes you remember a particular dream
before you go to sleep, tell yourself that you will remember your dreams and combined with trying to remember your dreams in the morning , you will develop the ability to remember your dreams.
as I said, this is the safest way. but you must realize that the concept of magic is real and that there are many enties and disembodied that can manipulate the dream/astral planes... so keep in mind that when you open your "sight' to the dream plane, there are other entities that can see you too.

you might read the first post on this thread, it gives basic conceptualization of these dynamics of these matters

as you clear your personality of the imprints of your father, you psychic abilities will become stronger, or rather you will be able to reach yourpotential.
that's such a good idea, rahu! i never considered a dream journal. i really should give it a go!!! i always wanted to recall my experiences while asleep. perhaps even in meditation i can find more connection! yes saturn's weight does hurt right now, but I'm remaining hopeful and pushing through it!!!!

you have this reticence about acknowledging your remarkable abilities because your father negated every occurrence and appearance for you abilities. so as a child the self esteem your father programmed you with does not allow you to see you powers or as you say :
i really dont feel as exceptional as my achievements make me look. i never feel good enough, and no matter what anyone tells me, i still dont feel gifted.

you need to realize that it is lmsot impossible to override these psychological progrms without opening up. that is you need to find a group where you can talk these feeling out. it really does work that speaking you frustratins and fear to someone else loosen the the "program". you might your look a 12 step based group on abuse or self esteem issues. you can erase these programs butitis so very difficult to do this alone
yes. i have actually been in therapy now for 7 years. i tried medication before and it didn't work. but i havent tried group therapy or programs before.... for trauma and such. that's a good idea. and i think some are offered at my school. thank you, rahu. i will explore further!!!!!:love:

it is true that I am not especially good at seeing the most favorable occupation but you chiron/mercury is a veru inquistine aility. so anything that involves solving problems. it could be some sort of forensics though you would also be an exceptional counselor .but the truest axiom ,is do something that you have joy me that is the key of successful professional life.your eidectic meory shows success in any field where data retention is helpful, but then again you have such strong empathic sensitivities you would be successful with a profession focused on human interactions. but again,do something you love. and you probably already know what that is. usually if you had ideas of what you wanted to do when you were child, then those areas are usually what your will succeed in as they are what you love to do.
how funny... i was just thinking suddenly this year that i wanted to become a counselor to help other young individuals who may be experiencing the same struggles as me. thats really funny haha. i feel a calling to help others. i wont be happy in a job unless i can help other people's lives directly!! :love:

ere you need to develop a spiritual(not necessarily a religious) world view. we do have destinies and karma etc. so even if you don't know WTF is happening n your mind or reality, you need to realize that you do have a particular might not know what it is but you must always be trying to understand what you path may tell you the truth ,the reason I have tried to be helpful to you is that you obviously have a distinct and powerful 'karma'.

with the abilities you have , it is clear to me that our corrupted cultural reality is intent on keeping you in dark and emotionally subjugated so as you don't shine your light of truth on the corruption that envelopes us .you soul is very old and you have had great power in past life(sorry for injecting extremely subjective parameters). usually a woman with the abilities god gave you shows a past life as a high priestess .

I am really being too specific but I just want to give you an idea of how to conceptualize the unusual reality you have around you.

don't fear these feeling that you can't understand.

but realize there is a logic to the matrix of these energies but it may not be sequential or linear. you are gifted with extremely strong deductive and logical abilities and you are extremely sensitive to th etheric planes of reality too. right now you just don't understand the etheric planes of reality .. but it will come when to start to focus on understanding these energy planes.

when you begin to erase the self doubt your father engendered in you, you will begin to have healthy relationships. but right now as you have said, you feeling toward men are conditioned by the interaction with your father .a lack of self esteem and self doubt blocks out a portion of your psychological perspective. so you are unconsciously opening yourself to men who are like your father...your mental block does not allow you to see this. and so...........
thank you. this is high praise, and quite fascinating that yu can deduce these possibilities from my chart. i will try to connect more with this and embrace my own feelings, rather than get overwhelmed by them. i will be free. i can feel it. one day!

you mars/node square to Neptune/Uranus does show you do have a wild side to your nature. your need of commitment is stronger but your psychic side needs the freedom of cultural norms that this square can show. and you will always draw these intense brief infatuations. as I keep saying you have a very complicate chart. you are so old and you are so young. I might conjecture that you might hit it off with someone who is not like your ideal. neptune shows it might be a person with a different cultural/religious or racial background.
you are a rare bird and you mate will have to be just as exceptional. with the mercury/chiron aspects it must be someone who is capable of deep self reflection as you are.
but as I have already said,you have to clear you sefl doubts before you think of relationships. because right now you are drawing those who want exploit you lack of confidence.
this is very funny as well.. i actually find myself more attracted to foreigners than people who are similar to me. i love people who are different from me, from different cultures and backgrounds, because i love learning and discovering new things. i am going abroad soon and haven't felt this excited!!!
yes. i need to work on myself first and i feel that. i know there's things inside i have to heal first. with myself. and i will do my best.

rahu, thank you. i have never had such an insightful, detailed reading in my life. i think you made me feel much better about everything. because if i take a step back, i have gone through a lot. and i have walked so far and grown so much. and i will only continue growing as i open myself up and live my life with confidence. i have the capability of being truly happy one day. with myself and with others. thank you for the self-reflection your readings have brought me. i feel so thankful for your time and effort. you're a truly kind human being.
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PM reading-mother/son
the composite has stellium of the node/ceres/juno/Saturn. this is quite karmic as the Saturn/node also gives a form of magic. pholus is square this stellium so the limited connection to your father might be indicated. and this square is simialr to your mothersneptune/node square so again you are very involved in simialar unusual family heritage. satrun with the node does imply there is exceptional karmic condition with your father also. here Saturn might be showing the "magical" influences of the environment onn you and your mother. this conjunction often shows social or finacialpowr, but pholous also show that these advantages have been lost.saturn with the nide an indicate a close past ife connectin. here it might be you wee hr father in a past life.
Venus opposed to Uranus at mid heaven is indicative of a ecxeptionally intimate emotional connection with your mother .it seems your feelings for each other are conditioned by the unusual emotional/sexual familial interaction as nessu and orcus are square to this opposition and chiron is conjunct to venus. this is really unusual,as it shows because of similar emotional environments when your where both growing up that you have feeling almost brother/sister like as the emotional turbulence that these conditions and show similar conditions in your respective lives. chiron adds a analytical connection between you so i would expect that you and she are almost like therapists for each other.this shows your understanding each others intimate emotional reaction to the world in general.
the vertex square to pallas shows that you give each other great emotional strength especially to your mother . the truthfulness between you shown by Sedna trine to ceres and Saturn. this also implies your father is quite sensitive to your relationship to your mother even though he is not a immediate affect as is your mother.
the moon/sun midpoint is conjunct the Sedna/chiron conjunction which again shows a strong focus of truth and clarity of feelings.this aspsect usually can show arguments because you see each others emotional makeup so clearly that you both might be able to see contradictions in each other that each of you can't see by yourself.but either way, the relationship is based around this need for absolute truth and clarity toward each other.
very interesting... the eros/psyche midpoint is conjunct to aura. this is a aspect for intimate loving feelings toward each other. so much of the emotional energy here is more characteristic of lovers rather than mother/ son. though the love of mother/son is also strong because of the Ceres/Saturn conjunction. the more i look the more it seems you and your mother were intimately related in a past could be lovers,brother/sister or father/daughter.

I cant thank you enough for the effort you are making....
I have few questions-
1. Is it rare to have such a composite between mother and son???I used to believe we all have karmic relationships with 1 or 2 family members at the very least. But my belief is only a feeling, where yours is founded on experience. So is it a rare phenomenon?

yes i would say it is rare for a mother/son composite.there is a strong "romantic" content which ,as i said, is more characteristic of a love affair. but it could also just signify the very intimate connection to your mother.

2. We might have been lovers-brother/sister-and father/daughter-all in past lives I guess. My mom is pretty excited to hear that I could have been her father. I told you, she always had a feeling like that. If its not against your ethics, can you tell us is it possible that I was his father at my immediate past life? My grandfather was an aquarius (with possibly virgo moon) and he died on 1 March 1980. He was a scientist and though his father was a Hindu priest (knew vedic astrology) used to shun astrology.

if you could sent me birhth data of him, then coupled with the death data ,i might be able to develop a opinion.

3. If the composite is rare and if by any chance I am my grandfather, whats the possible mission in my this lifetime, concerning my mom? How can I help her more?
like i say i need birth data data.


Well-known member
Hello Rahu

Thank you again for this beautifully precise and insightful thread.

I have finally decided to go out and do research on Orcus. I noticed it was on the notorious 22th degree of Leo (much military consequence there) on 9/11, which is interesting starting point.

But would it be possible for you to give a small description of the things influences as youve discovered them?

Thank you in advance, and again for your reading of my chart, which provided plenty of things no one else had seen.


Well-known member
Excellent, found it.

orcus and pluto are twins . they have nearly identical periods of revolution, they are at the same distance to the sun and both have nearly identical eccentric obits both moving from about 18 degree north to south of the ecliptic. they both have very similar moons that are very large in comparison to the planet .and their pattern of moons overall show they are a result of collisions. they both are in resonance with Neptune. search for a website that shows the connections of orcus ,pluto and Neptune. both cross the orbit of Neptune and it seems likely that at some point in time orcus and pluto may have been a single planet that collided with Neptune(my theory)
their similarity is amazing.
astrologically the effects of orcus are nearly identical as pluto.


It seems very plausible then that they were once the same body.


PM reading
I've known this person for 5 years professionally and they just get under my skin in such an intense way that I find irritating. I was curious if there are some otherworldly, spiritual answers to that question or if its just a figment of my imagination?

what really sticks out i that the sun is venus/cere and opposed to pluto and square to juno ,psyche and the vertex.

so you are totally on. the vertex adds,exactly, that paranormal or other worldly element here. the sun/pluto aspect indicates a selfishness and extreme competitive energy between you but it seems to be complicated by a extreme attraction. so if this is a man , he has "dreams " of you and not reciprocating these innuendos irritates him. if it is a woman then it is most likely pure jealous professional envy.(if it is a female ,you might look at sappho)

with moon sextile to Saturn,one would expect a degree of compatibility but the moon/Saturn midpoint is conjunct he vertex , the altered reality energy may being distorting th real life interctions .

in addition chiron is opposed to Uranus and these are square to the Lilith/ pallas opposition. this aspect is most likely the irritating feelings because Uranus/chiron are very argumentative and chiron particularly tries to get into the intimate thoughts, responses and feelings of others. as pallas is square this opposition you are reacting to them trying to pry into your emotions and subconscious because Lilith is a sub subconscious element(LOL). this person entreaties are irking the base of your emotional feelings ,yet subconsciously.pallas suggest that this person tends to make you feel undermined or incorrectly criticized.
mercury is sextile to the node and the sun is trine to Saturn so again one would epect a good mental rapport.
i think that this might be past live energies bringing the negative feelings.
the eros/psyche midpoint is conjunct the node,so there is definely a emotional/sexual attractive element here.
with mars/Venus on the node,it is more likely a male

Thank you so much for this. I really should have clarified earlier (I realize now my comments about this person was pretty flippant) - they are a male, and there is an extreme sexual attraction between us that I feel is mutual. I adore this person, but yes, there is a competitive energy between us in the sense that neither one of us will ever give in to the other person. There is always this air of plausible deniability between us and it's enraging. When one person makes a romantic overture, the other person will back away, and vice versa.
You mentioned dreams - this person actually invades my dreamscape A LOT, I even dream of his sisters and their lives with their husbands, even if he does not feature in the dream. Sometimes I'll hear something like the voice of God, telling me about this man, like God is playing a chess match between this person and I and he feels that he should at least tell me his next move. It's really kind of maddening.
After years of this it does tend to annoy me now, whereas for a long time it was utterly thrilling. But now I just feel burnt out. I want it to get to the next level, but it feels like there's this cosmic flyswatter that always prevents this from happening in some way... it makes me feel like I'm going nuts.
I do absolutely feel incorrectly criticized by him sometimes, though it's always quickly forgiven (perhaps vice versa as well).
We have a lot of REALLY WEIRD things in common, like the synchronicities between us truly are bizarre and makes me think there's some higher purpose to our meeting. But like I was saying earlier, nothing ever materializes so I bat it from my mind and just occupy myself in other ways. Truly a bizarre interpersonal relationship


104076 544

I ran a composite . moon is conjunct to jupiter and trine to saturn and uranus. this pattern shows a harmonious, supportive and nurturing relationship. this shows intelligence and financial stability. likley you have similar profession .likely educational/counseling. This type of pattern is often found in succeesful relationships and marriages. i would assume that there was a feeling or talk between you that this would turn into a marriage.

the moon/node midpoint conjunct to psyche gives a idealistic and romantic aura to the love between you. this can give a sense of "soulmate" as the psychic connection of your emotions are strong.these vibrations bring sensation of innocence and adolescence as experiencing another for the first time.yet the moon psyche midpoint is conjunct to eris which makes the "spiritual" love hot and passionate.
this electric physical chemistry is also shown by the pluto/venus/mercury/eros stellium.

so everything seems right,professionally,economically,emotionally ,mentally,sexually.
so what went wrong??????

the most recent problem seems to be infidelity in ..
but if this is so ,then the problem really has to do with emotional issues.

pluto is conjunct to venus/mercury and square to the orcus/lilth conjunction.this gives a paradoxically emotional experieince where at moments of extreme intimacy and togetherness,suddenly a silence or emotional distance arises. and this distance began to grow into a chasm of silence towards the end.

pluto's influence implies that your emotional makeups were constricted in childhood to the degree that neither of you "know" how to be really open. pluto often brings repressed memories .

but whatever it means , functionally, unconscious impulse are directly affecting a conscious attempt of love.the unconscious influences cannot be consciously controlled hence the relationship is really just being blown by the winds of fate.

pluto brings a degree of selfishness that is incompatible with love .
and with orcus square, then the physical aspect of the relationship was always his main priority,whether he acknowledged this or not. again pluto brings blind selfish instinct into play. though he was a deceptive person and insincere person.

though it can be destructive ,this emotional/sexual connection you have will tend to bring you around him in late summer.that is if this is a recent breakup.

Anyways, you ask.. "so everything seems right,professionally,economically,emotionally ,mentally,sexually.
so what went wrong??????"

We definitely have all of those connections. Especially the sexual attraction and lust for one another.

Here's a summary of our relationship..

We started dating February 2010.
Things were magikal.. Until my detective/needs to find out every little detail/mystery Virgo Sun in me started to slightly become aware of who he really is.

As time went on, I became comfortable enough to start questioning him.
He would then make me feel like a psycho for doubting his integrity..
Which then resulted in me apologizing because I never had physical proof. It was always just a intuitive gut/something doesn't seem right feeling.

He's a singer in a band, and also works at House of Blues running the lights for shows.. So, those types of environment has lots of females, and working late nights.
I became super insecure, and I turned into a monster of questioning his every move. He could essentially only take so much..
So, he broke up with me for the first time in October 2010.
During that break up, one of his band members expressed to me that my ex is an *******, and that he always gets other females to send him naked pictures. I took what he said with a grain of salt because I guess I was in denial, he had not proof, and I wasn't about to believe another guy over my boyfriend. My ex and I were still conversing though, and continued to see each other every now and then. Which turned into us getting back together January 2011. I did confront him about the pictures, and he denied having done so.

He worked a festival in Kansas at the end of July 2011. When he got back, this girl wrote on his Fbook wall saying something along the lines of, "It was nice meeting you at Kansrocksas!" Of course I dislike that. I somehow managed to figure out his email password.. Yes, I rummaged through all of his mail.. Something I'm not proud of, but I just needed to search.. And I found.. A few naked pictures of females in there, along with all of his facebook personal messages that are sent to an email. I then confronted him lying to me a few times.. I wanted to stay with him. I wasn't about to break it off with this person I seem to just love so dearly that didn't actually physically cheat on me to my understanding. I wasn't acting happy though.. So, things began to turn sour again.. He broke up with me that November 2011. His reasoning was.. he can't do this to me. I'm too good of a person to be with him. He's not established in life with a career, and his self worth is low, so he seeks out mental attention from other females.. BlahBlah..

Needless to say, we didn't speak for almost two months, until one night in February of 2012 we happened to see each other out.. We then started to speak again. A few weeks later, he writes me this letter about how sorry he is and that he wants to be with me.. Yes, I take him back. On the conditions of him blocking all of the girls from the past that he kept hidden.He agreed. Two months later, my roommate moved out with short notice, so my ex moved in.. All of his personal belongings settled in my apartment. The only other time I went through his confidential things was with his email. So, he goes on this cruise with his mom in July.. What do I do, I start searching for anything I could find that he could potentially be lying about..

I find a stub ticket with the location in Kansas and the date January, 14 2012..
I find two jump drives filled with videos, and pictures of naked girls..

He lied about going to visit that girl in Kansas that he met at that musical festival.
And he also lied about his collection of naked girls he brought into my home.

When he returned from his cruise, I presented what I found out.. He was apologetic.. And didn't want to tell me about going to Kansas because he didn't want me to leave him or whatever. And I'm the only one he loves..
The worst of our personalities started to come out..
We had to be out of our apartment at the end of September. We agreed on trying to work our relationship out, but finding separate apartments. Three days after I move into my apartment he breaks up with me. He wouldn't speak to me from the end of September all the way through October 2012.

So, this is where I'm at now..
We've been on and off lightly talking and seeing each other though since after new years. It's a **** continuos cycle of love/hate.

I just don't know what to do anymore. I don't think I'll ever be able to love the same again. I could be dating a lot of men, but it's just not the same. No one enchants me intellectually, and physically. I can't justify settling for someone that I don't fancy that much.

Geez. Alright, I think I'm done rambling about this.
To those who actually read this **** pity party, and respond, thankyouthankyou



South Node and karmic nightmares

the north node is an axis of energy and either south or north node can relate to past lives. a square to the node can show that the affect of past lives is acting on you

the concept of achievement with the node is just astro babble. the nodal energy related your immediate actions as well as past life actions. the nodal energy is the entry that the soul uses to enter the astral planes.

transits to the node are more reliable than any other of the astrological symbols.

you have venus conjunct the north node and you have Lilith conjunct to Pluto and square to the nodal axis. so it is really looking as if your dreams are a connection to past lives . the lilth square shows a portal from the astral planes . this gives the possibility that these dreams are coming from disembodied entities, but it is also possible that you are receiving astral input from embodied entities. That is live people.

your pattern suggest that you have had premonitions of the deaths of others or that departed souls can communicate with you,in addition to the possibility that you are picking up living beings energies.

venus with the north node really amps up your intuitions and gives psychic sensitivity.

your mercury is square to Uranus and as mentioned already ,Uranus/mercury aspects give clearer indications that you have access to the astral plane/dream states.

so your life long history of nightmares is because you have an "open" portal of the planes of life and/or death.

I would suggest trying to find a competent psychic to help your unravel the forces you are sensitive to.

your Uranus is biquintile to the south node. this suggest that you have the potential to harness your astral awareness .your chiron is biquintile to the north node which also gives the potential to fully understand the nature of the connection of life and death. but you must work at these concepts consciously, as these forces can cause great mental instability if you are only subject to fear.

I think by just realizing there is a "higher" organized plane working through you that the chaos and fear of your nightmares will end.


Thank you so very much! That was really helpful and it does resonate because in these nightmares I'm often a bystander watching what is happening to others so it makes absolut sense that these aren't just my experiences but maybe from other departed souls as well. Again, thank you! I'm actually going to write this down so I won't forget it. :)


Navigating one's life according to North and South Node placements
Originally Posted by helike13
Thanks for the replies.

Everything you mentioned is there. Intercepted sign, Saturn in interception, Pluto at anaretic degree.

Here's my birth chart:


venus with the node gives you a very attractive nature both shows you have a strong aura or a air of magic atound you as others sense you presence before you enter a room.some say they can see you image also simmer in the light. this makes your intuitions very good . you are psychic in that what you feel about others is always true.
chiron with the node is an aspect of great intelligence. your mind insharrp with excellent deductive and critical mental abilities. this position very often gives a photographic memory

with chiron conjunct to venus and the node, in realtionships you always want tonow everything about the "other". you want to know every they think or how they feel about everything.this can bring a very intimate relationship because you know each toher so well. but there is usually something quirky in your relationships. often you end up with someone that is not what you usually look for. it adds a sexual intensity to your already strong emotional/sexual attraction but there is always a unusual "kink".
with your sun conjunct to the node and opposed to Uranus, you also have access to the astral plane which shows up in your vivid/flying dreams. your dreams can give you answers to questions in your life and your dreams can be prophetic. this opposition makes you are very active and far sighted individual. you love the unique and area always trying to stretch your horizons. this can make you a"radical" at times as you don't stand for corrupt moral standards.

this aspect of your personality make surprise of confuse others because with the moon opposed Jupiter and sextile to mars and Saturn, you are actually very conservative in some ways.
with the sun/mercury midpoint conjunct to chiron and the node, another aspect of great intelligence appears. This aspect increases you psychic abilities and you likely can read others thoughts.
this increase all I said about Chiron. you are very intelligent with a incisive intellect. you are a problem solver and like to be able to understand both sides to any discussion or problem.
this makes you a very loyal friend but if you are betrayed or offended ,you will "freeze" the offender out of your life,even if it is a friend.

the sun adds to presence. it sows you affect everyone and everything were ever you show up. it is another aspect of a"magic" that seems to envelope you at ties.
this is an aspect of white magic but dark element's are also attracted to you,so you must be careful who allow to get to know you.


venus with the node gives you a very attractive nature both shows you have a strong aura or a air of magic around you as others sense you presence before you enter a room.some say they can see you image also simmer in the light.
Women aren't attracted to me :(

chiron with the node is an aspect of great intelligence.

with the sun/mercury midpoint conjunct to chiron and the node, another aspect of great intelligence appears
Yes, my IQ is very high but my mind isn't as sharp as when I was younger. Now it's like a rusty katana.

your sun conjunct to the node and opposed to Uranus, you also have access to the astral plane which shows up in your vivid/flying dreams. your dreams can give you answers to questions in your life and your dreams can be prophetic
Yes, I had paranormal encounters when I was a kid and I am able to perform lucid dreaming. Actually I have a recurring dream about college/university. Sometimes I am a student there sometimes I'm just there. I have never studied in a college, though. Vocational and high school only.

this makes you a very loyal friend but if you are betrayed or offended ,you will "freeze" the offender out of your life,even if it is a friend
Yes, it's true. First time in my life I can't just 'freeze' them out of my life. Maybe it's a lesson.

Maybe I have these superpowers but I'm not aware of. Maybe my life purpose is to get aware of them and use them in the favour of the collective.

Actually people say when it comes to relationships and attract women that the most important thing is emotional intelligence and control. But I don't feel I have any control on other people's emotions even with that robust Cancer theme in my horoscope.


- possible new guy - composite
posted June 02, 2019 05:41 PM
yeah... holy moly
starting with jupiter/chiron/node stellium opposed to the moon/Uranus/south node stellium.
which plane to start on...very strong astral/psychic connection. common dreams and communication thru dreams.
but the intensity may be too much as Uranus is within one degree on the south node and Jupiter exact on the north node.
an amazingly brilliant merging of minds with Jupiter/Chiron/Uranus /node axis. this looks like a work related relationship.chiron gives a uber analytical,forensic mental frame work .intuitive grasp of each other ideas, and I mean complex ideas being transited.
it has very rising executive vibration as well. if within a workplace it bodes sudden and vertical rise thru the relationship.
with chiron/moon/node there is an instant desire to understand each others, not only ideas, but emotional shows brilliance defining underlying dynamics of any situation.
the stellium of Venus/mars/vertex shows a very spontaneous emotional attraction in addition to the intellectual/psychic tension.
this usually gives a strong sexual/emotional tnsion but here it may be subdued as the sun/Saturn midpoint is conjunct to venus.
the emotional attraction might be a distraction if this is a business connection and vertex emotional connections can be difficult to integrate into a "normal" relationship. but with the vertex on the descendant, there is such as sense/feeling of destiny or higher powers involved in this relationship that the emotional/sexual attraction may be a unavoidable.
the eros/psyche midpoint is square to the mercury/sun midpoint which gives a underlying idealism and romantic feeling, especially when speaking from your hearts.
in addition the jun/Jupiter midpointis conjunct to the mercury/sun midpoint so the transitory emotional attraction that eros and psyche can elicit could turn into serious
consideration of a serious long term relationship.
the midpoints of mars/chiron and venus/chiron are opposed to pluto.this would serve to lessen the emotional potential as subconscious of unconscious impressions might emerge if the relationship becomes very intimate . one may not be prepare to delve so deeply into the emotional dynamics as the other.this pattern suggest depth psychological insights will be touched on. soitis not clear if these levels of awareness can be made initially .
there seem to be a couple of deeper aspects that will temper the "normal" emotional patterns of a romantic relationship.
it seems safer to develop the common professional pursuits before allowing emotional/sexual attraction to arise.
I am still awed by the node aspects.
the moon/Saturn midpoint is opposed to mercury which adds a realism to the mental connection.
though with the strong Uranus/moon energy there may be inconsistencies as part of the relationship wants to advance quickly while another part is much more cautious ... maybe a back and forth thing. though with so much nodal energy this relationship should not be confused with normal inactions.
there is a curious pattern of eris opposed to cupid and square to the Saturn/pluto midpoint. I think this must be considered with the aspect of psyche square to Saturn.
and with nessus square to the vertex.
these aspect generally point it emotional/sexual dynamics of a darker nature or of meshing of pleasure/pain-love/hate dynamics.
the juno/Jupiter etc aspects are more socially normal emotional interactions. But the former patterns tend to show a manipulative or domineering need.that is the emotional fulfillment can be connected to other selfish desires.
it just seems that the romantic nature of the relationship will be very ....unusual or difficult.
but still the professional patterns are so very strong, it would behoove you to stay on the professional connection fro awhile.

I met him online. I can tell from his natal that he's super ambitious and career oriented.
I find him attractive for sure.
Thank you ,I appreciate you so much. You always see more than I can ever pick up on my own.


Re: Is he a psychopath or just cruel and manipulative?

hi chei star
you nailed him correctly.
Saturn conjunct the node square to mars with a sun/pluto square is extremely sadistic, cruel and psychotic.
most psychotics have a childhood where pain and pleasure ,love and hate are indistinguishable. these aspects can give the sadism, likely from the father.venus trine the node shows the pleasure /love principle is tied to the pain/hate aspect. and with the moon opposed to mercury and Jupiter with uranus square this opposition, he has aspects of insanity. Likely he is on a authority trip as the jupiter/mercury conjunction shows a comprehensive mind that is here riddled with psychosis. With the moon/Uranus influence and Saturn/node/mars influence, he also has manic depressive streak. definitely a dangerous person.
i don't know how long you have knon him but in feb 2012, his cruel,sadistic ,psychotic energy was raging.
with mars and pluto sextile to mercury/jupiter, he could support a seemingly normal profession ,so on the outside he may seem to be well adjusted at times.

the composite does have some malicious aspects.
first off it seems that she is entranced by him as the venus/mercury conjunction is trine to venus and sedna(i added a few symbols)
this shows there is a very affectionate and harmonious feelings between them.sedna gives an element of sincerityand truthfulness . so this is why she is not listening to anyone. but this is a trine and trines do not usually counter malific aspects of which ther are a number.
the most concerning is the pluto/saturn and jupiter/saturn midpoits square to the nodal axis. this is extremely dangerous as it shows him to be controlling,domineering and malicious.obviously pluto/saturn shows a potential for violence and worse .
the sunis square to uranus which inaddition to showing the relationship is only an affair at best,also gives the hair trigger dynamic which accentuate the danger of the pluto/sautn influence.definitely a potential for extreme violence ,if he does get his way

the jupiter/pluto conjunction is quintile to the noon and byquintile to mars so the mars/jupiter and mars/pluto midpoints are conjunct to the moon. this shows he wants to control her completely and the mars/pluto midpoint enhances the danger she is placing herself into.

eros is opposed to nessus and orcus. this shows a malcious and dangerous sexual dynamic.what she may think is romantic is only a cover for much more carnal and malicious intentions.with the sun/moon midpoint forming a tsquare to this opposition,the entire relationship is based on this perverse is what he intends, there are no and if ,and or buts.this is furthur shown as eris is opposed to the saturn/pluto and jupiter/satrun midpoints, so he is totally focused on carnal debasement of your sister.

saturn is opposed to pholous and quintile to neptune. this hows he is deceptive and increases the malicious and sadistic tendencies he has natally.

ceres is conjunct to sedna and so it is part of the venus/mercury/moon/sedan trine dynamic.
this shows that all the affection feelings and communication about truth and openness has made her feel devoted and nurturing towards him.the malefic aspects are quite strong ,so for a trine pattern to over ride these negative vibrations means she wants to believe the harmony is real.i have to ask if she has had problems in relationships before .
she desires this relationship too much as if she is trying to compensate for a bad relationship in the past.
pallas is opposed to mercury/venus. this implies that he gives her a feeling of empowerment in some way. Likely past problematic relationships have denigrated her sense of self esteem and he seems to be playing her off this insecurity.


The Following User Says Thank You to rahu For This Useful Post: chei star


Well-known member
Hi rahu,

What would you say of transit NN conjunct composite Sun/Mercury/Venus/Psyche stellium? It also trine composite Moon.

And at the same time,
transit Pluto/Saturn oppose the stellium, sextile Moon
transit Neptune trine the stellium and Moon

How will the mesh of energies affect the relationship as a whole?


Hi rahu,

What would you say of transit NN conjunct composite Sun/Mercury/Venus/Psyche stellium? It also trine composite Moon.

And at the same time,
transit Pluto/Saturn oppose the stellium, sextile Moon
transit Neptune trine the stellium and Moon

How will the mesh of energies affect the relationship as a whole?

post the entire chart on a thread if you want me to look at it. I don't like looking at bits and pieces


Well-known member
post the entire chart on a thread if you want me to look at it. I don't like looking at bits and pieces

I don't know his exact ToB (except that it's early morning). Can you still read the composite? If yes, what other asteroids should I include?


the sun/moon midpoint is square to psyche which there is a idealistic/spiritual feeling that permeates the chart. but Pluto is conjunct to psyche which complicates the interpretation as this can show a abusive nature involved.

this is especially strong as Saturn is square to this point it looks like a domination/submissive dynamic here.
the sun/mercury conjunction is trine to Uranus which gives a openness. you might replace the mean Lilith with true Lilith which is h13,
this trine can indicate a degree of astral/psychic energy between you so it is important to see were the true Lilith is as if the midpoint of these planets is conjunct to true Lilith , it would great increase the power and nature of the psychic connecting
this composite is very otherworldly so I assume that you are asking because there seems to be a strong sense of destiny or karma involved.
Neptune on the south node gives a very spiritual/visionary connection. this influences the common dreams and likely shows you communicate in dreams or have prophetic dreams with each other. it could be that one of you saw the other before you met. the psychic connection very strong though there may be confusing images that cloud the purpose of the relationship.
with the vertex conjunct the descendant, the otherworldly/paranormal connection is show. this suggest that you both have had similar unusual eperinc3s that were very similar in your lives.this a aspect can be very confusing because not all the energy is focused on the chart. that is there is a lot superfluous "karmic" energy flowing thru this relationship that does not necessarily apply to this relationship. isis is opposed to union which is square to the vertex which makes it I clear there are mystical/sexual feelings that you have been brought together for a reason.
Osiris square to psyche suggest the relationship could have metaphysical healing powers. with chiron conjunct the south node, this might be a relationship that heals karmic debts. possibly between each other as pluto position suggest past lives are influencing the relationship
venus may be square the true node and other midpoints show the might be a deep sexual/emotional feeling .
the moon/Saturn midpoint is conjunct to Uranus which suggest a very strong feeling of devotion and fidelity has developed despite very different paths of life .the ceres square to the south node and Neptune also suggest very strong fidelity and spiritual meaning.there seems to be many environment influences that are working against intimacy has both are not emotional free from other circumstances or people in your lives.
the juno/Jupiter midpoint is opposed to Uranus and moon/Saturn midpoint which suggest this could be a marriage. or it could have been a marriage in a past life.
there is so much difference between you it is difficult to see how a marriage or committed relationship could be sustained. you would have to harness the cohesive influences of the otherworldly energies.
the isis/Osiris midpoint is square to Uranus and the Jupiter/juno midpoint.
this really quite amazing as it seem a wedding on the metaphysical plane along with a wedding on the physical plane.

whatever the destiny is between you ,it was recently made clear.

the nodal axis transited the grand cross formed by Uranus/moon-Saturn mp opposed to juno/Jupiter mp and isis/Osiris mp opposed to the mercury/Lilith mp,sun/Lilith mp
(this is provisional as you used the mean Lilith which is not reliable, again you need to use true Lilith h13.)
the node transited the isis/Osiris midpoint at 25can11 on march 9 PDST.
the nodal axis square the juno/Jupiter midpoint at 24lib36 on march 20
the nodal axis square the moon/Saturn midpoint at 23ari42 on march 31 the nodal axis squared Uranus at 23ari31 on april 2.

Thank you so much, !


What does the meaning of South node conjunction moon in composite, could you please decribe it?

pluto on the south node in a composite can mean that the relationship is from a past life. with venus trine then it is mostly,that if this is true, then it wa a positive past life.
in the currently reality, pluto on the south node can show a very strong sexual connection ,especially as Venus is trine.
pluto with the south node can also connect your psychically so you might have dream of each other.
psychologically this shows that the relationship could be a healing experience for you. it might be a past relationship has leave emotional uncertainty and this relationship might alleviate these past feelings .

pluto on the south node gives a overall intensity which would make favorable aspects stronger but would also make unfavorable aspects stronger.

overall, this is a heavy relationship and you must be aware it could have serious negative affects if it is not healthy.pluto can show that there might be abusive experiences in your childhood which could come out in the relationship.
you might post the entire composite

the nodes ,you know ,mark the points where the moon moves form north to sout latitude and vice versa. but the earth is on the the "matri that the node is marked on this the vertex. the vertex is not only a mathematical concept.
in the 1980's NASA launched 6 satellites as part of the helios project. these ere place around the sun and north and south of the sun. Their cameras were to observe the sun's activity.
at one point the satellites were turned outward and the camera saw that a iridescent plane of gold energy emanated from the equator of the sun and extended as far as could be seen into the solar system.


so the vertex/equator of the sun is a energy plane of some sort. and because the earth is the only planet that is always on the vertex,when the moon moves between north and south latitudes, I demarks the orbit of the moon on the vertex/energy.
it is likely that the energies of the moon are in fact a sunset of the vertex.

ı thought that nodes are more influential and valid rather than vertex thing is that because the vertex is represented of a greater "karma" that just the earth, that vertex energy does not always translate into a affect on the earth plane like the node is as if the node focuses those energies of the vertex that do apply to the karma of
the vertex gives intensity but the end product is not always what one would your example on the face of it, this would be favorable fro marriage and/or committed relationship but whether that would manifest is not certain


Borderline and body dysmorphia?

Anyway, I have struggled with my mental health for a while and despite my family being there for me I just can't seem to catch a break. I was diagnosed with bulimia a year ago and take Prozac on a daily basis, and although I haven't been told that I have BPD, I see qualities of it in myself - such as being impulsive and emotionally reactive.

I don't know if my early childhood had anything to do with this but I used to be physically beaten (to the point where I had once lost consciousness) by my parents but primarily my father, and generally had a tough childhood and suffered a lot of verbal abuse. My Dad struggles with anger. They've eased up a lot on me now, but the trauma is still there.

I added a few other symbols to your chart.
the Saturn/orcus midpoint is conjunct your moon and square to mars.
this could be symbolic of the physical abuse. this pattern would suggest violence by lack of emotional control as you mention. Orcus with Saturn can show sexual abuse also.
the Saturn/Uranus midpoint which would be more specific to the violence you survived is conjunct the vertex/mars midpoint. with the vertex the implication is that he became "possessed" in some manner ,so the violence took on a life of it's won.

following you questions, mercury is conjunct to nessus. nessus is focus of abusive impulse including sexual abuse. with mercury, this could imply repressed or blocked . what is interesting is that the psyche/eros midpoint is conjunct to nessus and mercury. this pattern is easily symbolic of the unusual sexual experience you mention.

the Saturn/chiron midpoint is conjunct to your venus/mars midpoint. this pattern is strong correlated with sexual abuse. but this could include your father.

what is very interesting ,is that Sedna is conjunct your node and sto your sun... this indicates a remarkable pursuit of truth.that is ,you are a truth teller and truth seeker. this impulse maybe why you are searching for the light around your life.

Thank you, this is very insightful! I just checked my chart and added those asteroids and found out my Nessus is in the 8th house conjunct my Chiron as well as Eros in the 8th house (what does this mean?)

Yes, the violence was consistent and very extreme. Like you said, I don't think that my Dad wanted to inflict pain onto me, he just couldn't control his anger and violence was the result of that.

I'm not very familiar with Nessus and Eros, what do you mean when you say my aspect could be indicitive of sexual abuse? And with saturn/orcus towards my father?

I really do think that I was sexually abused somehow. I was an extremely sexual as a child even when I was about 4 or 5 years old, my friends and I would experiment and do sexual things many times, all while I had absolutely no idea what we were actually doing. It was like I instinctively knew how to do things, which is unusual.

Do you see any aspects that could be indicative of body dysmorphia/self image issues or trouble with regulating emotion? I struggle with these areas so much. My venus is square my ascendant and square Pluto but those are the only indicators I know of.

Also based on my chart, how would you describe me as a person? I think I struggle with forming a cohesive identity a lot and thats why I seek things like astrology to help me understand who I am. I have a huge need for intimacy and fear of abandonment so without other people sometimes I feel empty.

Again, thank you so much.

hi again

first I have to comment that you maturity and insights are amazing for a 15 years old woman. I think this in part has to do with Sedna conjunct your node as I have already allude to.i don't know if you are familiar with the young singer /song writer grace vanderwall, but she also has this aspect and also shows a precocious mental clarity as you do .

I'm not very familiar with Nessus and Eros, what do you mean when you say my aspect could be indicative of sexual abuse? And with saturn/orcus towards my father?

nessus is symbolic of the transition ofsome unconscious instincts into consciousness. it is specifically associated with sexual abuse and other forms of victimization. it is of the nature of Pluto and Saturn as it'd orbit is from just inside Saturn to the fringe of pluto's' orbit.
eros is the ethereal male love principle and forms a polarity/duality with psyche .

orcus is the twin to pluto, it is the etruscan name for the god of the underworld. so these energies are similar to pluto though orcus seems to be more inwardly oriented and pluto a bit more outward socially oriented.

the twin character is shown by the orbit parameters. both are the same distance from the sun. both have the same orbital period
this site has some excellent animations that show the 3:2 resonance that both orcus and pluto share with Neptune.

Pluto & Orcus have nearly identical orbital sizes and orbital periods.
Pluto's orbital period = 248.02 years
Orcus' orbital period = 247.29 years
Neptune's orbital period = 163.72 years
Neptune and Orcus have a 3:2 (mean-motion) orbital resonance, which is the same as the Neptune-Pluto 3:2 orbital resonance. This occurs due to the very close orbital periods of Orcus and Pluto.
in addition the satellites of orcus and pluto are were both created by collisions and the symmetry of the pattern of the satellites are similar.

Saturn/orcus midpoints as well as Saturn/pluto midpoints are possible indications of sexual abuse or severeabuse. in your chart Saturn/orcus midpoint is square to your mars/venus midpoint which is highly suggestive of sexual abuse and it one aspect that would agree with your feelings of being sexually abused.

I really do think that I was sexually abused somehow. I was an extremely sexual as a child even when I was about 4 or 5 years old, my friends and I would experiment and do sexual things many times, all while I had absolutely no idea what we were actually doing. It was like I instinctively knew how to do things, which is unusual.

your eris/mars midpoint is square to nessus/mercury and the eros/psyche midpoint. eris,in some mythological versions ,was the sister of mars and therefore is symbolic of incestual sibling sexual relationships. this is a very sexual aspect because, obviously mars is a aggressive sexual symbol and eris is a corresponding feminine sexually symbol.

first this square to the eros/psyche midpoint can be of symbolic of adolescent sexual impulses. this would correlate with your early sexual awareness. in addition mercury relates to childhood and is a asexual or bi sexual symbol. so this too would apply to consciousness of the sexual impulse in early childhood. then with nessus include ,you have another very strong indication od sexual abuse occurring. nessus with mercury gives the likelihood of repressed or blocked memories

Do you see any aspects that could be indicative of body dysmorphia/self image issues or trouble with regulating emotion? I struggle with these areas so much

I am inclined to believe a underlying insecurity and/or lack of self esteem are integral in developing dysmorphia. in your chart the Saturn/moon midpoint is opposed to Chiron and square to eris.

[a note about chiron first) chiron is almost exclusively described in astrological literature as the "wounded healer" and therefore Chiron issues involve infliction and recovery of painful experiences, emotionally or physically. but this preoccupation with these issues is short sighted and in fact disguises the real nature of chiron. As the image of “wounded healer” is directly from the myth of chiron, it is inexcusable to ignore the breath of the chiron myth. Chiron iis the centaur in the glyph of Sagittarius so this by itself should lead to the realization that chiron rules higher knowledge and occult studies.
Some myths say that Apollo gave knowekdge of these subjects along with music and poetry to chiron. But Apollo is a much later appearing deity and as Chiron is a more ancient symbol it is clear that Apollo appropriated these skillsfrom the myth of chiron in the first place and then is pictured as giving these abilities, which were originally chirons, back to chiron.}

Chiron gives great intelligence knowledge of higher studies and occult matters gives a person a deductive, critical and analytical mind. Strong aspects to Chiron and mercury very often give photographic memories.
Chiron is also associated with abusive circumstance when paired in hard aspects to Saturn and orcus and pluto though the latter two usually need to have a conscious planet to be included as signs for abuse.

So back to your question about dysmorphia, the moon/Saturn (insecurities) seem to have elicited overly critical views of yourself because of the very early and intense sexual occurrences and experiences as symbolizedby eris square this opposition. The traumatic social reaction to your sexual nature and the sexual abusive experiences cause you to block out these experiences and displace the disapproval to your own psyche and thereby distorting your acceptance of your self-images.

I think the trouble regulating your emotions is because as at a very unusually young age had to resolve the tensions of attraction and repulsion, pleasure/pain,love/hate and acceptance/rejection.
I tend to agree that you were sexually abused and since you know you suffer physical violence at the hands of a”care giver”, this skewed view of yourself was fixated by these opposing instinctual emotional reactions. i.e. on one hand you survival instinct wanted to flee the pain but your self-preservation impulse wanted to stay and fight.
What happens to a person in this situation is that your body produced contradiction hormone cascades.
These hormonal chemical substances of flight or fight are opposite in chemical nature and they actually fight each other. The affect is analogous to stepping on the gas in a car at the same time you apply the brakes…you burn out the brakes. But what happens to a person is that your body can no longer regulate either hormonal flow.
The result is very often auto immune diseases because the body attacks itself . some of these dysfunctions can range from sleep apnea to life threatening lupus infection and many other diseases in between of varying severity.

Also based on my chart, how would you describe me as a person? I think I struggle with forming a cohesive identity a lot and thats why I seek things like astrology to help me understand who I am. I have a huge need for intimacy and fear of abandonment so without other people sometimes I feel empty.

These feelings go back to your early uncertainty of love versus hate.
Describing you personality…….LOL girl this will be difficult because you have amazing psychic and astral potentials . But with the emotional baggage you are working through ,you might not realize this.
You have the vertex conjunct to the node and Sedna withthe sun/Neptune conjunction square the node and vertex. In addition you have Uranus square to your Lilith
You are 15 years old so I wish I could give you personality description to ease your socializations but I can’t. you have amazing “other worldly” or paranormal or psychic astral I must talk about etheric realties to you instead of realities that you can use immediately to understand yourself in relationship to your peers.

The vertex and node gives string psychic abilities but these abilities can be very confusing because the vertex can add energy, experiences and sensations that may not apply to you directly .the node applies to you and other influences can come through the node to you, but the vertex gives intensity but not always “information” you can use. It tends to give strange otherworldly experiences and sensations through out your life. Sometimes it is just synchronistic coincides that mean nothing to anyone but you.this is all complicated because thesun and Neptune is square to the node/vertex. This gives the potential for visions. with Uranus square to Lilith your dreams can be prophetic and knowledge can come to you during you dreams. Flying dreams and even out of the body experiences are possible. Neptune can brings visions to you from thedream state to the awake state. it is possible to have visions even when you are totally conscious…seeing entitiesaround you.
On top of this Sedna with the node asI mentioned means you seek truth. You know what is right,what is coherent and what is false or faulty. You must be careful though, because some people do not want to hear thetruth about themselves or social situations. so you must only share your insights to those you trust.
You are extremely exceptional so trying to mold yourself to your peer group, I realize is part of growing up,but you must accept you are very singular and that the social mores around you might not be good examples to emulate .
Your Jupiter is on your nadir, so you are a point of respect and knowledge to others. you think things out and try to be just.
You can be impulsive with moon square to the moon, but you might not feel comfortable with rash actions because of the violent upbringing.
Mercury is sextile to venus which shows a harmonious social nature,you enjoy others and are humorous and clear spoken.
Your Venus/Jupiter midpoint is opposed to pluto which suggest you are ambitious ,but not blindly ambitious. This aspect can bring favor in a corporate structure. But there seems to be social /financial power around you are moving toward you. this might be an indication of the social /familial conditions that your parents had around them to causes the harshness in your life
Your pallas is square to chiron which shows you love to know and understand what is around you. You are a problem solver or rather a analyzer as you like to know what people think and feel as well why they do what they do.
You might see if there is a named asteroid you could use to signify yourself in the chart
:love::lol: Oh my God I don't even know what to say!!! I'm going to read this but I just want to say thank you so much this is going to be so incredibly informative. Thank you so much Rahu.
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About this specific guy, I'm not sure why but I feel that I wanna get closer to him, but I'm not feeling that warm energy exchange. Not that I'm not feeling it, but it feels like it's resisted from me. And act too lighthearted instead which hampers any warmth that could be felt. Like I throw it away without wanting to.

hi Brenda_S

your descriptions are very close to what I see in the chart. I really can't be to encouraging as this doesn't look like a chart that will get off the ground.
a main reason is him..... he is not emotional and he is very concerned with his professional life/money/power.
Saturn is conjunct the node which gives a strong aura but usually of a selfish nature. he definitely has substance whether it is good or bad.
the node and Saturn are opposed to chiron/Jupiter midpoint. this really increases his material ambitions and it can show he is into some level of magic.he is quite ruthless and probably belongs to a organization or a corporations that are among the powers that be in society.

there is muchmore to him that one can see,but either for good or bad,he has is a strong controlling and manipulative

there's no question that there is a very affectionate and enchanting emotional ambience between you. theses planets give attraction and fluid and humorous emotional connection.
Uranus adds a breathtaking electric feeling with him. this usually is the energy of an immediate sexual attraction and affair but one that ends as quick as it began.

Neptune opposed to the stellium is a bit problematic . though it adds to the sexual chemistry, it also weakens the formation of sincere and biding intimacy. it is very momentary and anything said in intimate moments cannot be taken as......sincere.
the Jupiter/Uranus midpoint is square to chiron and the venus/Jupiter midpoint is conjunct chiron . these are very intense vibration of attraction but very unstable and unlikely to coalesce into to anything serious.chiron centrality suggest there are just to many difference in how you see the world for anything other than a temporal rendezvous.
it would not surprise me if this preoccupation just began in may ,and as the nodal axis is transiting from this opposition until next year, this might be quite bit of fun till then.

though looking it over this probably started in professional/employment area as there were strong affiliating energies as far back as October of 2018. there is a good chance of a romantic relationship as I said towards the end of the year. I would think it likely will end up a off and on liaison at best
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