pushing boundaries -- can I trust this guy?


Active member
Help! Just got blind-sided by my boyfriend, his commenting that he took time out of his workday to collect some firewood. In his mind, not a big deal, 10 or 15 minutes of the company's time, no harm done. In my mind, if it's not something he's comfortable telling his boss about, it is dishonest.

He used to shoplift, hasn't done so in years and I really don't think ever will. But there's this side of him that seems to be drawn to pushing boundaries, taking risks (this one was on day 2 of a new job), driving fast, etc. Bottom line -- while my heart says I can trust this guy, my head is saying, "Get a second opinion already!"

Any opinions? I've put his chart in the inner circle.



Well-known member
You both have 12th house sun/mercury in your natal positions. You are both
going to be playing the victim role OR trying to save the other
person from something. Not the best positioning unless you
both want to suffer together.
The twelth house is the house of suspicion and hidden enimies as well as of sacrifice and seclusion. With this placement, you would make
a good nurse or any profession that helps others as well as
any artistic career, like acting or photography.

If you want a relationship it would be best if you both
lived together somewhere isolated, or by the water (although with your moon/saturn in pisces it can sometimes indicate a fear of water, if not you then maybe your mother or one of your children),because that is where you both feel most at home. You both have strong imaginations and will find yourselves going there often.

There can be substance abuse or an illness here by either or both of you or someone in your families, most likely a sibling or parent.
You have jupiter in the 7th house which can indicate many, many
relationships, or a relationship with someone who is foreign born or from another country,
or another religion. It can also indicate a "long distance" type of relationship.
This can make you want to "run away" when anyone get too close...

You have a Scorpio Asc, which loves to know every secret
about everyone else (and your good at getting them,too), but
is very secretive yourself. Funny thing is though, your boyfriends
Sun is in your 8th house (the house of Scorpio),
so the same can be said for how you SEE him.

Energy in charts goes both ways...it just doesn't represent
how you are but how you see others as well. In other words
the energy can be created by you yourself, or it can be
directed at you by someone else.

With this chart set up you are driven to succeed in your
career and are also attracted to someone who is driven as well
with mars in the 10th, but you may also have great conflicts
with authority as well and the same can be said of any mate.

You have a Leo Mars so the men you like are dynamic, athletic and can be
a bit of a showman. You like a man who is self assured and you will attract
this type of man to you. This person will like to drive cars and
be attracted to elite types of sports. But a Leo type person can
be very sentitive to criticism, so don't ever hurt their pride, they will never
forgive you. This young man has his Mars in the 5th house...so he likes to act
like a leo.
Your moon/saturn is in his 10th house so you will try to be
both mother, parent and boss to him or at least he will see you
in that light.
Your moon is in pisces which compliments his
venus in cancer...but you have a tendancy to try to want
to save others from themselves...this could be what you are trying
to do here. He on the other hand wants to feel needed by his mate
and one who would make a good mother and home maker and would prefer it
if she had money, since he has that 2nd house venus and and 8th house

Now, after all of this...you may have difficulty in acting on anything that
I have said here, because you have Neptune in your first house.
Neptune often brings fear and insecurity.

You can often delude yourself in believing whatever it is you need to believe to do whatever it is you want to do - NO MATTER WHAT ANYONE ELSE ADVISES -
or it can make you very susecptable to others suggestions and as a
result make it hard for you to make a decision....note the title of the
thread...second opinion...keep this in mind when reading this.
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Active member
pallas said:
You both have 12th house sun/mercury in your natal positions. You are both
going to be playing the victim role OR trying to save the other
person from something. Not the best positioning unless you
both want to suffer together.
We're both trying to "improve" the other! We're finding it's lot of grist for the mill that's really helpful in looking at our own motivations.

If you want a relationship it would be best if you both
lived together somewhere isolated,
that's right on.

You have jupiter in the 7th house which can indicate many, many
relationships, or a relationship with someone who is foreign born or from another country, or another religion. It can also indicate a "long distance" type of relationship. You have a Leo Mars so the men you like are dynamic, athletic and can be a bit of a showman. ...This young man has his Mars in the 5th house...so he likes to act like a leo.
yep -- he's foreign born and of another (though related) spiritual tradition. And right on with the Leo attraction.

Your moon/saturn is in his 10th house so you will try to be
both mother, parent and boss to him or at least he will see you
in that light.
He definitely seems to see me that way!

He on the other hand wants to feel needed by his mate
and one who would make a good mother and home maker...
This doesn't resonate so well -- he is _extremely_ particuarly about how things are done and actually doesn't want me to be doing much around the house! He's not especially interested in kids, though he considers himself a kid in many ways.

Now, after all of this...you may have difficulty in acting on anything that I have said here, because you have Neptune in your first house.
Neptune often brings fear and insecurity.
Ha! There's certainly an element of that. :rolleyes: As for a practical first step in taking action, I'm sensing it'll be helpful to remind him I'm not wanting or trying to be his boss or parent.

Thank you for your insights!!!