Composite Chart and Fortune + SN + Vx conjuct sinastry


Active member
Hey, in chart composite with my boyfriend, has the Yod configuration, and 2 Grand-Trine, 1 retangular mistical.
The First grande trine is under: Vênus in 11 house, pluto in 3 house, Júpiter in 7 house, and Vertex in DC,( 7 house ).
The composite:
In sinastry charter, Fortune, South Node and Vx be conjuction, Vênus in trine Saturn, and Sun and Moon Trine ( 4 ° orb ), and Sun-Sun 3° orb, Sun Trine Vênus and Mercury, respect orb 2°. Have oposite: Moon-Moon, but 8° orb.
So, this is a South Mate? Or, marriage chart?! We're a really: Lovers and Friends.