first house our birth right good health?


Well-known member
I should think so, since it gives one a good vitality in general. Though I think it makes one prone to heart disease (and other cardio problems.).
Good to know. My sun is squaring Neptune as its only major aspect, so that probably modifies my otherwise strong constitution. Sun in virgo, too, so the first house position probably saves me from being chronically ill.
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Well-known member
I have a first house sun, I don't really see it as a sign of good health unless by health u mean always happy because a sunny personality will keep you from being stressed which can reduce heart attacks


Well-known member
The first house is the house of immediate consciousness. Therefore, if the Sun resides in it, especially in the sign that is also rising, the person is more likely to be conscious of his state of he feels physically....and therefore more likely to seek medical attention if something feels wrong.

However, having said this....if Neptune is in the 6th, or the ruler of the 6th debilitated by Neptune or if Moon or Venus is in the 6th squared by a heavy planet, the person is likely to ignore symptoms and get sicker before seeing medical attention.
The first house is the house of immediate consciousness. Therefore, if the Sun resides in it, especially in the sign that is also rising, the person is more likely to be conscious of his state of he feels physically....and therefore more likely to seek medical attention if something feels wrong.

However, having said this....if Neptune is in the 6th, or the ruler of the 6th debilitated by Neptune or if Moon or Venus is in the 6th squared by a heavy planet, the person is likely to ignore symptoms and get sicker before seeing medical attention.

Thank you, Lin. That sounds right to me. I am very aware of my body and quick to make changes where needed.


sun is ruler of first in my chart. i have had excellent health since i was 12. before that, chronic tonsil infections, ear infections and accident injuries. smoothe sailing until i turned 50
and pluto cap crossed my 6th, ruled by saturn. developed gall bladder problems after 15 lb. weight gain over two years, as well as severely activated labrynthitis.
lean most of my life, with binge weight gains, too much lactose (congestion causing inner ear problems). started drinking it more in later life to counter osteoporosis.
a no milkfat-meatfat diet has turned it around.
sign on 6th is key to outer transits and health.
i had uranus and neptune move from 1st and 4th through 6th, but nothing wrecked me like pluto ~ natal ruler virgo.
purification and sparity demanded.