My pluto 2 house


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Apparently it can make you obsessed about money but i dont think im obsessed. i dont care that much about money as long as my basic needs are met.


Well-known member
Hi Inquisitive, I'm taking a risk in answering you, as you may oppose me as you oppose yourself in many things.
Basic needs vary, as you know from simple cheap things to expensive healthy items, with Pluto the planet of discrimination ruler of your 1st- 2nd and sponsor of your 6th-7th Houses, these Houses are not to be taken lightly, the complexity of Pluto in your case works in facilitating the flow of energy, Pluto sextiles the conj. Mars-Sun-Venus while the Moon trines Pluto, so you think it is just a matter of basic needs while it is not, if I'm able to reach you let me know so we can continue.

Can you elaborate more, please.


Well-known member
One must also note the natal aspects of the planet in question. Pluto is of course powerful in the sign of Scorpio, relating to the use of power and control. We see it is joined with your NN, showing it plays a distinct role in your destiny in life. Positive trine to Moon, quintile to Venus, sextile Mars and Uranus; that's a lot of influence dealing not only with money, but also resources. Then there are the squares to Saturn and Mercury to take into account [the right use of power and control] . Second house is also about 'how you think about money'[beliefs and attitudes] and what you feel you need to ensure your security. I think the power of Pluto here allows you to understand that money is not all that life is about. As such then you take only what you need, without getting involved with obsessions, possessiveness or fear about your resources drying up. A good attitude to have! The position also probably relates to your ability to be resourceful and self-reliant. As with all the planets they do not always symbolize the material world, but can also indicate things associated with the more subtle non-material issues, and with Pluto, the evolution of the Soul.


Well-known member
One must also note the natal aspects of the planet in question. Pluto is of course powerful in the sign of Scorpio, relating to the use of power and control. We see it is joined with your NN, showing it plays a distinct role in your destiny in life. Positive trine to Moon, quintile to Venus, sextile Mars and Uranus; that's a lot of influence dealing not only with money, but also resources. Then there are the squares to Saturn and Mercury to take into account [the right use of power and control] . Second house is also about 'how you think about money'[beliefs and attitudes] and what you feel you need to ensure your security. I think the power of Pluto here allows you to understand that money is not all that life is about. As such then you take only what you need, without getting involved with obsessions, possessiveness or fear about your resources drying up. A good attitude to have! The position also probably relates to your ability to be resourceful and self-reliant. As with all the planets they do not always symbolize the material world, but can also indicate things associated with the more subtle non-material issues, and with Pluto, the evolution of the Soul.

I feel like i could have some unknown desire for alot of money but when i really think about it and analyze it i find that as long as my basic needs are met financially having extra money isnt really needed


Well-known member
The second house is also representative of what we value--- Our own personal moral values and our sense of self worth.

Pluto might indicate a very deep, solid set of principles by which you might live by. Or perhaps a 'do by whatever means necessary' moral code? The ends justify the means?

Pluto can be very serious. Perhaps you take yourself too seriously at times and may need to loosen up and relax, even if others are joking around and kidding you?:bandit:


Inquisitive.....I also have Pluto in 2nd House, in Virgo--Feeling the same as you, I know I have to make money to survive, but definitely not obsessed, nor materialistic.

True...katydid, I do have strict rules/opinions as well

Sooo true kimbermoon

:pluto::square::sun: I tend to feel obligated to the "underdog" & have been known to support those that have been unjustly treated

:pluto::square::jupiter: I am inclined to think positive & I'm very determined... My motto, "Where there's a will, there's a way"
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