

Staff member
This thread is for all who wonder how the eclipse happening today/tomorrow (depending on your time zone) is going to affect you. Answer to your question: pay attention to your experiences, because that's the only way you're going to know.

Some pointers: this is a north node eclipse, that is, the sun is with the north node. When you're affected by a north node eclipse, things are drawn into your life. The north node magnifies everything. You could see new opportunities. You could experience too much of a good thing. Whichever house 29 degrees Leo falls into in your chart, what you gain will probably match the theme of that house in some way.

If Leo is your sun sign or rising sign, you are likely to see some personal impact on your life. If you have a planet or sensitive point within 3-5 degrees of 29 Leo, you are going to feel a personal impact. If you have something within 3-5 degrees of 29 Aquarius, Scorpio, or Taurus, it will also be some impact, although if your affected placement is in Aquarius (or early Pisces), the eclipse will be in opposition to you, which means your gain or too much is likely to be the result of something happening to, or by, others.

Mars is the closest planet to the eclipse, at 20 Leo. If you have a planet or point within a few degrees of 20 Leo (or Aquarius, Scorpio, or Taurus), you are likewise sensitized.

But what does that all mean? That's where you come in. This is the time and place to share! What has been happening for you in the last six months or so? Last February, there was a lunar eclipse near the axis of the upcoming solar one, with sun at 22 Aquarius and moon at 22 Leo. (22 Leo is where my sun is, so this is personal for me... more on that later.) What is happening for you now? Please post your experiences over the next few weeks/months/however long this thread lasts.

A helpful hint: if you are old enough to remember back 19 years, think of what happened for you around August 1998, and in the following six to twelve months. That's the last time there was a solar eclipse on approximately this degree of Leo. If you are too young to remember that time, this will be your first late Leo solar eclipse (or first within conscious memory), so your observations now are very important.
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Staff member
And I'll start the sharing. I am a solar Leo, with my solar return falling right in between the August 7th lunar eclipse and the August 21st solar one. The lunar eclipse in February happened at my solar opposition, with the moon right on my sun. Last September, there was a solar eclipse right on my natal Venus. This solar eclipse squares my natal Mars and nodal axis, with transiting Mars applying conjunction to my sun.

This last year, I had a situation with a bullying coworker that started close to the eclipse in September, which fell on my natal Venus (Venus rules my MC, btw). He was fired in late October... and I observed that the key developments in that situation, including the confrontation that led to him being fired the next day, all happened on days when the moon was in either Virgo or Pisces, transiting or opposing the degree of that eclipse.

Around the time of the lunar eclipse in February, I was seeing so many problems in my job (it wasn't just that coworker!) that I started looking for a new one. I got hired in mid March for what turned out to be a much better fit for me (and I've since found out that it's a very good thing I applied when I did, that was when the circumstances there were most conducive to me being hired). I later found out that the director at my old job took advantage of my new job offer to push me out the door and rehire the bullying coworker.

Around that same time, I took my first formal astrology class, after becoming a moderator here in January. Definitely some steps forward for me this last year.

Nineteen years ago, I met someone in July, about a month before the eclipse, and dated him for about six months, ending the relationship around the time of the next eclipse season. That resulted in me moving out of the house where I'd been living the last two years (due to tension between my roommate and boyfriend), getting a new job, which ended a stretch of unemployment, and, by the time we broke up, I had decided to go back to school, which I did the following year.


Well-known member

Some more useful tips from Bernadette Brady

plus some video

This thread is for all who wonder how the eclipse happening today/tomorrow (depending on your time zone) is going to affect you. Answer to your question: pay attention to your experiences, because that's the only way you're going to know.

Some pointers: this is a north node eclipse, that is, the sun is with the north node. When you're affected by a north node eclipse, things are drawn into your life. The north node magnifies everything. You could see new opportunities. You could experience too much of a good thing. Whichever house 29 degrees Leo falls into in your chart, what you gain will probably match the theme of that house in some way.

If Leo is your sun sign or rising sign, you are likely to see some person impact on your life. If you have a planet or sensitive point within 3-5 degrees of 29 Leo, you are going to feel a personal impact. If you have something within 3-5 degrees of 29 Aquarius, Scorpio, or Taurus, it will also be some impact, although if your affected placement is in Aquarius (or early Pisces), the eclipse will be in opposition to you, which means your gain or too much is likely to be the result of something happening to, or by, others.

Mars is the closest planet to the eclipse, at 20 Leo. If you have a planet or point within a few degrees of 20 Leo (or Aquarius, Scorpio, or Taurus), you are likewise sensitized.

But what does that all mean? That's where you come in. This is the time and place to share! What has been happening for you in the last six months or so? Last February, there was a lunar eclipse near the axis of the upcoming solar one, with sun at 22 Aquarius and moon at 22 Leo. (22 Leo is where my sun is, so this is personal for me... more on that later.) What is happening for you now? Please post your experiences over the next few weeks/months/however long this thread lasts.

A helpful hint: if you are old enough to remember back 19 years, think of what happened for you around August 1998, and in the following six to twelve months. That's the last time there was a solar eclipse on approximately this degree of Leo. If you are too young to remember that time, this will be your first late Leo solar eclipse (or first within conscious memory), so your observations now are very important.


Well-known member
What about people born on Aug 20-21, 2017? esp. in the USA? eclipse babies. The effects an eclipsing moon on the natal sun has on people for their whole lives. My birthdate (Feb 15, 1980) was a day before the total solar eclipse (not visible in North America). I'm what I call a Lunarian plus Cancer ascendant.