hopeless at the moment need guidance just hit a fork in the road


Well-known member
whats up guys im looking for a second opinion about my current situation at the moment, i read my tarot cards here and there as well so im sort of attuned to my path but it doesnt hurt to get a second opinion, ive been trying to push my music career for a few years but at times i feel like its a path leading towards a dead end and other it feels like im on the right road, my friends are very supportive and tell me to keep going but other times it feels like i chose the wrong path, i met with a sage that said im better suited for a leadership position and i can see that in myself but music is close to my heart. im jobless at the moment and living off some investments but its not enough to grow or save just to get by. maybe you guys can help me figure out where to go from here as i feel like i hit a fork in the road.

any feedback is greatly appreciated


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Well-known member
Is this an either/or?? Don't a lot of musicians have a day job but then perform on weekends?

I also think of a lot of performers who had to wait a long time before their big break.

With Venus conjunct your part of fortune, I think music is where you feel best about yourself.

I think that moon in Leo in the 11th has the soul of a performer, but conjunct Chiron, and square Mercury-Pluto you may be full of doubts about yourself.

Can you say more about your music: singing, writing? instrumental? How long have you been at it?


Well-known member
its more of a should i continue to do music type of thing im 25 at the moment and feel like i should have my life together already so maybe focusing on work or finding another passion that will bring me financial security is something i should focus on but i just dont know what that is music is everything to me.

yes i am overly critical about my music that is true but recently have been able to express myself more freely probably my progressed moon to leo and jupiter return so i think this is the turning point and opportuity to make some cool stuff but my parents are pushing financial responsibilty at the forefront at the moment so im thinking about just quiting music and finding financial security before im 30 and still living with my mom you know.

i am a performer and producer im really good at making songs but memorizing song lyrics is hard for me although i can hear a song and ride the cadent with my own words the problem is memorization LOL my own music i definitely can memorize after creating it the thing is when i hear music in general i hear the whole song as a whole not just the lyrics or the beat but both so somehow its hard for me to memorize the song no matter how many times i hear it i just feel it out but making my own music is different im always thinking big picture and how to make music progressive and different my strong suite i feel is deffinitely being dynamic in expressing myself with different genre styles i have a nice melody to my voice too, also my production im good at blending lots of styles in general the only thing i hate is memorizing lyrics LOL my sister has mercury on the ascendant so shes super quick and it comes so easy for her to memorize lyrics i have jupiter on the ascendant so im always thinking bigger picture but when i express myself my libra artistic tendencies and performer leo moon with jupiter and mars in the first and 10th really turn it up a notch

ive been at it since i was 18 by the way i started off producing and moved on to performing
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Premium Member
was this of any help,
your reflections/feedbacks to care to review and share :

updated :

libra asc, objective, fair-just, sociable, artistic tastes, business environments, etc
but could be provoked to stormy anger when provoked by someone;

sun libra first, impressive personality, PR Management/skills,
but wavering decision making,
sun 2nd highest deg factor for vocation

jup retro now 4-5m towards jup-sun libra asc
promoting gains in position-recognition, jup lord 3rd for initiative,
while also lord 6th affecting health, liver-kidneys-heart-stomach etc.
jup 12th advisory aptitudes/directorship;

leo 11th inimical-malefic for libra asc,, inimical sun libra asc,
impacting health especially during infancy, stressed life-gains etc

10th lord moon for career over inimical leo 11th, high self-pride,
highest deg representing core personality;
gains through career, women-mother', dairying, psychology, teaching etc,
but under stress-delays;

rahu the node now 1.5yr transit moon-leo 11th clouding things,
gains from foreigners-other races but under stress-delay;

natal venus-rahu sag 3rd, hyper-impulsive;
artistic, secular writings, paintings, communications, Acting skills,
prone to excessive risk taking, rise-fall in life to care;
seek ancestral blessings fasting No-moon evenings taking milk-fruits;

sat now 4-5m retro 3rd sag good for initiative-progress these months,
under delays, reviewing things, artistic aptitudes;
sat retro towards venus craving for affection but difficult to manifest,
and prone to mutual health issues in a relationship;

sat 2.5yr transit cap 4th good for property matters,
but sat-mars opp, entrepreneurial attitude,
but mother-property-career-health under stress/struggle

natal ketu separative node gemini 9th,
hyper-analytical, instrumental music;confused decision making;
rational-scientific view towards religion; tending to distant lands,
distancing from father physically or psychologically;

mer scorpio 2nd, research-occult aptitudes, luck-earnings thereby,
scorpio secretive, suspicious, sentimental; metal music?

jup now transit mer-scorpio 2nd good for fin-advisory-teaching roles;
trine own pisces 6th supportive of health-employment,
learning/teaching work environments;
trine elevated aspect mars-cancer 10th supportive of career;

mars debilated cancer 10th for career, impacting action orientation?
non-assertive, suppressed anger; mars lord 2nd for family-finances,
wear red coral over copper pendant touching heart;
mars elevated aspect over cap 4th, promoting property-domestic comforts;

sat own acq 5th, generally good for luck-education-advisory role;
while negates employment;
tech-scientific-mech aptitudes, reformist, innovative, public-school admin,

moon-sat opp under emotional stress etc affecting
observe fast sat evenings taking milk-fruits;

ketu now 1.5yrs transit sat-acq 5th,
detachment from luck-edu-romance-children-position,
pain-injury-surgery heart-stomach-lower legs-sciatica;
prayers to Christ, offer red flowers at the alter at home wed mornings;

hope could think of
research-teaching-composing-directing instrumental music!

hope information helps pick ideas for reflections,
do care to share-discuss pointwise feedbacks,
wishing well again, hope jup transit scorpio helps,



Well-known member
thanks for the feedback i have a few questions

what qualities you would say make me more attuned to make the instrumentals?

and what qualities make me more attuned to sing/do vocals?

cause i do vocals and produce my own music basically everything music related

i have an idea but im curious to get a second opinion


Well-known member
oh okay yeah i get you, i think i make a great performer the problem is being doubtful about making the music itself making me hyper critical about my own music i got this a lot from friends but they enjoy the music itself if that makes sense? i think the chiron conjunct the moon was like the challenge in my life to be able to express myself and i can definitely express myself now its just i feel that im my own worst critic but people that hear my stuff enjoy it

am i making sense?


Well-known member
chiron after all makes someone the wounded healer/teach after overcompensating what they felt they lacked

mars in the 10th and jupiter on the ascendant really want to shine when i perform
my libra qualities and venus in the 3rd i feel give me melody and feel for performing
but youre right even when i started i was always self conscious about my music
something i overcame but idk wether to continue or not at the moment
since im getting older


Well-known member
The strongest, least afflicted part of your chart seems to be your partile Venus sextile Jupiter, with these two planets in mutual reception. Venus conjuncts your part of fortune, and Jupiter conjuncts your ascendant.

If you've figured out what this is telling you, then I'd say, go for it. I note that the third house of Venus and your P of F rules the hands.


Well-known member
Sometimes a horoscope doesn't indicate an artistic career (like composer, author, painter) so much as what kind of work the person will produce.

Moon conjunct Chiron?

A lot of beautiful music has been produced by the the wounded warrior.


Well-known member
yeah and im very libra and sagg like in that sense as well with that leo undertone

but yeah i just wanted another opinion like i said im my own worst critic but when its all said in done i feel like im good at what i do the problem is self doubt like you said

yeah definitely i agree but the 3rd house also rules communication


Well-known member
wow thanks man that is encouraging and the story of my life
but yeah i definitely have a feel for music in general, especially with mercury conjunct pluto my mind is connected to the sub conscious.
i just wanted to know what astrological influences are stopping me from following my passion
that moon conjunct chiron is definitely the message
overcoming my emotional wound
i actually had surgery on my ring finger the sun/leo finger because of an accident
and the eclipse last year also conjuncted in 29 degrees leo in my chart marking new begininggs i guess for me personally
i feel like the sage wanted me to take a more leadership position with my moon in the heart of the lion regulus at 29 degrees and mars in the 10th with the libra influence making me a fair diplomatic type of leader even jupiter conunct the asc adds that flair of charisma but id be lying if i said i dont have artistic tendencies in general that libra influence to me says it all