2012- end of the world?


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Astrologer Barbara Hand Clow wrote a really interesting book called "Catastrophobia" (Bear & Company 2001). In it she suggests that those on earth at this time have a collective `catastrophobia' which has been passed down to us generation after generation related to a cataclysmic series of earth events around 11,500 years ago. When film-makers began to make such films as Poseidon Adventure and Towering Inferno in the 1970's, they were picking up on the early stages of this fear of being wiped out. This has escalated in the past 10 years into movies such as Independence Day, and now 2012.

Clow's suggestion is that because we believe that `the world is going to end', we tend to create circumstances which could very well lead us to the brink of destruction. Think of nuclear capabilities, and the constant need for war. It's as though we as a species are constantly taking ourselves to the brink to see it is true that we're close to The End.

Personally, I believe that a massive shift in consciousness is about to occur, and this is `the end of the world as we know it'.

But is it the end of the world physically?
I don't think so.