Copa America 2015 (3rd Palace) : Peru vs Paraguay


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Well-known member
I will do that quickly and hope my color selection is right

Peru => White and One striped red color => Moon
Paraguay => Red and White => Mars

Simply , Mars in 5th house (neutral) inside Cancer (Friend house) , Moon will start on 1st house (good one) but it's to be changed to 12th house (weak house) inside Aqu (neutral).

As summary

Mars => neutral house => Friend sign
Moon => weak house => neutral sign

Let's have a look into aspect :

Moon conjunct ASC within 3 degrees and it's going to enter the 12th house and separating from ASC which start bringing weakness.

However I am expecting Paraguay to win this game

For testing purposes : First time : Draw - 2nd time : Paraguay to win.


Well-known member
The color was not correct :

The correct color signs is :

Peru => Venus (I've selected from previous matches selection)
Paraguay => Mars

Mars in fall and that's cause of the lose.

Let's give a try on today final match.

Ehab Atari