Airplane safety? Dubious about travelling


Well-known member
I'm primarily seeking a second opinion (or three!) on this chart:


As an extremely nervous flyer, I'm cautious about checking my flights with horary charts. This one has me a bit worried, and I'm wondering about changing my flight day.

The reason this chart worries me is that the plane is represented by Jupiter, who is in his detriment and conjunct Aldebaran. Aldebaran is a Mars influence which signifies, amongst other things, thunderstorms and catastrophic weather. I am concerned that the plane is going to be damaged or disabled by a thunderstorm. As far as I can tell, I am not going to die or be (significantly) injured by this, but the chart has me worried.

What are your thoughts?


Premium Member
To see the progress of any journey in a horary chart, look at the angular houses. The first house represents the querent as well as the preparations for the journey. Mars is the significator of the querent.

The 10th house is the traveling to the destination. The Sun is the significator of this part of the journey.

The 7th house indicates how matters will go at the destination itself. Venus is the planetary significator.

The 4th house indicates how the the return leg of the journey will go. Saturn with Spica is the significator here.

The Sun is most important to this question. It is in Leo its domicile and in Hayz(completely in sect). There is an applying sextile aspect between the Sun and Mars. You will have a safe flight. Make no changes to your itinerary.


Well-known member
That's a very interesting interp: I always use 9H (the house of pilgrimages and long journeys) for travel-related questions. Why do you refer to the 10th house?


Well-known member
Also, your interp was confirmed, Culpeper - it was an extraordinarily uneventful flight, with minimal turbulence, and arrived half an hour early because of good weather. The plane was also in great shape. I am, however, still curious about the method you used.

In regards to my own practice, I think this is a very good example of the dangers of practicing Horary you're phobic or worked up over the thing the question is about - it can really be a double-edged sword, sometimes.