Will Argentina win Copa America 2019 ?


Well-known member
It seams Yes!
I cast the chart for the moment I read your question:
16 Jun 2019 TZ = -2.0 6.1200 A.M. 20e29 44n48 ASC=11Can29

Argentina is reresented with 1st house ruler Moon. Others teams are represented wih Saturn rx.
Saturn rx is in conjunction with South Node. This is definitely a negative testimony because the South Node diminishes, so, the Saturn doesn’t have any real chance in this contest. Next, Moon has applying aspect with Jupiter, ruler of the 10th house/success, so it seams to me Argentina will win.


Well-known member
Unfortunatelly, my prediction was not right.
I look again at the chart and see I miss the fact that Moon/ruler of the Argentina is in conjunction with Antares fixed star. Antares is star of strange effects, often regarded as unfortunate.