Hyperactive girl ADHD?


Well-known member
Thanks Dock!:)

Don't thank me. You made a great analysis. I like the way you interpetate the chart and we have to learn lot from you. I am trying to read a chart as an energy field and translate this field as tendencies (I am not as good as you :)). So, I respect your statement about health and diseases. Love when someone explains the indicators of a chart and then gives the meanings of them. This is a good way to share knowledge to others. Please continue the good work!!!!
It is good horoscope. Is there any medical indication of ADHD?

She will be more active throughout life.

No, but I will be suggesting the omega 3 & 6 which I have read on various sites which may help. I suppose it's trial and error. I doubt very much whether ADHD is even recognised in Turkey.

Star, I would think having mercury in 12th or retrograde be similar insomuch as a child would have difficulty communicating or asking for things? (not related to this thread, just generally)
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Well-known member
Basically DHA (Omega 3 has LNA, EPA and DHA) helps brain.

Flax has LNA, a small percentage is converted to DHA. Fish oil has EPA and DHA. Now a days, DHA is prepared from vegetable oils. Fish oil or DHA from vegetable oil would be best. A word of caution: Omega 3 or Omega 6 increases need of antioxidants in body so use should be within limit.

Omega 6 is LA, GLA, DGLA, ARA, AA. Egg is rich in AA, good for kids, bad for adults (creates pain in body). Most useful form is GLA, I am not sure, which one helps in ADHD.

But usually unnoticed metal toxicities, allergies and/or nutrition ('ill' or 'mal' lack of certain minerals and vitamins) are linked with hyperactivity. Along with DHA, focus should be identifying these cause and fixing them. Jup squared by Mar might indicate problem with oil (oil metabolism) in body, where DHA may help. But Moon afflicted by Ura/Sun can indicate problems in stomach, specially because Cancer is on cusp of 6th and Sat sitting there.
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