When Rabbit Howls



the title of the book comes from act of animal cruelty truddi chase's step father subjected her to. when crushing a rabibbit underfoot, the rabbit issues excruciating howl that is not easily forgotten


by Truddi Chase,
Robert A. Phillips Jr.

Truddi Chase began therapy to discover why she suffered from blackouts. What surfaced was terrifying: she was inhabited by 'the Troops'-92 individual personalities. This groundbreaking true story is made all the more extraordinary in that it was written by the Troops themselves. What they reveal is a spellbinding descent into a personal hell-and an ultimate deliverance for Truddi Chase began therapy to discover why she suffered from blackouts. What surfaced was terrifying: she was inhabited by 'the Troops'-92 individual personalities. This groundbreaking true story is made all the more extraordinary in that it was written by the Troops themselves. What they reveal is a spellbinding descent into a personal hell-and an ultimate deliverance for the woman they became. ...

in 1980 truddi chase at age 40 came to dr Philips to try to understand why she had sudden fits of crying and depression,but more importantly why she continued to "balck out", i.e. she would start to drive home and then black out until see was in the drive way, remembering nothing of the trip. she would wake in the morning and run downstairs to prepare a document for her reality business and find it was already made out. she would pck up her daughter for a weekend and then blackout until she was dropping her back at her home with her father.
she was a successful land broker, she had affairs, she had worked as a executive secretary and done well in all these vocations....but her life was a series of blank periods and emotional pain.

she was not psychotic or schizophrenic, she had not hormonal imbalances, in fact there was nothing found to be wrong with her in body or mind.

she was finally referred to dr Phillips ,a specialist in abuse therapy. when she started therapy she wanted the sessions to be video recorded so that her story could be used in the therapy of others, even though she had no idea at that point what her story was.

dr Philips would analyze her during sessions 3 tie a week as these were being video taped. then she had to keep a journal each night which she turned into to dr Philips.

initially truddi had no concept of sexual relationships. even though she had been married for 6 years and had a teenage daughter, truddi could not remember the act of sex that lead to her pregnancy.

fairly quickly, multiple personalities started to appear during her therapy sessions. each was distinguished by different personalities and mannerism.
7 or 8 personalities came forth that would talk directly to the dr Philips. many more existed tha were afraid to make themselves known to him or to the other personalities. many were children and some never did reveal themselves when the therapy was discontinued .
dr Phillips found that some personalities knew each other but some personalities remain hidden from other personalities. but those that came forth all agreed that trudi chase has died when she was 2 years old. what they meant was that the person who was truddi stopped mentally developing when she was 2 and all the other personalities took over the various aspects of her personality through her life, so truddi was dead for all intents and purposes.

dr Phillips developed a new form of therapy for multiple personalities based on truddi's case.
whereas previously therapy was directed to integrating the split personalities back into a single whole personality, dr Phillips instead put each of the personalities thru therapy so that they would learn to help each other. the end being to bring trudi into a state of awareness of these personalities and integrating their influence in her life but not destroying the personalities. in fact this was why some of the personalities did not what to reveal themselves and talk to dr Phillips... the feared they would "die" if they revealed themselves.

the book is partially written by dr Phillips but most the book is the journals that truddi or rather the troop(as the personalities called themselves) wrote.
they revealed demonic sexual abuse from rape as an infant including sodomy and bestiality, from 2 to 16 when her father was sent away by her enabling mother.

what was very interesting to me as an astrologer was that dr Phillips revealed that there were psychokinetic forces around truddi. for instance, lightbulbs would burn out very quickly around her and she had to keep a extensive collection of extra light bulbs. the therapy sessions were being video taped but as soon as the session began, the tape would become very "scratching and blurred. the video technicians would have every thing running precisely but the moment he started to record the session the video recordings became blurred again.

dr Phillips revealed that paranormal forces were not uncommon in some individuals with split/disassociated personalities and it seem the more intelligent or sensitive a person was, the more often there was some form of paranormal forces present. of course this observations is not included in any books or journals about dissociated personalities, but it it true.

another interesting facet that seemed to part of the paranormal was that there was a long dark tunnel ending in light. the personalities all lived in"rooms" off this tunnel. this seemed to me very much like the tunnel of light that many near death experiences contain.

in addition there was one personality that didn't seem to belong. it was a older Scottish man who spoke with a accent. he was in charge of the tunnel and to some degree could control who could come out and talk to dr Phillips.
whentruddi chase had to more to washigton dc for a new job, the therapy was broken off after 4 years. dr phillis still kept in contact by mail and occasional visits by air to truddi.

the last page of the journal had been proof read and truddi was about to take it to dr phillips for publication, when one of the troop wanted to add a last page.

this page concerned the Scottish personality and was about a vision of a fair young woman coming in a coach of white horse to pick up the Scottish gentlemen. it was like a past life connection to a long lost love. but it was the last image the troop wanted to share about themselves.

it seemed to have nothing to do with truddi, but really seemed like a past life vision/connection.

did truddi have a past life protector that came to her in this life to help her out of her personal hell?
did her sexual trauma have roots in a past life or was a reoccurrence of events on a past life?

the book mentions that truddi's actual date of birth was uncertain because truddi was very secretive about her past and identity , but Wikipedia did have a date of birth
so it may be that after her death(2010) or in her later years she gave up her birth data .

her chart shows some classic examples of sexual abuse.
her saturn,moon and nessus form a stellium that is square to pluto. though I used a noon date whether truddi was born
later or early,her moon would still be within orb of the stellium including the node in this stellium.in addition orcus is square the vertex and the sun/venus midpoint is conjunct orcus
the midpoint of her sun/Neptune square is square to her node which is not by itself a aspect of abuse but might have some relationship to her development of multiple personalities and the blockages of her actually reality.
psyche is conjunct Lilith ans square to eros tightly. this shows truddi to be unimaginably ideastic and sensitive. this might be another factor in her escaping reality into other personalities... that is her great sensitivity couldn't endure the reality she was subject to....
the Saturn/orcus midpoint is conjunct to urauswhich mightbe prt of the dynamic that seems to involve the astral/past life planes.
the sun/Uranus midpoint is conjunct orcus, which might be part of the astral connection and psychokinetic forces around her.
her mercury/venus midpoint is conjunct her Saturn/pluto midpoint. this might suggest her inability to remember sexual aspects of her life. she was marriage and she had affairs and was quite socially/physically attractive...even though she never remembered her social behavior, rather she learned of herself from others admiration at times. this pattern is also a classic sexually abusive pattern.
her pluto/orcus midpoint was square to eris and Jupiter whixh would show the extremely sexual energies in her chart that would be conducive sexual abuse.
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