Progressed ascendant to natal Mars: back against the wall?


Staff member
If progressed ascendant is within 2 degrees of conjunction to natal Mars, and other strong Mars themes are up in transits, progressions, and the next solar return (which is only three months away), am I incorrect if I tell the native that this is a time when they're going to have to fight, and probably find themselves in "your back is against the wall" situations?

The native in question is my brother. He is not an astrology buff, tends to the skeptic side, although if he's willing to hear this, there might be a time soon when I can work this into a conversation, and it might be useful for him to know--if I can say it in an empowering rather than a frightening way. He recently had such a situation occur, and while it may very well be grounds for a lawsuit (it seems that his basic legal rights were violated big time), I suspect he just wants to let it drop and get on with his life. Knowing what's up for him astrologically, I really don't think he has that option. With those transits, I strongly suspect that if he tries to walk away from it, other similarly difficult situations will find him.

He has natal Mars in Libra, and he belongs to the early eighties Libra stellium cohort--which means he's also experiencing the Pluto squares and soon to have it all squared by Saturn, too. In fact, Saturn will be squaring his natal Mars, which is at the beginning of the stellium for him, in his next SR chart, while SR Mars opposes natal Mars. The recent Mars retrograde crossed his sun, on the cusp of Aquarius, and his Venus, too.

He also has Virgo rising and all planets below the horizon--and, naturally, he is a very private person, does not want to be in the spotlight in any way, and does not like to fight. While not a pushover, at least in personal life, he does prefer talking it out to taking on real conflict.

I'm thinking this would be a good time for him to use that Mars in Libra energy to fight for justice for himself--and I really think he'll be forced to if he doesn't choose to. But I would like other opinions. Am I wrong if I tell him that?


Hi there, I am no expert on progressions, but whenever I see a Mars Asc aspect or transit, I'm inclined to think that natal Mars actually draws out hostility from others - like a projection principle. The astrology says Mars activates a person's fight and superiority mechanisms, but my experience is there is always an element of one drawing the hostility upon self by attraction. Animal behaviors, maybe, the one who is seeming unbeatable to others, actually attracts a fight just to prove their domination?