Will we remain in Germany or forced to go back?


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Mariam, without a legitimate reason to stay in Germany, you could probably remain on a tourist visa but I don't know how long that would last. Can you find work or perhaps pick up some other classes?

Refusing to accept your assigned classes put you in direct conflict with the director. It's not clear what personal reasons you had, but if I remember correctly, your sister was having a lot of trouble with her language exam. Perhaps he felt that you were trying to prop up your sister, or even that you were challenging his authority.

Could you get back in if you and your sister agree to stay with your original schedule of separate classes?

Unfortunately, you are not in a strong position. Your significator is Mars, in detriment in Libra. I would put your "home away from home" as the 4th from the 4th house, or 7th house. This is Venus, and the moon applies to a square with it.

I would not say that you can't work something out, but you will have to be very clear on the your basis for staying in Germany if you are not in school, according to Germany's rules on foreign students and visitors.

Sadly, they make the rules, not you and your sister. A certain amount of "luck" consists of learning the rules and following them.

Is there any chance for your applying for admission to another nursing school for the 2nd term, starting in the new year?


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I really don't know why we (me and my Sister are so unlucky).
From our First day in the nursing school the first of October,the director of the school forced us to quit.
I feel as we are cursed.
This happened because we expressed our refusal from being seperated in different classes due to personal reasons,and the director of the school knows that from the beginning.He had no reasons to do that and refused to respond and at the end of the day he told us to quit as easy as that.He was very rude we still don't understsnd how bad that day was.The problem is that all the nursing schools started the semester and there are no exceptions to start now with another school.
We are still trying but I don't know if it will work or not.
We are afraid to loose our Visa that we worked hard to get.

So please have a look at the chart,does the chart show that we will remain in Germany or not?

Thank you all for your replies

Its appalling the way this director has conducted himself, if he knew you wanted to be in same class, I assume personal reasons is due to you feeling insecure in a new country and this is a way for you both to feel a bit more comfortable. He should have had compassion and accommodated this.

However, you both do need to try and adjust while you still are learning and getting accustomed to the new culture. It seems you are more independent, while your sister needs more help and needs you, but as an adult she will need to stand on her feet and not rely on you for everything, it is a good lesson to try and work on your fears. Perhaps try go back to class the way the director wants while you work on studying together in same class. Don't miss classes, contact director and just do it, you both will be ok. Everything is new yes and there is fear but, this is what you wanted, you cannot jeopardise your visa now.... Meanwhile you can perhaps contact someone who can give advice on this, education agents etc or someone who helps international students.

The chart shows you as Mars, in detriment, since it entered the sign of Libra and shows since you arrived in Germany, you are not in good shape, feeling of being lost. Moon also in detriment, will square Venus. Moon/Venus could mean a move however Mars Venus do not aspect, so Venus here might mean relocation locally or a person that perhaps is helpful. I don't think this is a move back to your country.

You got Sun Square Saturn, I wonder if this is communication with the school and paperwork/visa. Don't want to scare you but, I do think that the school will potentially send information to the Immigration there that you are not studying, this is in breach of the visa I assume. So please consider wisely, go back and do the course as it is and contact agents that work with international students to advocate on your behalf.

You also got Mercury/Uranus at 12th, again suggesting paperwork fears sudden changes in papers.
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With all due respect to German culture, because it is a major chunk of my ethnic background, there can be an authoritarian streak in German people in supervisory positions. German society seems to appreciate self-discipline, hard work, order, and following rules and regulations. At times, I've seen Germans be very direct in ways that I (as an American-Canadian) find to be insensitive or even rude.

While the director's reaction seems insensitive to me-- in the context of his culture, I doubt that the director saw his job as coddling two foreign students who did not appear to fall in line with the planned organization of course assignments. Germans generally appreciate a sense of organization. Mariam, it seems to have been your decision to withdraw, rather than to accept the course schedule you were given.

I am sorry that this turned out badly, and hopefully you can salvage something from your situation.
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Thank you waybread and Rafaella,

He does not want us back refused every possible contact,via email or phone.Once he was threatened from us to bring a lawyer he sent an email to tell us that as we did not come to class which is not true as he was waiting for the quit on papers, he does not want us in his school and does not want to have any future work with us.
I've never seen a director of school sooooo rude since 20 years.
He knows that we had a long way to reach back Germany and as revenge he wants to send us back as quickly as possible.
He knows also that all the nursing schools started.
We are searching for other schools but there are no places empty.
What we are trying to do is to find a way to prolong the Visa for another 3 months to find a new school.I hope that this will work.

We are living a Nightmare

We are in a town near to Munich,I hate this place,most of the people are so arrogant and don't accept foreigners though we are born in Germany.
Rafaella I hope that the relocation means going back to Munich.

It's so hard no words express what we are going throuh.

Well if i were you I would write a letter of complaint to Education Ministers or the council and state this Director has been rude and I would suggest he is racist and also discriminates against you, as he seems to have been just waiting for an opportunity to get rid of you and this was his excuse. Threatening with a lawyer for such a minor issue? Really wow... what a nerve! He should be named and shamed for such behaviour. I'm sure his bosses will not take it kindly. Find out from council/local gov where you can make a complaint.

An alternative is to study another course, maybe enrol into German language course until the nursing school starts next term?

I hope you figure this out soon! Best of luck!

If all else fails, maybe claim asylum?


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Mariam, this chart gives a mixed testimony so it is hard to say definitely one way or the other. Rafaella has pretty well covered the difficulties.

Jupiter, your co-significator is domiciled in its own sign of Sagittarius. Apparently you have some strength in this situation Its next aspect is a sextile from the sun in the 11th house. This suggests to me that you might benefit from the aid of a third party. A city the size of Munich will hopefully have a consulate from your country where you can make an appointment and seek advice. If not, try phoning or emailing your embassy. Alternatively, you may be able to remain on a tourist visa for some months, but this will depend upon Germany's rules concerning your home country.

If you are applying to other German nursing schools now (or as soon as their application period for the next 2020 term opens up) that hopefully will help you to show that you have a legitimate reason for staying.

Munich may also have some kind of non-profit organization that helps immigrants, so see what you can find out.

Your bad luck seems to have been the doctor threatening the director with a lawsuit. This would brand you as trouble-makers. Hopefully a lawyer who specializes in immigration law can help you.

In the meantime, staying calm is important. Getting frantic doesn't help you.


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Just another thought, Mariam. I appreciate your desire to stay with your sister in classes, possibly to help her if she is not so fluent in German. But my guess is, from the director's perspective, he may have seen you as asking for a special favor that he could not in good conscience grant to every student.

Back when I was a university teacher, students would come to me with all kinds of requests for special favours: to do make-up work to compensate for a bad test score, to take a late exam after the regular schedule, to raise a grade to help their graduate school admission, to forgive an obvious case of cheating, and so on &c, &c.

My template was whether I could extend such a favour to the entire class, in order to be fair to all of the other students. Possibly the nursing school director thought that if he made a special exception for you and your sister, he would have to extend special exceptions to your entire class. Probably a lot of students would like to enroll in the same courses as their good friends and family members. But to grant this favor to everyone might make a shambles of their scheduling.

If you were hoping to tutor your sister by being in the same classes, this would be a special advantage for her that other struggling students couldn't share.

Mariam, also, I don't know what is your nationality and socio-economic class. But I have seen international students who (a) either came from more privileged backgrounds and expected the same considerations in the new country, or (b) they came from places where assertive personalities were normal and more aggressive people could prevail by trying to dominate. I am definitely not saying either of these cases apply to you, but if so, just realize that Germany wouldn't operate that way for foreign first-year students. In contrast, you would be expected to show proper deference to authority-- such as a school director.

Even without meaning to appear as aggressive, your significator in your horoscope is Mars, so you probably came across, however inadvertently, as aggressive. But Mars is in its fall, indicating that its power is weakened. Jupiter in Sagittarius, your co-significator, is very strong, but it might come across as expecting privileges, even if this was not your intention.

I do hope everything works out for you and your sister.
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