Do I inspire jealous feelings in her?


Well-known member
Lately, for some reason, I seem to be attracting more girls to me. I don't exactly know why, maybe it's in the transits, but I have had a few of my good friends confessing that they harbored romantic feelings for me. Of course, while neverendingly flattered, I dismissed all of these because I am serious about winning a special girl's affections, which I believe I have already done so immensely (it's been almost two years, lol). Anyway, I have been friends with this girl for about 4 or 5 years and lately we have been especially close. She has openly admitted that she molded her ideal partner after me and was very enthusiastic in telling me that she had found someone. This girl and I talk to each other about our love interests and we share what I humorously refer to as a "passionate intellectual relationship." HOWEVER, I am worried, since we're both literary, she would actively post things on my Wall on Facebook and we even write intense poetry(not about each other) as a way to compete on who's a better writer. Sometimes she asks me to comment on her notes and she can be publicly flirtatious with me and while I am careful not to say anything back to her, I am worried that my love interest is aware of what is going on and might see the situation wrongly. Hence the question, do I inspire jealous feelings in my love interest?

I am Mercury and she is Jupiter. The one thing that stands out with me from the chart is that Jupiter is placed in the 8th house, the house of worry. Does this mean that she is indeed aware of what's been going on with me lately and harbors negative feelings about it?


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