Uanable to manifest liking towards education.

Jai Kishen

Well-known member
Hello everyone ,

Recently I received my results to an exam I wrote but despite all the hardwork I put in I failed by just 2marks !!! Which has been a downfall for me recently . Luckily I was not dependent on that degree and found myself a job already based on the knowledge I got from the preparation for the exam .

But never the less ,
I have pulled out the horary regarding my education . Recently my liking towards education has gone up rapidly and I want to study and learn , But my liking towards it and hardwork towards it doesn't seem to manifest . I gain knowledge but not the scores , which is very important .

Question :
"I want to study but its not manifesting"

My Interpretation :
I am ruled by venus in this chart which is in the begining of 3rd house which is cancer .

Thus , my love+emotions is in 3rd house and 3rd house relates to skill/education But lord of 3rd is in 12th house .

So its safe to say its a karmic darwback ?
and by when will this karmic drawback get over ?



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