Random Thoughts, strictly Text

david starling

Well-known member
I'm still unsure what Crowley intended to use his Thoth for. I know about the Tree of Life, astrological symbols, and the Aeon thing, but those things just don't seem to create any significance going together. Did he intend to use Thoth only for his personal Magikal ritual?

Also I have understood why the Sword suit is filled with negative interpretation, at least from the Golden Dawn point of view. The mind is an egotistical enemy that blocks the higher self and we have to get rid of it to enter the next stage of consciousness. And the Earth is the strongest element.

7 of Swords seems to have escaped the curse, as envisioned by G.D. I used to call it "sword stealer", which seems Mercurial.


Well-known member
7 of Swords seems to have escaped the curse, as envisioned by G.D. I used to call it "sword stealer", which seems Mercurial.
And then ironically 8 of swords pulls the suit back to the doom and groom again. 7 of swords is Moon is Aqua and 8 of swords is Jupiter in Gem. See any connection?

david starling

Well-known member
And then ironically 8 of swords pulls the suit back to the doom and groom again. 7 of swords is Moon is Aqua and 8 of swords is Jupiter in Gem. See any connection?

Saturn's the "saturnine" downer for this entire tropical Age of Capricorn. No mental relief until the Uranian-ruled, Aquarian Age influence comes on line.
Moon is Exalted in Aqua in 12/12, which explains the ability to ward Saturn off, emotionally speaking. Jupiter in Gemini facilitates faith.
Used to call 8 of Swords "blind faith".
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Well-known member
Introduction to Hellenistic Astrology Part I - Zodiac

The zodiac completes a sidereal cycle in 23.93446 hours.

The image of the Archer is masculine, diurnal, double-bodied, terrestrial, human,
quadrupedal, royal, eloquent, infertile, enigmatic, incomplete,
with many limbs, running and of the north wind.
It indicates governorship, action, fights, gifts and disputes.

Depending on the placement of the houseruler,
men born under the influence of Sagittarius are large, robust, well-proportioned and graceful,
notable, ambitious, generous, versatile, changeable, prominent, mysterious
because the Archer is unintelligible, gifted, crafty, with bald forehead, round small eyes,
intentional, long-bearded, athletic, bragging, reddish, kingly,
judges, just, loving their brothers and their friends,
superior over their enemies, losing much of their possessions,
gaining them back over the course of time.
The front is weaker, but the back is robust.
Domicile of Jupiter, it controls the thighs, the reproductive system,

the digestive system and the integumentary system.
It causes blindness on account of the arrow.
It is tropical, like-ascending with Taurus and like-engirding with Pisces,
and medium in both Hemispheres.
It is wintry, cold and moist for the north, and summery, hot and dry for the south.
Sagittarius obeys Gemini for the north and commands it for the south.
Sagittarius controls Tyrrhenia, Celtica, Spain, Arabia Felix, Elymais and Iberia.
The arrow, the bow and the grip are rising up to the 12th degree,
the head up to the 17th, the back up to the 21st,
the cloak up to the 26th, and the tail up to the 30th.

The first 12° belong to Jupiter - powers, leaders, lords of life and death, undaunted, kingly
The next 5° belong to Venus - flow, distress, passionate
The next 4° belong to Mercury - notable, fond of frivolous conversation, well-grown
The next 5° belong to Saturn - high spirits
The final 4° belong to Mars - travel, dangers, lawsuits

Arrow Point - Mars and the Moon
Bow and Grip - Jupiter and Mars
Forehead - Mars and the Sun
Cloak and Back - Jupiter and moderately Mercury
Feet - Jupiter and Saturn
Tail - Venus and moderately Saturn

Such, then, are the observations of the effects of the stars
as made by our predecessors.

Ludwich, A. (Ed.). (1877). Maximi et Ammonis carminum De actionum auspiciis reliquiae:
accedunt Anecdota astrologica. BG Teubneri.
Retrieved from https://archive.org/details/maximietammonisc00ludw/page/n3
Manilius, & Goold, G. P. (1985). Astronomica. BG Teubner.
Robbins, F. E. (1940). Ptolemy: Tetrabiblos.
William Heinmann, London.
Retrieved from http://penelope.uchicago.edu/Thayer/E/Roman/Texts/Ptolemy/Tetrabiblos/home.html
Schmidt, R. The Astrological Record of the Early Greek Sages.
Project Hindsight.
Valens, V. Anthologia. Translated by Mark Riley.
Retrieved from https://www.csus.edu/indiv/r/rileymt/Vettius Valens entire.pdf

Assuming local skies are clear

by visual observation at night
and using ALDEBARAN 15
MOON TODAY is visibly observed in local skies worldwide :smile:

SAGITTARIUS is the domicile aka home of PHAETHON





Originally Posted by petosiris
1. The gods send signs to all nations, but they are not interpret the same for the different lands,
for one they signify hot weather, for another they signify cold weather,
and for third they signify temperate weather.

2. In the same way, the like-principles of rising times and daylight
become less discernible and causative in the equatorial zones.

3. Therefore another celestial influence is causative for nativities,
rather than the terrestrial effect of weather.
Otherwise, there would be no domicile, no exaltation
and no depression for the equatorial lands.

4. The rationale of the sidereal zodiac is compatible with this hypothesis,
the rationale of the tropical zodiac is not.

MOON travels each SIGN once a month aka "moonth"
although Astrologers
– whether Tropical or Sidereal
– are commenting on and making predictions
regarding THE IDENTICAL MOON in the skies :smile:
computer generated Tropical Chart differs by DEGREE OCCUPIED BY THE MOON
Sidereal location of Moon may be confirmed BY VISUAL observation of local skies

there is a minimum difference of 20° up to a maximum of approximately 24°
ANY planet at 0° OF any TROPICAL SIGN
is SIDEREALLY between approximately 6° - 10°
to a maximum 24° of the PREVIOUS SIGN
dependent on the ayanamsha


Well-known member
I've just come back to this topic now and I wonder about the philosophy behind it? Why does a sign or place take over/represent/have control of major affairs in a life and why a year?

I've just reconstructed the years of my life using both the Egyptian and Pauline profection and I get some correlation with both, but not enough. There are a few significant years where I don't see the bang I should. Is it just a matter of following the ruler of the sign that represents the year, observe the natal position for clues etc.? I'm surely missing something.
byjove Omnisphericus has a great thread entitled "Profections (Praxis):smile:
This is the basic technique given by Paulus of Annual Profections of the Ascendant, i.e. profection of the Ascendant from one sign to the next for each year of life. The Ruler of the Sign in which the Ascendant is falling in that particular year is called 'The Lord of the Year".
This technique is quite simple and you do not need to calculate degrees, only signs.
If you are born with Aries rising, on the Solar Return the next year (when you are 1 year old) the Profected Ascendant would be in Taurus and the Lord of the Year would be Venus.

The Ages 0, 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, 84, 96 and etc., are the 'Profection Return' (to invent a title xD), the Ascendant in those years is the same as it was at the birth, so the Lord of the Year is the same too.

Years 1, 13, 25, 37, 49, 61, 73, 85, 97 are given to the 2nd sign from the Ascendant.

Here's a chart:

View attachment 27162

The Lord of the Year is having the same function as the Lord of the Year at nativity. It is most significant planet, ruling the place where the Soul (the Sky) and Body (earth) are merging (at the Ascendant).

Here's what Paulus says about the Lord of the year in profections:



Well-known member
Currently, no transiting planets in tropical Air-signs. In 11 hours, the Moon will open a window in Aquarius and let in a fresh breeze. :cool:
David, which element is the weakest in your chart? And what do you think of charts without an element? I have the least water, but my progressed chart only have Jupiter as the only Fire planet. Jupiter is in Sag so a lot of focus there.

david starling

Well-known member
David, which element is the weakest in your chart? And what do you think of charts without an element? I have the least water, but my progressed chart only have Jupiter as the only Fire planet. Jupiter is in Sag so a lot of focus there.

Earth. I used to say I had no Earth placements, except for Desc in Virgo, but now I include the Age-indicator in Capricorn as a functional influence on my Natal-chart. For Fire, I have only Pluto and Saturn in Leo, and M.C. and background Age-indicator in Sagittarius. Only two Cardinal-sign placements, Neptune in Libra and Age-indicator in Cap. So, it's mostly Water and Air, Mutable and Fixed.
I look to the Ascendant's Element and Modality to determine whether there's a problem with a lack of either one among all the other placements.
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Anger and jealousy can lead to murder, lust and filthy talk to adultery, lie and greed to theft, so do astrology and divination lead to idolatry. See how sin leads to sin for death!


Well-known member
Where is the line between spirituality and unfounded superstition anyway? When you believe in things like astrology or God vs someone who insists on keeping a piece of wood because they believe it brings them good luck, do you and that person look the same in an outsider's eyes?


Well-known member
Well, it's very hard to explain it when your brain is full of non-platonic astrology. I do read but I don't practice it because it would bring us bad consequences. With divination or ritual process in certain hours (which related to astrology), you could ask or invite Saturn to provide you a "lucky moments". And then if Saturn "approved it", its soul would transformed into a piece of wood. However, the consequenses of this act are sinful death, as mr. (whatever his name is) have said. :smile:

Sorry for the interuptions. Wishing well.