Midpoints tips & trucs

Bas Astro Service

Active member
What does it mean, when midpoints conjunct each other?

I have Sun/Mars = Saturn/Pluto in 1st house.

It means that the energies that the planets are representing combine.
For an interpretation use your creativity to combine the energies that the planets are representing.
A handy trick can be to replace the = sign by ..."can be accomplished through"...

For example: :sun:/:mars: = :saturn:/:pluto:

Vital:)sun:/:mars:), physical energetic :)sun:/:mars:) responsible, patient, powerful leader :)saturn:/:pluto:)
Leadership can be accomplished through your physical energetic appearance.
Physically powerfully built to overcome difficult times.
Creative entrepreneur, builder, politician… entrepreneurial leader.
A tough guy who has to struggle to overcome.
Transforming restrictions, discipline can be accomplished through physical activity.
Energetic vitality, physical strength, creative productivity into old age.
Physically, you look like your grandfather… A dynamic grandfather …

Or :mars: Muscles ; :sun: Body ; :saturn:/:pluto: Builder … Body builder

Success !
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Bas Astro Service

Active member
I know I'm late on this topic but I was interested in what you point out which was the angularity. I've heard having planets in angular house are significant. I have planets in angular houses but there not conjunct the angle other than Saturn. here the link to my chart http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk253/yvetterocks101/spica-1.jpg

Saturn and Chiron are Angular in your chart,
Pluto is conjunct Part of Fortune in your chart and is final dispositor and can also be seen as Angular although the orb is a little wide.

Astro ID:
Neptune conjunct Uranus ... Oriental
Saturn and Pluto ... Angular
Saturn <> Uranus ... Mutual reception
Pluto ... final dispositor
(You may also add Chiron to your Astro ID)


Astro ID Midpoints:

