Please help me with my chart

conspiracy theorist

Well-known member
Yes, I'm schizophrenic and a practicing ventriloquist. (I have a small following so I can make ends meet). Hey, at least we can rejoice in our unorthodoxy, right?

conspiracy theorist

Well-known member
I can get behind that one. Tell you what though, I'm not actually schizophrenic nor a ventriloquist. However, I do have an autistic brother (who has a very populated Taurus stellium) and I do have a very unorthodox job which involves animals. People often question my sanity, but with smiles of admiration so my ego doesn't feel bruised by it.


Active member
Hmm.. Have you ever tried looking at your sidereal chart using the whole house method? I'm curious because of my 3rd house stellium and because I've recently found this method to be more accurate (also much more ancient). You're stellium might actually all end up in the 1st or 12th house which would both be very interesting. So do you enseminate flamingos or something?

conspiracy theorist

Well-known member
I realised that your chart was in sidereal after my first reply. In that regard, a lot of my planets go to Scorpio, but I still have a Sagittarius ascendant with Mars, and Venus also goes into Sagittarius. The accuracy of that system has less to do with the western way of judging signs, and more to do with the nakshatras, yogas and the specific way in which vedic practitioners look at the houses and the signs. A lot of the same characteristics are restated, just in different language and using different symbology and techniques. It also helps that my moon remains in the same sign too. The same houses are populated, which keeps a lot of the meanings intact.

With regard to it being more ancient, that is debatable. You'll hit upon that argument if you're sufficiently curious enough, and willing to dive into the history of astrology in more depth than your current level of astro-education.

* A very simplified overview is that jyotish (which I assume is the sidereal astrology that you are practicing) has it in their holy scriptures the dawning of their astrology at a prehistorical time, while there are some who says that the vedic style is an adaptation of old-style Hellenistic astrology, as techniques used by the vedics, which show a lot of similarities to Hellenistic astrology, show up chronologically after the developments of the Greeks.

No, I do not have bird sex.
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Active member
Well that's curious. I'm still a novice at astrology, but I thought the sidereal system has more to do with the actual observations of the planets relative to the constellations rather than the recalculated positions relative to the seasons. My understanding is that it was used by the Hindus as well as the Egyptians but I stand to be corrected. What's a nakshatra by the way?

conspiracy theorist

Well-known member

Both the Egyptians and Hindus use/used the sidereal zodiac, but they aren't the same astrology. My point was that the Hindu system had adaptations from astrological practices from the Hellenistic period (which includes the Egyptians). One influenced the other. But it seems that I made an assumption that you were referring solely to jyotish, which most beginners see as the chief type of astrology which uses the sidereal zodiac. You have those from the fagan-bradley school who use the sidereal zodiac, and you also have Hellenistic practitioners who keep to the sidereal zodiac, have you heard of those? You might want to check them out, seeing that you already lean toward the use of the sidereal zodiac. Then you have various mixtures where people use modern day techniques with whole signs, medieval techniques with the sidereal zodiac, a complete disregard for the zodiac, and a focus on the angular relationships of the planets relative to each other and astronomical positions and so on.

There seems to be as much divide on astrology, as there are different ways to interface with divinity. It's one of the reasons why I don't get into the debate of which zodiac/astrology is better, because every practitioner swears by their method, and have the results to prove its validity. The type of astrology seems to fit with the needs and temperament of the specific individual, and what they hope to achieve by practicing and using it's insights for their life. And as I personally have metaphysical leanings which make me less accepting of purely materialist arguments as to why such a system of astrology works (such as the planets relative to the actual constellations in the sky, when these constellations are not even neatly found in 30 degree intervals to begin with), I look for other solutions/explanations as to why something like astrology seems to work, which takes me to very exotic places - a nice destination for a Sagittarius to be.

Speaking of hellenistic techniques and the use of the sidereal zodiac, There is a very good thread about the arguments for the use of the sidereal zodiac. The OP has a purist attitude to ancient practices and has done a lot of research to prove the supremacy of his position. You can find the thread at this link. Maybe you're familiar with it if you've lurked the site in recent times.
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conspiracy theorist

Well-known member
The astrological chart can even be approached from totally different philosophical and religious stances, and from different levels of reality and the power of astrology does not seem to diminish. It relates back to something I read recently in Albert Camus' "The Myth of Sisyphus" where he states on pg 22 - "What matters is coherence. We start out from acceptance of the world. But Oriental thought teaches that one can indulge in the same effort of logic by choosing against the world. That is just as legitimate and gives this essay its perspective and its limits..."

Being coherent seems much more important than the outer characteristics of whatever it is that you're pursuing, for as they say, "All roads lead to Rome".


Active member
Sounds like I've got a lot of learning and reading to do! I understand that a purely materialist approach to astrology is limiting but my experience has taught me that the material perfectly reflects the spiritual. As above so below and what not. From what I've discovered so far, astrology (sidereal specifically) seems to be eerily accurate so I figure that there must be some sort of exact science to it. If it is an exact science, in my mind that would make one who has accurate knowledge of it.. extremely powerful.
And power is something that those who are actually in power, have an incentive to restrict (I'm a bit of a conspiracy theorist too). So I hypothesize that astrology may have been deliberately tampered with. Tampered to be mostly accurate but muddied. Anyways, that's my theory but of course I need to actually read up more on the history of astrology and it's probably foolish of me to be making conspiracy speculations at my level of knowledge.. Thank you for your input on this! I wonder.. what's it like to be a sag rising, specifically having scorpio on the 12th house and cancer on the 9th?
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conspiracy theorist

Well-known member
Are you asking me how I experience my chart in the context of how you read charts (sidereal and whole sign)? Because by placidus and tropical, my 12th house cusp is Sagittarius and my 9th house cusp is in Virgo. Whole sign it would be 12th sign Scorpio, 9th sign Leo.

conspiracy theorist

Well-known member
Alright, I'll keep it short as this is your thread. I'll go with sidereal and whole signs. As a sagittarius rising, I'm not the stereotypically gregarious/sanguine type of person that is usually portrayed by the sign. I'm much more reserved, and I do not engender warmth nor trust on first blush unless I go out of my way to do so. Jupiter is located in the 12th and in the sign Scorpio. I delve very much into the esoteric and occult, and will most likely have a life-long interest in spiritual development and mysticism - this as a result of having 4 planets in the 12th house Scorpio. I have also, as result of my personality/personal choices and choosing my convictions over comfort/material security, been put into situations that could be termed as "exile", or ended up in places that one could deem as much more limited in scope than the normal person would be comfortable with. This being a combination of the 12th house stellium, 12th house ruler conjunct the ascendant (Mars in Sagittarius being inclined to fight based on principle) and the fact that there is a void of Earth energy in the chart - it came up in a discussion once that if it came down to it, I'd be willing to live on the side of the road, eating out of a garbage can if it meant staying true to my principles. And I truly believe I have the strength of my convictions if it came to that. This could also be portrayed as having a preponderance of fixed energy with 5 planets located in fixed signs. But no matter which zodiac you pick, my Mercury is still directly on Antares, which is a star that indicates cutting one's own nose off to spite one's face and obstinacy generally.

That's enough about me. Why do you see your sidereal chart as being more relevant to you, than your tropical situation? What is it about Capricorn that you think doesn't describe your experience?

Btw, we have our moons conjunct. So I understand your autism.
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Active member
My understanding of all of what the 12th house entails is still limited so your explanation helps!
After doing some more reading and thinking I think I've actually changed my mind on the 2 astrological systems. I think they both work but they describe different aspects of ourselves. I think the sidereal describes more of our soul's itinerary and the tropical, our physical body's itinerary. I am a capricorn (I mean I do run a business) but my main drive on a soul level is the search for truth and to figure out what's actually going on. It's always been an obsession. Perhaps because I have so many planets in sagittarius in the sidereal chart is the reason I've always felt I've identified more as a sagittarian. If both systems work, that would mean I really am a scorpio rising with pluto and mars in the first house (yikes). I have had an extremely difficult life and I definitely come off as intense in person, but on the inside I've always felt like I can see the world though a balanced perspective, much like a libra. And the things that anger me more than anything on a soul level are injustices.
Santos Bonacci has a really interesting video I watched on youtube where he explains why and how both the sidereal and the tropical systems work. His explanations might be too detailed for your interest (it was a 2 hour video!) but I found it fascinating.
I too have been plagued by my strong will (I guess that would be mars somewhat conjunct my pluto) and have suffered greatly for it. At least most of the things I fight for have been worth it.
Thank you for sharing! Astrology is so fascinating!

conspiracy theorist

Well-known member
I prefer to read something than watch a video (I'm an anachronism), and I'm not particularly interested in the tropical/sidereal issue, but it would be cool if you dropped the link so that I could see what that person has to say, sounds like there is a lot to gain from his thoughts. Plus, it might help other people who is following this discussion of ours.