Will I get the grant?


Well-known member
HI all,

In the beginning of this year (january 10th), I did some exams to be awarded a grant for diplomatic studies. It's a financial support for the entire year, so that a person can reduce the work load in order to have time to study for the (very hard) diplomatic exam that will happen in 2010.

I think I did well in the exams, and I am confident, but the exams are not the only thing, I will have to go through an interview in which they will evaluate the need for a financial support, the viability of my cronogram of studies, etc.

The exame was fine, but the interview will be the event in which things will be really decided. The interview will happen in the end of february.

The question is:

Will I get the grant?

Here's the chart:


I am the Sun, the scholarship is Jupiter, ruler of the 8th. They are conjunct, which at first would imply good chances, but the aspect is separating.

Sun is in detriment, not a very good thing, and separating from Jupiter, I don't think this is good, Sun looks weak, maybe not good at the interview, not "shiny" enough? The conjunct would be good, but separating, does it mean I already did my best (the exam) and now things will go downhill (interview)?

Moon is not void, nor via combusta, so, I suppose something will come out of it and this chart is valid for an answer. Moon's sole aspect is a sextile to Pluto, tho.

End of matter is ruled by Mercury, who rules 2nd house of money, but Saturn is standing right in the cusp of 2nd..... Looks like No-Money.

All these planets in the 6th house, how does that relates to an effort to get a grant?


Well-known member
Bump and a question:

Is there something very wrong that I am doing, that explains why no one replied to this, and neither to the other horary I put here? :confused:

I followed the guidelines I found in a site recommended in "How to Read a Horary", but I'm feeling insecure about my reading (this is my second attempt at horaries), and would really appreciate some guidance.... It's hard to know if we are doing it right, a text is never the same as a direct input by someone more experienced.


Well-known member
RockFish said:
Bump and a question:

Is there something very wrong that I am doing, that explains why no one replied to this, and neither to the other horary I put here? :confused:

No, we're lazy. :p That's why. I'll reply, Rock.


Well-known member
The south node is conjunct the ascendant, the Sun is also opposing it as well as the ascendant, and in a nodal degree. This isn't favorable and things are clearly out of your hands. The opposition to yourself may be that you 'messed up' somehow?

The moon is void, which is a waiting period, and in the seventh, you're waiting to hear back from them--or they're debilerating. The moon's first aspect is going to be in opposition to Saturn, them, so I'd have to say it's a no. Jupiter is also void, it's not doing anything or going anywhere, nor has he any relationship to the Sun. They, Saturn, have no relationship to you, and Jupiter is in your detriment. Most likely this is a no.

There are some significant fixed star placements. Midheaven (success in the matter) is conjunct Algol, so I think this confirms a no. The ascendant is also conjunct a fixed star known to signify disappointments and losses.
I think you might do better with the next test or application, since Moon sextiles Mercury after the opposition and makes some nice aspects.

Ray. :)


Well-known member
Wow, thank you Ray!

Gosh, horaries are complicated!

I took a look at the moon and was so sure it wasn't Void, but it is, maybe one day I will finally understand when the Moon is VOC, doesn't mean I am not trying!! :D

They are Saturn, yes, didn't notice that, they fall right in tthe cusp of the 2nd, goes to show they've got the money, but me, the Sun, not even close to making any aspect to them...

The opposition to yourself may be that you 'messed up' somehow?

I did a great exam, I know that, but maybe they won't like other documentation. We must send our grades in the university (I was kinda lazy in the university), and we must send some budget, in order to show that we are going to spend the money correctly, maybe they will think I didn't do it very well or clearly. I'm awful with these bureaucracies....

Thanks, Ray, I think this is a no, but let's wait and see. Final results will come up in late february, I will send you a feedback when they come up.



Well-known member
Your welcome. :p

RockFish said:
I took a look at the moon and was so sure it wasn't Void, but it is, maybe one day I will finally understand when the Moon is VOC, doesn't mean I am not trying!!
She's not 'void of course', she's just void at the moment in the chart which sometimes happens when early in a sign. She isn't in orb of the upcoming opposition yet, which suggests a waiting period. As you see, she has to advance 13° roughly for it to be exact.

I did a great exam, I know that, but maybe they won't like other documentation.

I think you're really right about that. Saturn is in fall of Venus, Venus ruling your documentation, and a good representative as 'financial' documentation, since Venus rules money. Mercury which rules exams, trines Saturn (though very weakly), so I guess that's an argument you did satisfactory, maybe 'just enough' to squeak bye, since Mercury's really weak!

Good luck,


Well-known member
i have to agree with No
Sun - you - debilitated and in cadent house conj node but VERY weak
2. Saturn retro= big alert for a NO
3. i would take the scholarship as 11th house = 2nd from 10th .. official place
merc and sun do not meet...
4. moon is in 7th house and it is in pisces meets saturn before sextiling merc - interference...
that is just my 2 cents


Well-known member
tikana said:
3. i would take the scholarship as 11th house = 2nd from 10th .. official place
merc and sun do not meet...
4. moon is in 7th house and it is in pisces meets saturn before sextiling merc - interference...

Tik, I found it really interesting you used the 11th house. I also considered that the second from the ninth, if it was an institution--was plausible. Even then this ruler does not meet sun, and the opposition is quite discouraging anyhow.



Well-known member

9th house is indeed school.. but 2nd house from 9th would have been a profit from uni.. if the question was will the school give me money? maybe i would have looked at 10th as 2nd from 9th
usually scholarships are not funded by school so you have to look at upper hand which is 10th house



Well-known member
Yeah. So if it was specifically school sponsored, 10th, if not, 11th. Makes sense. You could also use tenth as success and authority in general for the chart.



Well-known member

because this is not equal partnership...

1/7 would be good for will i buy someone's house.. you are getting something back

grants - you dont require to repay... plus the scholarship organizations have upper hand in this matter ..



Well-known member
Right, thought as much, which is why I also did not use it in my thread on scholarship.... last week, but I think Star and/or you did consider it.



Well-known member
No matter which house you use for this, it's a No Go!! "No" is all over the place! Blah!!! :p

Gotta look for something else, haha! Actually, i'm applying for another scholarship, but in the art field, will give it a shot at horary in another moment, I don't think it is a good idea to pile up horaries just because of anxiety....

Thanks for all the input, peeps. :)

Kaiousei no Senshi

Premium Member
because this is not equal partnership...

1/7 would be good for will i buy someone's house.. you are getting something back

I disagree. It's an interview. The Seventh house inspects the First house and the Eighth house goes to the First or Second, in a positive chart.

What we're looking for is that these people like and approve of Rock and that they (being the other party of the interview) send Rock their money (second from their house, the Eighth).

Trying to find who is sponsoring the scholarship and the "equal partnership" is superfluous and a bit silly. I wouldn't say it matters where it comes from so much as it's not the querent's and the money is technically in the "hands" of the scholarship committee who are able to give it to any applicant they approve of.

My two cents...


Well-known member

Need 2 cents more from you;) ....which house would you give to the "scholarship committee" then?

In the thread I did the other day, I took the 9th (univ), but then perhaps I should have looked at the second house of the univ guys, so the 10th (if immaterial where they get the grants to bestow on students).

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Well-known member
It is an interview, but the question was "will I get the grant?"

Could that be read as "will they aprove of my interview"? Hmm, don't think so.... I wasn't focusing so much on the interview when I asked, but had my mind focused on he aftermath, which would be money-in-my-pocket! :D

The original question is focusing on the money, money from others, that would be the 8th, isn't it?

But Sun is so isolated that I don't think there's any chance to read this one as a yes, no matter what house is chosen. Sigh!!


Well-known member
Kaiousei no Senshi said:
I disagree. It's an interview. The Seventh house inspects the First house and the Eighth house goes to the First or Second, in a positive chart.

What we're looking for is that these people like and approve of Rock and that they (being the other party of the interview) send Rock their money (second from their house, the Eighth).

Trying to find who is sponsoring the scholarship and the "equal partnership" is superfluous and a bit silly. I wouldn't say it matters where it comes from so much as it's not the querent's and the money is technically in the "hands" of the scholarship committee who are able to give it to any applicant they approve of.

My two cents...

he is still not getting $ no matter how you look ... i would take 10th vs 7th but it is just me
either 8th or 11th.. still a No
