Life lessons***


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your new life has begun




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Life can feel very lopsided. After feeling ground up and pulverized and realizing no one is coming to the rescue.... we do learn to appreciate smaller things that may have gone unnoticed before. And, we pick ourselves up. You may not be in control of the energies that keep washing over us, but we do have control in our choice of reactions. You can create your own miracle in the joy of helping out your fellow man. Find a cause you believe strongly in and make a difference. Go to a nursing home and volunteer to read to those who have lost sight , go to a head start preschool and do the same for those just beginning their own lives.... There is no greater satisfaction than to know you made a difference in someones struggle here.

Life can feel very lopsided. After feeling ground up and pulverized and realizing no one is coming to the rescue.... we do learn to appreciate smaller things that may have gone unnoticed before. And, we pick ourselves up. You may not be in control of the energies that keep washing over us, but we do have control in our choice of reactions. You can create your own miracle in the joy of helping out your fellow man. Find a cause you believe strongly in and make a difference. Go to a nursing home and volunteer to read to those who have lost sight , go to a head start preschool and do the same for those just beginning their own lives.... There is no greater satisfaction than to know you made a difference in someones struggle here.


I'm not sure how to put this without sounding like I'm "going under* here,

but TK, I tried this, this is what I did, to fix things in my life. I joined Americorps, here, check it out here:

It sort of helped, yeah, but it drew me into myself not simply through the service I've been doing, Big Brothers Big Sisters, but that it also drew me acutely to the points which I've had to feel out in a spiritual way.

Yes I do think that here are some elements that can also be experienced in a physical way.

I recommend that you reach out to people, people in the ways that you feel would most work for you, and there is no right or wrong. I love what I've gotten here.

I'm not sure anyone would believe me here, but what happened on the thread involving Modcleopatra (myself) and T-2000, not to drag it out into the open yet again,

Was past life stuff for me. And some present stuff too.

Escaping here is an equally viable choice. You may not get to be all of the cool awesome things this palce might suggest but you may feel incredibly amazed on how much you get to learn about real world and people's unconscious.

I hate it because I feel like the Little Mermaid under here, but hey, rest assured I'm a lot better in person.

Are they always painful? Mostly I’ve recently gotten into spirituality and am having some difficulty understanding. How many lessons does one soul have per life time? as many as you can handle Does it vary from individual to individual? yes What happens after they are learned, when a certain level of growth is achieved.. do we die? Nope,you go onto next Lesson

I’ve already dealt with all sorts of traumatic events & obstacles, I just feel like they have taken so much out of me. Wish botox for the soul existed lol! I don’t think I’m capable of dealing with another painful event. But I’m always afraid of what will be thrown at me next in the form of a “life lesson”, accidents, loosing a loved one etc. I already feel terrified, hurt, broken, lost, alone and powerless.. is there ever a happy & peaceful period? vacation time? lol
Yes usually, there is respite a time to recoup....

You know what they say about rock bottom - there is only one place left to go. I don't feel there is a Lesson given to us that we cannot cope with. They say as one door shuts another opens.

I do believe we are here to learn certain Lessons with certain people at certain times 'divine timeing' and that if you were in the classroom 'in spirit' and a friend, colleague asked for your help to learn a Lesson, would you have the patience, courage, selfless desire to help be a part of someone else Lesson? Would you have the staying power, the 'service' attitude, the conviction, the dedication, the 'promise' to see things through, the qualities needed to help another soul and at the same time see it's helping you to grow spiritually?

You should get the book or DVD The Secret or Law of Attraction as quantum phsyics has proven that whatever we are thinking about creates our tomorrows. Positive mental attitude goes a long way to recovery. Think of an architect, where do you think he gets his inspiration, ideas? In his mind, where do think artists and creative people get their ideas? Your mind is the most powerful thing we have, our 'imagination, visualisation' tools are THE most powerful things. Remember the saying, be careful what you wish for, cos you might just get it. So if you always focus on the negative things - guess what you are creating?

Practise the attitude of gratitude, if you have a roof over your head and food in your belly - you have everything you need. Keeping telling yourself this affirmation, "I'm healthy wealthy and wise" practise visualisation, get a catologue (or Argos book if in uk) and cut out all those things that you think you need and make a collarge and stick it on your fridge or prominat place, keep looking at it, make your mind focus on those things, it's like gardening, sowing the seeds, tending those seedlings and 'birthing' new life into your reality --

Send your thoughts and prayers out to spirit world, your spirit loves ones, grandma and granddad, your guides, doorkeeper and God. Ask for help, to see a way forward, ask what the Lessons were and have you learnt them? Ask to be bathed in the white light of love and spirit, ask for healing every night whilst in bed before you drop off to sleep..... ask for nice things to happen to other people, friends family and people who you think have harmed you or been involved in a Lesson. Practise forgiveness, I don't mean to suggest you forget any hurts or pain, just let go of any negative emotions that may be affecting you still from a Lesson, cos the only person it's affecting is YOU and why would you want to continue hurting yourself. So practise forgivenss.

Next, practise (with your mind, get it flexed) visualisation, use your imagination (the most powerful tool in your possession) to 'create' a new and better life. Allow your mind to drift off, daydream, visualise that new car, holiday, person in your life. SEE it in your mind, expand, create, play and embroider, build on day after day. Be the gardiner, cultivate and flex your mind muscle. Reprogram your subconscious mind to fulfil your wishes. That's all affirmations are and hypnotherapy - is reprogramming your subconscious mind to work positively for you, instead of giving it free reign to create negative situations...