The Key to Immortaility...


Well-known member
I think there is something special about this sign Virgo/Snake as the Virgo is represented by the "virgin" aka the Virgin Mary (mentioned in various books) and the Snake is another creature, Lucifer? Mentioned in the Garden of eden. And then there is a link to Jellyfish, who are amazing, and immortal? I can relate to the singer "Moby" in his song

Are there any others out there? Or does anyone else find this interesting?

Would recommend anyone to go onto it's worked out compatible for all my friends and family......

For any disbelievers please feel free to check the links at the end.

I am a Jellyfish. Anyone else in here who is Virgo/Snake will also be a Jellyfish.

But don't be fooled.....

Jellyfish can be pretty amazing. Check this out, I found out three amazing things about Jellyfish this week.......

1) Found out this week that certain forms of Jellyfish are actually Immortal... they are studying this but scientists are saying this new
information can be used to fight off degenerative illnesses...

2) Jellyfish group together and actually block up Nuclear power plants. Not a lot can shut down a nuclear power plant but jellyfish seem to like doing this.

3) Scientists have used DNA from Jellyfish to make animals such as Rabbits, Kittens, Sheep, Pigs and even Monkeys glow!
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Well-known member
Yeah it is kinda cool... Theres lots of other things I have to add to this... I am looking for other people who are born under this sign - western sign Virgo Eastern sign snake


Well-known member
btw I totally agree with you description at the end.... I too am going through a period of enlightenment, I agree about our past lives being in the future, or more like, it's not what your thinking but where you are thinking from, taken from out of a book I read. Like the reason why we have a dream is not because we "think" its our dream, somewhere already we achieved this and that is what gives us the longing to have it again...
"You think you have free will" - Budda
