Cancer Sun and Libra Moon


Hello All,

I just joined this group and looking forward to some exciting and interesting discussions. I've only recently started learning about astrology. So, looking forward to broadning my horizons also.

A little bit about my chart: I have Cancer Sun and Libra Moon with a Libra rising.

Just based on personal experiences, I can completely relate to both these aspects. I'm a complete Cancerian when it comes to my emotions. Several times in my life, I've made important descision just based on how I feel rather than logic!

My Libra Moon comes out when my Cancer goes overboard with emotions. It tries to balance out things. But the part that's interesting is the Sun is in opposition with Moon and hence, there's always an internal struggle.


Premium Member
Hello All,

I just joined this group and looking forward to some exciting and interesting discussions. I've only recently started learning about astrology. So, looking forward to broadning my horizons also.

A little bit about my chart: I have Cancer Sun and Libra Moon with a Libra rising.

Just based on personal experiences, I can completely relate to both these aspects. I'm a complete Cancerian when it comes to my emotions. Several times in my life, I've made important descision just based on how I feel rather than logic!

My Libra Moon comes out when my Cancer goes overboard with emotions. It tries to balance out things. But the part that's interesting is the Sun is in opposition with Moon and hence, there's always an internal struggle.

Hi, cancersun and welcome.

It looks like you have good sense of a key attribute of your natal chart: the relationship between the Sun and the Moon. Internal struggle characterizes the Sun Moon square well. And if we look a bit more closely, we see that your Moon in Libra does in fact square your Cancer Moon, rather than oppose it. The Sun Moon square also points to perceived struggle or discord between the parents. Does that resonate for you also?


Hi Ilene,

Thanks for the reply.

You mentioned The Sun Moon square also points to perceived struggle or discord between the parents."

I haven't seen/experienced this in my life thus far... the relationship between me and my parents is actually very cordial. Also, between my parents, the relationship was very strong. In fact, they were married for close to 40 years! until my father passed away recently. Maybe I need to look at other planets at play here, they could be tempering this discord quite a bit. I also, have Pluto, Jupiter and Saturn in Libra and in the 1st house in my chart.

I'll post my chart shortly...



Hi cancersun and welcome to the forum! :smile:

I also have a Libran Moon with my Sun in Taurus and Pisces rising.

The following link on your Sun/Moon combination might interest you:

Hi Bina, Thanks for the welcome and the link. It was a very interesting read. Lots of it used to apply to me, especially being shy and seeking others' opinion for approval.

I have, in the last few months, done a lot of growing up so to speak and have been over coming this deficiency in my personality. In fact, this is what propelled me to learn and study astrology in depth.

cancersun :smile: