How to tell a friend of negative chart outlook?


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I have a friend who is pregnant and in love (but not married yet but we assume its coming soon) and she asked me to look at her chart and see what their future looked like.
But when I looked I only saw:

1. Both her and him have kalsarp yoga. Hers is partial, his is full. Her rahi conjunct her ASC, his ketu conjunct his ASC
2. Which brings me to the next point- both of them have rahu/ketu in 1/7 axis.
3. She has rahu/ketu in her 1/7 axis in Navamsa also. He does not (his are in 2/8 in Navamsa)
4. Her 7th ruler AND her 5th ruler are in her 12th house
5. His 7th ruler is in his 6th house and his 5th ruler is in his 1st house (but its Saturn)
6. She has Jupiter and Saturn in Detriment and Venus debilitated. (4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 9th and 2nd rulers for her)
7. He has moon in Detriment, mercury and Jupiter debilitated (10th, 9th, 12th, 3rd and 6th rulers for him) but then he does have Venus exalted but its retrograde and in his 6th house. But its at exact exaltation degree- 27 PIS. He also has Mars in its own sign. Ve/Ma rule his 1st, 2nd, 7th, 8th houses. But then again saturn in his 1st in mars sign/enemy sign conjunct ketu.
8. She has Saturn, Mercury and Jupiter in her 5th in Navamsa. Mercury in its own sign, Jupiter Vargomatta but still in detriment sign. (Rulers of 12th, 1st, 5th, 8th, 2nd, 11th) so 1st/5th Rulers together may be good. But its saturn and mercury and Saturn rules 12th- but also 1st. Whereas mercury rules 5th. Idk it seems uncomfortable still even With mercury in its own sign and house.
9. In his Navamsa he has Sun, Moon and Saturn all closely conjunct in 5th. It ends up being a Raj Yoga as sun rules 5th, moon rules 4th. And Saturn rules 10th/11th. Sun is 5th ruler and its in its own sign and house but almost exact conjunction to a detriment Saturn.
10. He has Venus Vargomatta and Exalted again (its retrograde though) and in Navamsa its in 12 house (verses 6th in natal) I will say on this, that he is a foreigner to her so i know 12th can rule foreigners so maybe this can be looked at more positively.
11. He has Saturns aspect on his 7 house in natal and Navamsa. And its selecting 5th in Navamsa as its in 5th.
12. She has Saturn aspect on 5th and 7th in her Navamsa too (as Saturn is in 5th) and she has Mars aspect her 7th in natal chart which isn't all that bad.

The positive is
1. She has Jupiter aspect her 2nd, 4th, 6th in natal. Jupiter aspect her 9th, 11th, 1st in navamsa. But her Jupiter is in detriment in both charts (but vargomatta)
2. He has Jupiter aspect 7th, 9th, 11th natal. And Jupiter aspect 6th, 8th, 10th Navamsa.
3. In synastry his moon and Jupiter conjunction are in her 5th house. (But remember this conjunction occurs in Capricorn- detriment for moon, delibitation for Jupiter)
4. Also his Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars are in her 7th house in Synastry. The Venus is exalted, mars is own sign, but mercury is debilitated.
5. All of her planets are in his 9th-12th houses. All of his are in her 5th-8th. Plus his ketu/saturn in her 2nd. Her rahu/ketu in his 12th/6th.

And the Synastry

1. His moon/Jupiter conjunction in Capricorn oppose her moon/sun conjunction in cancer. This would be 11th/5th of her chart, 10th/4th of his.
2. Her Venus debilitated in Virgo (and conjunct rahu) his exactly opposite, exalted in Pisces (but retrograde) her Venus in her 12th, his in his 6th. So it'd be opposite in Synastry,
3. She has mars conjunct her ASC he has Saturn conjunct ketu and his ASC
4. His sun opposite her Venus/rahu

So anyway it seems like a hostile marriage grounds to me, and with Saturn aspecting 5th so much it makes me wonder about children being successful too. But I can say this:
She is 39. She's wanted a child her whole life so she's already suffered a delay. I don't think Saturn in 5th denies, it just delays so maybe it's finally her time.
Also since they are foreigners to each other all the 12th house stuff can maybe be accredited to this. But I still wouldn't rule it out as acceptable.
They both are divorced, they both had been married previously and it failed. (Both got cheated on by previous spouses, where they both married foreign in previous marriage also ) plus, in her precious marriage she had tried to conceive a child for years and it kept not working until she finally concieved, 4 years ago, then miscarried. After that she got divorced as she found out her husband cheated.
For him, he is 31, so he's 8 years younger than her. His previous marriage failed as his ex wife was very cruel to him (7th ruler in 6th in natal, in 12th in Navamsa) and he found out she was cheating so he divorced her 1 year ago from now. So that's the other thing, he had only been divorced for 1 month when he met my friend. She even called me early in their relationship,(which has been 1 year long now, they just celebrated 1 year anniversary and found out she is pregnant) but she had previously told me she was concerned because he was still talking to his ex wife because they share a dog. They trade off weeks with the dog even now. She still doesn't like that he is keeping in contact with her.
For her though, she has been divorced for 3 years, so she waited 2 years before starting this relationship, but she told me she still thinks about her ex husband also and he was the love of her life, even though she is in love with her new man. And as her friend, I will say that she stayed in contact with her ex husbands family (like close contact- talking all the time, visiting each other often even though she moved to another state, she would fly to see them, his sister's would fly to see her) and that went on until last year ,she stopped that when she started this relationship (she didn't stop,on her own though, he had to ask her to stop) and she asked him also to stop speaking to his ex but he said he couldn't because they had a dog together.
So Idk. I had told her right after her divorce she should stop speaking so often to her exes family but she said since I'd never been married I wouldn't understand as even though she divorced him she still loves his family and they love her (which is true, his mom still misses her and said she hates her sons new girlfriend) although that could just be what she told my friend to make her feel better. I think she just kept in contact with them to find out what he was up to (he blocked her everywhere, told her to stop contacting him and his family, etc because he had a new girlfriend right away. And I can see how that would be weird for the new GF) and she wouldn't until her new boyfriend asked her too.
As for their current relationship- she says they are very in love, they agreed to try to conceive a child because of her age yet he hasn't proposed yet. And that they have a huge difference of opinion on finances. He is very cheap (he grew up in poverty in third world country. He found a way out by marrying an american then he came here but divorced after 6 years of marriage) but she loves to spend and enjoy money, and she has never lived in poverty. (She is also a foreigner who married an American but she wasn't from third world country, her family is more on wealthy side) but anyway they both ended up in America because of previous marriages. However she had called me early in their relationship saying they would argue about money. They live in a huge city in the US and before him she had a beach front condo but after him when they decided to move in together he insisted on getting a house 1 hours outside the city from where they both work to get cheaper expenses. Although she hates that as with traffic its a 2 hour drive to and from work she said. But she says she loves him still)
Plus, an,interesting note on his kalsarp yoga and moon/jup conjunct in delibitation, he had a terrible terrible early life. His mother died when he was a child, his father was cruel and poor and he was just miserable. When he met and married an american he had hope for better future until she cheated on him.

So anyway long story!!! But how do I tell if the negatives i see describe their past marriage and not a future one? And for the children thing, does it seem successful?

Also I have not given her a response yet because I don't want to say something negative that 1)isn't true or 2) would make her feel bad 3) would interfere with her karma.
I have no right to interfere with anyone's karma, so how do I give an answer that is truthful but also hopeful?
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