Tertiary progressions


Well-known member
I just started working with tertiary progressions. Does anyone have some insight on the best way to interpet a tertiary chart. I've noticed the moon moves pretty fast in these charts. Lilllybelle


lilllybelle said:
I just started working with tertiary progressions. Does anyone have some insight on the best way to interpet a tertiary chart. I've noticed the moon moves pretty fast in these charts. Lilllybelle

There are several ways of interpretation of progressions Lilllybelle. I use a hermetic system of progressions. For instance, in this system, all the events and conditions of our lives and the lives of all creatures, it is said, is because of the workings of the thought-cells that are fully part of the astral form. Every living thing is made up of these astral, or stellar cells, made of energylight.

It is a known fact that our bodies have what amounts to an electromagnetic form, and body, both physical in material, but also astral in form. Our own nerve currents of the human physical body is naturally electrical and magnetic. Ten-percent of our blood contains iron, and this makes blood itself magnetically induced by the transits of the planets, which create mathematically magnetic angles between themselves that directly influence all life on Earth.

Additional stellar cells can be created by a enlightened consciousness and are more active when they are organized, say, in the dynamic structures that are lined up and mapped by the planets, and stars of a person's own natal positions. They have a kind of intelligence of their own, and through the transits are able to attract and bring into our lives the conditions, and events that correspond to the inter-dimensional transits ~ that is, to say, those that are natal, or radical, of the past, via progressions, into the present, and of course, the global transits of the time in question.

The Moon, the fastest moving body in secondary progressions, acts as it does in its normal transits through the skies ~ as a transmitter, and distributor of the celestial conditions that magnetically exist in the ether of space and spread out among the planets, and the stars. Those transits surely affect our lives as does the Moon's transits affects the weather on Earth.

For instance, when certain stellar cells that you have are not increased via transit or progression, you will only have the amount or the type of activity in your life in that area that is shown by your own natal transits. When activity increases astrologically (magnetically) in the planets, stars, in your own natal chart, you get increased energy that leads to involvement greater than that normally involved in your natal transits.

It is said by the classical astrologers that though the conditioning of our lives since birth, our free will, along with the strong influence of the physcial environment, has to be accounted for; the hardest problem is properly reading and forecasting the amount of energy, and the time when particular groups of stellar cells that are inside the astral body will get that additional energy and in what amount/harmony or disharmony it will reach that person, group, nation, etc.

So progressions are very good at forecasting such rises and declines in stellar cell activity depending greatly on the global transits that exist, or those that are coming, and, of course, those that have existed in the past.
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