Need help interpreting horary chart!


I need help interpreting a horary chart that I ran.

My question was, "Will I get into ______________, the university and program of my wildest dreams?" (I'm applying to graduate school...)

1) I assume that, as the querent, I'm represented by Libra in the first house. Libra's ruling planet is Venus, so I used Venus as my significator. The sign for Venus was Aries.

2) I assume that the quesited, since it relates to higher education, is represented by the ninth house. In the ninth house is Gemini, and Gemini's ruling planet is Mercury, so I used Mercury as the significator for the quesited. The sign for Mercury was Aquarius.

3) According to the chart, there are no actual aspects between Mercury and Venus, as they are outside of the orbs of "aspecting".

My questions regarding my interpretation of this horary chart is this: Should I use the aspect(s) of the Moon to determine the answer to this question, or should I use the "Collection of Light" for this purpose? Also, are the interpretations below even correct? I have the following results below...

4) If I use the aspect the Moon makes to other planets only, I see that the Moon only becomes trine with Venus. It makes no other aspects with major planets. This, I presume, points to a favorable outcome, as Moon makes a benefic aspect by being trine in the only aspect it makes with a major planet.

5) If I use the Collection of Light, I see that Mars aspects BOTH Venus and Mercury. Moreover, Mars is strong by essential dignity, since Aries is in its ruling planet, Mars. While I see that the aspect between Mars and Mercury is benefic (i.e., sextile), I see that the aspect between Mars and Venus is malefic (i.e., conjunct, but with the malefic planet, hence rendering the aspect malefic). I read on that "When one of the aspects is good and the other discordant, there will be some trouble and some success, the final result depending upon the power of the collector." Based on the fact that Mars is strong by its essential dignity, I'm presuming that, since it is strong, this points to a favorable outcome.

If you could help me out with this, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks!
Sorry - forgot to post it. Here it is.


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Well-known member
Thanks, tikana. :(

Does anyone else have any ideas?

This is why I don't advice people to make horary charts about things that, if answered with a no, would probably destroy your motivation and hopes. Never do such a thing. In fact, astrology only does bad to people, since it tells you "you're more inclined to failing". No, no. Never take for granted what other people tell you, or in this case, never take for granted what a supernatural force generated by the planets in relation to their position in space tells you that will happen. It's important to have standards.
I've put a lot of time into understanding this chart. I'll try to not let it destroy my motivation. I did cast a horary chart once, and it didn't pan out as the chart said, so, I'm gonna try to be optimistic and not put too much stock into this.

On the other hand, I will say that I found out recently that, if the significator is in house II, VI, VIII, and XII, that it's not valid. Based on that logic, Venus is not valid, because it's in one of those four houses, but so is the moon. I have no idea how to interpret this at all, as there seem to be so many nuances.

Obsidian, I have no clue what the horary chart above even is trying to tell me, because horary astrology has so many possible rules and guidelines to it that I can't keep up!


Well-known member
the reception between L1 and L9 has the answer

Venus is too weak.. - no reception with merc .. merc is strong yet it doesnt see venus by aspect or reception

venus is about to go retro - again answer is no


we have jup natural ruler of higher edu .. we have a yes

No and yes?

I'm confused. Sorry for my ignorance - I'm just not sure how any of this works.

I thought that the Moon could be used in the instance that there's no reception or aspecting between the ruling planets of the signs shown in the 1st and 9th houses.

Are you using Jupiter because the Moon's Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter? In that case, I see a trine between Mercury (the ruler of the 9th house's Gemini) and Jupiter (the ruler of the Moon's Sagittarius).

On the other hand, I read elsewhere that the last aspect that the Moon makes an aspect represents the outcome of what will happen.


Well-known member
I've put a lot of time into understanding this chart. I'll try to not let it destroy my motivation. I did cast a horary chart once, and it didn't pan out as the chart said, so, I'm gonna try to be optimistic and not put too much stock into this.

On the other hand, I will say that I found out recently that, if the significator is in house II, VI, VIII, and XII, that it's not valid. Based on that logic, Venus is not valid, because it's in one of those four houses, but so is the moon. I have no idea how to interpret this at all, as there seem to be so many nuances.

Obsidian, I have no clue what the horary chart above even is trying to tell me, because horary astrology has so many possible rules and guidelines to it that I can't keep up!

Many people in here have unorthodox ways to judge horary charts. Personally, if you want a real chart reading, read the aphorisms established by William Lilly.

And as a word of advice, never ask a question like this again. Never ask something that is so important to you that it would destroy your day if it were not going to be perfected. Astrological charts are way more likely to be bad and to not have good placements, so most horary charts have a "no" as an answer.

Oh, and about the rules of horary, I think that there are two types of astrologers:

-Bad astrologer: Tries to learn every single technique there is to cover the most amount of possible outcomes. For example, if a chart looks like the answer is no but it turns out that the matter was perfected much to the querent's delight, they will justify it with other factors such as "Oh I didn't notice that X fixed star was conjunct blah, blah blah.."

-Good astrologer: Strictly follows certain guidelines and techniques, and while may not take into account that many astrological techniques, this astrologer understands the basics so well that they are able to fully understand what they are seeing in a chart. In the example above they would have been able to recognize that the chart had a yes for an answer all along, or even accept that astrology was wrong.

So, please decide to follow certain rules and never go from one to another until you are sure that it's the right thing; I'm not telling you to adopt your own rules, but don't be indecisive and just decide on one specific type of astrology, and never leave it until you are 100% sure that it didn't work to begin with, even after much trying and study. Don't jump from vedic to western, don't go from modern to traditional if you haven't fully studied each kind of astrology as much as you can, because only then, you will be able to know if it worked or not. I believe that this is the main problem with astrologers today; they have so many options in front of them that they don't study as much as they can one specific subject, making them more like a walking-talking encyclopedia of random and disjointed facts about astrology. Astrology is a study that has to be built with logic, patience and understanding. This is why I personally study traditional western astrology above all others; it seems to be the most consistent.

Now, as for my reading of the chart, first of all there's a problem. According to William Lilly, a chart is only fit to be judged if the hour-ruler agrees with the rising sign. In this case, it's Libra rising and the hour-ruler is :mars:, meaning that Mars doesn't rule Libra by triplicity, sign or even by nature. So, if you want William Lilly's word, the chart doesn't work. Don't judge it. However, another traditional author, Bonnatti, says that the chart can be radical if the rising sign ruler is in the same triplicity as the hour-ruler, and this is the case. Right now, I haven't tested astrology that much to decide whether or not it is radical, but I wanna say that the chart isn't radical.
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Oh, shoot!

You're completely right - I just realized that this chart isn't fit to be judged. It IS in the hour of Mars. Whoops!

Well, that changes things! Thanks, obsidian.

Do you think that I should just wait it out, then? It could be one of many things - the decision could have already been made, the decision might not have been made... who knows?


Well-known member
Oh, shoot!

You're completely right - I just realized that this chart isn't fit to be judged. It IS in the hour of Mars. Whoops!

Well, that changes things! Thanks, obsidian.

Do you think that I should just wait it out, then? It could be one of many things - the decision could have already been made, the decision might not have been made... who knows?

If you're waiting for them to tell you whether you were accepted or not and there's currently nothing in your power that can get you in that school, then wait, and if they say no, try again.
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I think that, in the meantime, I should consult a horary chart for a much more trivial matter regarding work, where either a "yes" or "no" answer would satisfy me. Thanks, obsidianmineral!


Well-known member
I think that, in the meantime, I should consult a horary chart for a much more trivial matter regarding work, where either a "yes" or "no" answer would satisfy me. Thanks, obsidianmineral!

Horaries are made to answer important matters, but of course some will be more important than others. If what you're speaking of is of importance to you, but hopefully not as much as this matter, then go ahead. Make sure that the hour-ruler agrees with the rising sign.