Chiron/Uranus Opposition and Addiction


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Interesting, but I read recently that there are - on average - 9 wars going on at any given moment, so I am not sure it's entirely accurate to equate this opposition with 'war generations' my worry would be that there is a retrospective fitting out of facts to match ideas. I have read plenty of stuff now on Chiron and this is the only place I have discovered this addiction aspect with Uranus so I would love to be convinced, I am with EJ here, where did this idea about Uranus opposing Chiron come from originally?

My point really is that there have always been addictions, and whilst nobody can say that Chiron / Uranus oppositions aren't a factor, you could just as easily say they were responsible for any other key component of human behaviour and find historical complicities to back it up, because things happen all the time, right?

My belief would be that we should look to the key delineations of the planetary powers and take it from there. Does anyone else have a view on this?


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That's cool, I am not trying to say right or wrong, just trying to follow the logic; I have Uranus rising opposing Chiron descending at under a degree, so I am of course keen to try and get to the bottom of things. I think that revolution is a key vibration of Uranus so I am with you; wouldn't the opposition then manifest as a revolution that exposes futility? I think that for America there is an element of this for sure; the Vietnam saga, all that protesting and here you are 40 years later... in Iraq...


I try to use astrology as a key to self-discovery (5 planets in fall - if you include Chiron in Pisces - so I need all the breaks I can get!), but Chiron is still a big mystery to me. Even after reading Reinhart's book I am still not so much clearer. My own experience of the transit seemed to be a little revelation for me and I am just trying to find the threads in my own life and those I know well. My brother in law has the Chiron conjunct Saturn in the first in opposition to a near exact conjunction of Uranus/Pluto in the 7th. Bearing in mind that it was for only a few months in 1966 that the Chiron Saturn has occurred in the last near 150 years that must be quite significant; I have no idea where to begin though.

I am intrigued by the meaning of Chiron rising; my daughter has Chiron in the first in Libra; planets in the first usually affect the appearance, and she has nothing else even close; her Asc is Virgo 26; I am wondering what might be considered a Chironian appearance? All the other planets have their trademearks after all...

Any thoughts?
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Svencanz said:
Because of the direct switch between the two, I do not think you can exclude "revolution" from the meaning of a Chiron-Uranus opposition: it is simply to literal.
EJ53, searching for evidence to back up a theory is not a bad scientific approach; much of science is done this way. It does, however, demand integrity in the evaluation stage.
In the meantime: those of you who suffer with addiction: go find a suitable revolution. :)

I think any Chiron/Uranus aspect relates to a revolution of sorts; a personal wound, however suffered, requires a breaking free of the source of that wound, and then using the energy gained in assisting others in also breaking free. I think in the Chiron/Uranus opposition, the energy is so contained and self-inward directed that the addiction or obsession can only break free through self-revolution. Perhaps in the Chiron/Uranus conjunction, the breaking free must be done by group action, such as the patriotic and nationalistic fervor of the 1890s conjunction produced those who came of age and fought in the first World War.

As for searching for evidence to back up a theory - in astrology there often isn't any other way. We can't wait for people to be born with particular aspects and then wait to see what happens. We can only search the historical database and see what has already transpired.

All this still doesn't answer one peculiarity - that there were 10 times the number of Uranus/Chiron opposition events in the 20th century as in other recorded centuries. Coincidence? Plan of God/Human kind in our quest for learning and knowledge? A rite of passage to see if Humankind can indeed grow past our roots in this time of technological progress?


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I have Chiron/Gemini/11th house opp. Uranus/Sag/5th house (separated by 5 degrees). I've never had a problem with addiction, although I'm only 21, so who knows what the future brings!

I've never found myself needing cigs, alcohol, or marijuana, although I have used these substances many times. I have cut much of my consumption, as I am very sensitive to this type of stuff, to all types of stimuli in general (Neptune in the 6th house?). So I tend to stay away from drugs and even modern medicine.

Chiron is tightly conjunct Mercury - perhaps this aids me in thinking clearly about this situation and coming to a logical decision (I am sensitive, so therefore I'll refrain from usage...).


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I have Chiron in gemini the third and mercury /uranus in saj in the tenth. Dont know if this is an opp but there might be some aspects to it.

look at my chart.
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Well-known member
Hi JayM
Looks like you have a yod with chironR at the pointy end and neptune and pluto rounding out the triangle. Maybe chiron is of importance to you due to this. ONce you find something in your chart it leads you on a road of discovery until the next understanding. As they are all generational planets many people will share this aspect with you. I wonder how it is playing out for people.

The only personal planet that the yod touches for you is a square to mars, so it maybe worth exploring the meanings here.

Love Light and Laughter


Well-known member
Kite said:
On another astrology board it was theorized that people born with the Uranus/Chiron opposition tended to have addictive personalities. With this aspect so prevalent in charts due to Chiron's orbit, one wonders why this would be.

Personally I have this aspect and have had my bouts with various addictions and most of the people I know have also had their challenges. Before we get visions of seediness (which are inluded in this scenario btw) we must define addiction as any behavior that is compulsive in nature and is used to occupy oneself at the expense of living in the moment with one's entrie presence. This obviously covers a range of behavior.

If we acknowledge that Chiron is the bridge between Saturn and Uranus, then we must ask exactly what are we bridging from and to. I would offer up that we are bridging from personal control to evolving higher self control.

I picture the Tarot card - The Tower, with this concept and here is a link to some channelled content bringing this home within the "Shift" we are involved in today.

I dont see addictions with CHiron Uranus. Unless perhaps they are in the 8th or 12th houses or connected to Neptune and perhaps Pluto.

Chiron is supposed to be the wounded healer but cannot heal himself and needs others to do that for him whilst he is healing others.

I am not sure of the veracity of CHiron as it is not a planet and really we dont know whether it is a comet, asteroid or some such..... I look at it but dont use it as a main point of analysis.
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Re: Chiron/Uranus Opposition

I have the uranus in the first house of leo opposing chiron in the seventh of aquarius. I'm confident I would be a mess were I not so fundamentally disciplined. ....had lots of disappointment in relationship and have focused much of my adult life in developing myself inwardly...even giving up a highly successful career to do so.
Chiron is now transiting over my natal chiron. Does anyone know what this tends to bring?


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Re: Chiron/Uranus Opposition


Barbara hand Clow wrote the Liquid Light of Sex about Saturn Return (28), Uranus Opposition (39-42), and the Chiron Return (50). Just gone through the uranus opp, and the book was really useful explaingin the midlife crisis and the moving of the kundalini energy through the body....explained my health issues, and also positive things about my growing wisdom and relationship with life. Chiron return is kinda when your full healer teacher abilities come to fruition.... when the wise one inside you appears.

I also droppped a professional career about 6-7 years ago (pluto crossing my natal sun) and took time out and painting did some part time work teaching. But generally explored you I was and what I was experiencing. I dont regret it though the bank is probably looking a bit puzzled. My life is just bits of a jigsaw that feels like it is going in a really good direction but I dont have any proff except for feeling an inner peace and calm, and even the odd experience of joy.



Well-known member
wow, whe i read the title of this thread i knew i'd have it, ive battled addictions my whole life and i get addicted and obssessed easily with things habits and people and yep i have it at 1 degree. my chiron is in my 8th which cant help

god my chart *****


Re: Chiron/Uranus Opposition

....Chiron is now transiting over my natal chiron. Does anyone know what this tends to bring?

My Chiron is in Scorpio/3rd, and manifests as a fear of being manipulated by others. I commented at on how the Chiron cycle seems to have worked in my life, saying about the Return :-

...although I did not realise why until now, this was when I began to reflect upon how my resistance to "being manipulated" by others had affected my life.....(Note how that made me feel I'd displayed courage by resisting - rather than fear of something that might not actually have been happening.)

The most significant point arising from this reflection was that I'd always prided myself on "courageously resisting" all perceived manipulation....without ever asking myself if it was real or imagined.....So, at the Return, I began to realise for the first time that fear was the cause of my Chiron problems (rather than actual "manipulation by others").

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Re: Chiron/Uranus Opposition

So as mentioned I have this aspect tightly plus pluto conjoining uranus, so you might expect a big addiction problem....mmm not usual suspects of drink drugs etc, but of people situations, negative dramas and behavioural traits. All not easy to see especially from my point of veiw, but as said pluto crossing my sun which is square this opposition shed some light on what was going on.

A few years on now I see addictions as basically a supression of something, a fear of having a certain emotion. The addiction stuffs this fear back in, we refuse to allow ourselves to go through this perceived pain. When I see some addictive pattern coming up, I now am a bit forewarned, and try to see past the addiction to what the addiction is hiding. Sometimes it is a nonsenscial fear of speaking to strangers, or terror of terrors, expressing my true emotions, a strange one for someone with moon in cancer I have to admit.

So maybe there is a tie in here with EJ's insight into Chiron returns.



Well-known member
Thx Flea and others for responding. I like what you said, Flea about the full healer/teacher coming to fruition. In retrospect...when pluto went over my natal also when I packed up and headed out. Very interesting!
My chart has Chiron in Aq (7 deg) EXACTLY on my Ascendent opposite Uranus in Leo (7 deg) EXACTLY on the descendent.

I am a First house Chiron poster child, if ever there was one. In the past year and a half, I've been afflicted with a strange sort of psoriasis (which may well be just a symptom of something else) that made most of my hair fall out, turned my skin bright pink all over, grotesquely distorted my finger and toe nails and made a mess of my palms and soles. I've been doing a LOT of inner work, and with the help of a wonderful derm MD/homeopath and my energy worker friends, my hair is growing in (formerly coarse, straight hair is now fine and curly), my nails are returning o normal, my palms are almost normal, my soles are bearable and getting better all the time... then, in August, I got a cough and brething difficulties. They told me I had lung cancer. I did theta healing, reiki, and went for a good look into the abyss -- 20 biopsies later, no cancer, but my breathing is very compromised. I feel oddly well and alive, just moving slowly and getting through this moment.

Uranus rules ankles, mental faculties, pineal and sexual glands, immune system, arthritis, rheumatism, gall bladder.
That's 2 legs of the fixed grand cross; the other is Moon Taurus (4 deg) opposite Neptune Scorpio (1 deg).

technically chiron is not a planet is therefore it's not a Grand Cross. I have a very very similar chart to you, uranus conj desc in 7th--1' Aqu rising, moon opp neptune. Even Saturn conj MC wide orb, pluto in 7th as well. Whereas you are a 10th (Equal house) scorpio, I'm stellium taurus 4th :biggrin:
Jupiter in virgo in 8th--- well WE know what that's about:wink: Athough I don't have the chiron/uranus opposition but it is in first house....

I am not addictive so much but I do have a tinge of obsessiveness.

I was a smoker, but I could go hours -- days -- even weeks w/out smoking, then I would smoke 7 cigs in a row. I quit cold turkey 11/04, and NOW I have breathing difficulties. Transiting Saturn in the 6th, Neptune in the 1st and now Chiron in the 12th - 1st have done a number!

The Moon/Neptune opposite gets a bad rap in books re: drinking and drugs. I am curiously pretty intolerant physically of alcohol, it makes me sick -- and my stomach is very resilient otherwise. I drink very little, just microbrew beer. So maybe I already did the alcoholism thing in another life...??? I consider drugs to be manufactured substances, and they have no real draw to me either -- the cocaine era passed me by; I didn't get the appeal of the drug.

On the other hand, perhaps my addiction is staying up too late on astrology forums (it's 12:35 am my time)! I keep forgetting that I have to be up at 5:15 am. :roll:

Well I think that's Jupiter in Virgo in 8th-- it just wants more and more details--- it's never enough and the deeper buried the better. First house chiron is the sign of a healer, but not so much healing ourselves :sad:

On the other hand, perhaps my addiction is staying up too late on astrology forums (it's 12:35 am my time)! I keep forgetting that I have to be up at 5:15 am. :roll:
I'm bit the same but I do have Saggi MC so I like teaching, have been legal secretary and am/can be rather sociable, but your Scorpio suggests you are prob much more a private person....
my boyfriend has Uranus opposing Chiron (3deg) with the Uranus conjunct Venus (2deg) - i always thought it meant wounding through emotional relationship as his independence in relationships is paramount due to Uranus. Well it is the 'divorce aspect'

I also thought it might mean a guy who doesn't want kids because chiron is in 5th

I found the opposite in one case he has (chiron in 5th opp uranus/conj pluto) had 8 in totoal non planned and finds it hard to live upto expectations and simply cannot cope with it all....

You can read and view a chiron book online here ::)
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Well-known member
I have a Chiron - Uranus opposition with a 1.1 degree orb. No addictions that I know of. I do not like smoking, drinking in moderation, and I do not like the idea of drugs, so I never tried. I thought I was addicted to sex (boiggggg!!!), but who isn't, this must be my Mars in Aries in the 8th house, so Chiron-Uranus have nothing to do with this.

Chiron in my chart is part of the only Grand Trine that I have with Sun, Moon and Chiron. I need to figure out what that means. Am I supposed to be some kind of a healer or something?


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Chiron opposed Uranus for about 40 continuous years, so no way do all of them have addictive personalities, in fact I don't even see either of those planets as having much of anything to do with addiction. IMO look elsewhere, maybe Neptune.


Active member
Hello all,

I am presently working on a chart for my son in law. I have some very strong impressions on certain things in his chart. But I would like some clarification from the members here. If you all would please view the chart attached and weigh in with your expertise it would be greatly appreciated.

What I know is that there has been inklings from the son in law that at some point during his years between 5-7 years old he was sexually abused. He will not discuss it but we know that it is causing specific problems and needs to be dealt with. So we are trying to get a clearer picture astrologically so we can address it more specifically with him and help him.

He says he has no addictions, but I am picking up very strong impressions from the 1st house activity that there is either alcohol or drugs. I sense alcohol and depression most of all. But the son denies any of this. He is 800 miles away so I can only go on what I feel and what he tells me.

I read a chart more psychically than anything else. But my points of reference and what I keep coming back to are the following:

1. Moon Leo 8th square saturn scorpio 12th - I believe this is the sexual abuse, it was done by a man the mother was sleeping with and done in secret.

2. Uranus, Mars, Neptune, Jupiter all crammed into the first house wreaking havoc. Neptune (alcohol - drugs - depression), Jupiter expanding, Mars waging war, Uranus on top of the Asc throwing its weight around while opposing Chiron in Gemini in the 6th.

I know there are some "stereo typical" things here that I have alluded to and I don't mean to do that, but I see what I see. It's hard telling someone this is what you feel when they want to see significant aspects proving it out. This is why I am posting this. Maybe someone can put things in a more succinct manner than I.

I will say this much, my husband has agonized over this for years, knowing something happened but no one will admit to any details. He said that the best he knows is that one day he came home and the light was gone out of his sons eyes and has never returned. Looking at him at that point was like looking at someone that just wasn't home anymore. He wants to help him if he can, he feels this has gone on long enough.

Any help or insight on this would be appreciated greatly. I placed this post here because Uranus opposing Chiron is prominent in his chart and I felt it fit here.

Thanks everyone.


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Re: Chiron/Uranus Opposition

I have the uranus in the first house of leo opposing chiron in the seventh of aquarius. I'm confident I would be a mess were I not so fundamentally disciplined. ....had lots of disappointment in relationship and have focused much of my adult life in developing myself inwardly...even giving up a highly successful career to do so.
Chiron is now transiting over my natal chiron. Does anyone know what this tends to bring?
Is it opening up old relationship wounds? Not just marriage but best friend, business partners and any long term associations. There can be legal matters involve and consultations such as with a counsellor, doctor or any one to one encounter.....dealings with the general public too