How to work out dominant planets/signs in your chart?


Well-known member
Well you need to learn a system of dignities.

For basics, I would focus on learning the major dignities; domiciles, exaltations, falls and detriments. These are also (mostly) compatible between the western and Indian tradition.

So, I'd recommend you ignore the triplicity, terms, and face columns, at least for now.

Generally, a planet in its domicile or exaltation is 'good' and in fall or detriment is 'bad'

Then you can look at what house the planet falls into to decide whether the planet is expressing what it does in a strong, medium, or weak way.

Lily gives this sequence as strongest to weakest, I think it's useful;

1, 10, 7, 4, 11, 5, 9, 3, 2, 8, 6, 12

Those two factors will give you a decent ballpark idea. You can learn all the other tricks and traps and bells and whistles later.