Is my biological mother alive?


Well-known member
Yeah, your chances are best if she's L7. Then her significator is on the 9th house cusp and there's an applying aspect by opposition with L1 (5 degrees). Which means there could be a real chance that she's still alive and that you may find out who she is within a 5 month time frame.

I hope soo :happy: Thank you so much muchacho. After reading your comment, I feel more hopeful about finding out the truth.


I see that a late Mars ascendant tells of conflict in story from ruler in 3rd house, squaring a woman tied to your 8th house, whom provides you with income.

The 4th house ruler of home parent, mother or father, the one you feel safest with, has Jupiter ruler which is placed in 12th house of secrets which trines your moon co ruler in 8th house, and is speaking to you before your 8th house venus person. Mercury ruler of 10th ruler status in family is hiding in 8th house too and squaring Saturn.

What a rigid secret is being hidden. Maybe try a DNA test site and see if you have relations 9th house node, who can help you figure things out more directly?


Well-known member
Just here what Lilly says:

"If a question be demanded of one absent in a generally way, and if the q u e r e n t has no relation to the party, then the first house, the Lord of that house and the Moon shall signifie the absent party; the Lord of the eight House or Planet posited either in the House or within five degrees of the Cusp of the 8th House shall shew his death or its quality. ....."

So, the Lord of the ASC is Mars posited in the 3rd and opposites Venus, Lord of the 7th and 11th. Mercury (Lord of the 8th) is the most near the cusp of the 8th, but I cannot see, at how many degrees he is distant from this cusp.

All in all, there are three planets in the 8th, Venus, the Moon (the true mother?) and Mercury. As the Moon is in opposition to Pluton (even that Pluton isn't considered by the ancient astrology), I think, that she is separated from the death, or she has been excluded from inheritance and richness or something of this way.

IMO, the only thing Neptunian has to do, is to continue her search.

would the birth mother be considered one who has no relation to the querent? However, i thought it was interesting that if the asc ruler both signifies the querent and the other, they both oppose venus .. could this give a clue as to who's who? though i wouldn't necessarily think that this kind of reverse engineering would be best to do in this situation because you may need to assume motivations which I think you should always be wary to do.


Well-known member
Yeah, your chances are best if she's L7. Then her significator is on the 9th house cusp and there's an applying aspect by opposition with L1 (5 degrees). Which means there could be a real chance that she's still alive and that you may find out who she is within a 5 month time frame.

Nutty logic
Mother is 10th house


Well-known member
would the birth mother be considered one who has no relation to the querent? However, i thought it was interesting that if the asc ruler both signifies the querent and the other, they both oppose venus .. could this give a clue as to who's who? though i wouldn't necessarily think that this kind of reverse engineering would be best to do in this situation because you may need to assume motivations which I think you should always be wary to do.

As a girl from her natural mother, yes, she is surely very concerned. But being in relation with her? Not yet, as I understood and so I am interpreting Lilly.